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FR  Audio, Two Approaches, Limited Time Only. Peep my sexy verbal game


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey guys!

Here's a link to an audio sample that will be up briefly. You can check out my verbal/conversational fundamentals and judge me mercilessly. Bonus points for ad hominems (Hint: the fun starts at 0:20)

Each set is about 7 minutes long. I won't ruin the results for you. Feel the incredible suspense as I ask for the number (or do I ???)...By the way, you may want to hold out for the third set. It gets cut out just as I'm getting in the groove, smh.

I'm looking forward to hearing all your opinions. Also, enjoy my fake name. Changes every time

https://soundcloud.com/byron-wayne/two- ... 0Zo#t=0:20


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Gentle Phrases,

Enjoyed listening to this. I'm kinda surprised you're not doing better than you are, having heard this... your voice in particular is very confident and dominant, and of course your sense of humor, so greatly appreciated already on this forum, is much in evidence here too!

Having said all that... with Britney, I have to tell you, in my opinion, you're talking WAY too much. The balance of conversation between you and her (in terms of total number of words spoken) is utterly asymmetrical and in the wrong direction. That voice of yours is sexy and masculine, but make her work to hear it! Also, I couldn't believe it took you 4½ minutes to get her name—is this normal for you? Also, not quite sure if you made your intentions clear enough: I got the feeling Britney was wondering a little bit what direction you were taking things, though I may be wrong about that—girls are generally pretty perceptive when it comes to men.

In spite of the above, your manner is extremely natural and smooth. She sounded really hot by the way, judging by voice alone.

With Sabrina, you got the balance of words spoken much closer to the ideal, I think. Things fell flat rather when she raised the boyfriend issue upfront, but you appeared unfazed.


PS: I didn't realize some nightclubs in the United States had 18+ nights. I don't much care for alcoholic drinks anyway... I might revise my opinion of night-game and try it out again, as presumably all those otherwise inadmissible congregate in large numbers on those occasions ;)

PS: I always give my real name. I'm not as adventurous as you, and I'd be mortified if I got into a steady relationship with a girl only to have to explain to her that I was actually called something else... it'd be like The Importance of Being Earnest :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
your voice in particular is very confident and dominant, and of course your sense of humor, so greatly appreciated already on this forum, is much in evidence here too!

Thanks Marty!
with Britney, I have to tell you, in my opinion, you're talking WAY too much

Agreed. It's funny. I was cringing about that when I reviewed the tape.

Also, I couldn't believe it took you 4½ minutes to get her name—is this normal for you?

Depends on my mood. Sometimes I don't, just to see if she ever offers it. Or sometimes when she asks for my name I refuse to give it. Just to mess with her.

Also, not quite sure if you made your intentions clear enough: I got the feeling Britney was wondering a little bit what direction you were taking things

So from your perspective, you didn't feel like I was portraying enough intent/flirting enough? It was kind of annoying when she said IHAB because I thought I was being OBVIOUS (don't like time wasters). You should have seen it, Marty. It was pouring rain and she was practically sprinting down the street when I did the front stop.

Then again this also proves the pickup maxim that girls with boyfriends usually wont invest as much in the conversation, though they wont leave.

PS: I didn't realize some nightclubs in the United States had 18+ nights. I don't much care for alcoholic drinks anyway... I might revise my opinion of night-game and try it out again, as presumably all those otherwise inadmissible congregate in large numbers on those occasions ;)

Same, regarding the drinks. Night game...Night street game - you still dabble in that? There were a few times during night street game that I believe with more skills...

With Sabrina, you got the balance of words spoken much closer to the ideal, I think

Yes, that set went a lot better. I wonder what would have happened if I invited her out with me *shrug*. All my best sets as of late have been on married women, engaged women, or women with long-term boyfriends (I approach everything for practice, though I have boundaries). One married lady invited me to yoga with her lol. Like what? To be honest, some boyfriends are going to have to weep now. I'm running out of women to talk to.

it'd be like The Importance of Being Earnest :)

Call me Jack!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
For [my] record, some analysis that I got from another forum:

Hi Byron,
I listened to your first approach so far, and what i noticed was that the approach started really well, but you just kept asking question after question, it wasn’t interview mode, but it got pretty boring, and it seemed like that to me because your vibe stayed the same all the way through out the whole 7 minutes.. you didn’t switch to playful, or challenging or anything. Your voice is good so i think it would be easy for you to add more emotion to your voice. And when she answered your questions you didn’t add anything to her answers, like short stories or anything about what you like. Try disagreeing with her, doing push/pull, etc. I noticed “oh that’s not good” at one point, but not very impactful. And i don’t think I’ve ever been successful at closing when i asked “would you like to do x sometime?”… it’s really weak, gives her control, you aren’t leading, gives her an easy way out, try “so let’s do this, i’m gonna take your number, i’ll call you and if we like each other on the phone we’ll meet up.”
Just some things to think about.

I listened to both your approaches and they were good.I think the one with the Chinese girl was the better of the two.In the first approach you stayed on the whole studying/major topic a little longer than necessary.You could have transitioned into another topic by saying something like: Besides Philosophy,what else are you passionate about? or “What’s something you do when you need to escape from your daily routine?.I think the part about having lunch sometime kind of backed her into a corner.I think you would have been better off saying something along the lines of “You seem like a cool person,we should keep in touch.How can i get in contact with you?. I think you handled the boyfriend objection well.

I think like me the part where you’re getting stuck is getting them to see you as more than just the friendly guy who approached them.

Pretty good feedback to chew on. It's interesting how most people have advice consistent with what I've gotten here in the past.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
I just tried to listen to it again (listened to it the other day) and it was gone so I'm just going off of what I remember.

Yes you have nice voice fundamentals, much sexier than mine.

1. Some things I noted were that you were being try hard and forcing rapport and you were talking a shit load (probably out of nervousness/social pressure).

2. You didn't really convey your interest quickly or exchange names (as previously covered) which led to a kind of "where is this going/what does he want" vibe.

3. On the first girl I think you complimented like 20 times and it was like you were trying to charm your way into her vag.

4.? I can't remember for sure (cause I can't access your audio anymore) but if I remember correctly it seems like you were bouncing around from topic to topic without a nice, natural, steady unfolding of the conversation.

My suggestions/remedies.

1. Stop giving a fuck. I know you've been rejected enough to where you conscious brain doesn't give a fuck but I don't think your subconscious brain has taken on that mentality yet. I somedays talk to much as well, so I feel your pain here, but I think you need to go a bit more James Marshall status and just shut the fuck up. Put social pressure on her to make her talk. This will force her to say whatever is on her mind and then you can use that to keep the convo going. From the clip it sounded like you were just breaking under social pressure.

2. Pretty basic here just exchanged names as soon as she contributes to the conversation and don't beat around the bush on street game (which I'm assuming this was)

3. Compliment her genuinely ONCE so you don't come across as eager to please

4. Kinda comes back to not forcing rapport. If the conversation dies and she doesn't seem that interested tell her "well it was nice chatting" and then walk away.

I'm sure you're aware of these things already but this is just what I remember coming to the forefront of my mind when listening the other day.

I like Marty's suggestion, your voice is so rad you should make her work to have to hear it. Be a bit more aloof if she's being aloof and let the social pressure do the work.

Also I don't know if you always seem try hard like up above but try and cut that out. If that's a habit of your I'd be inclined to believe that that could be your link to sex land, though it is just a theory.

By being try hard you're communicating that A.) You need something from her and B.) you're not good enough if you were just chill/not giving fucks.

Other than that you're rocking man I literally believe there is 1 thing that your missing or not doing correctly that is keeping you on your plateau.

You should post more of those Audio FR's I think it's really good learning tool for you and us. Perhaps a more experienced member will comment next time.

Keep grindin mane.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 16, 2014
I only listened to the first approach but I pretty much agree with Marty and Mr.Rob about talking too much. That was going through my head while listening to you talk with this girl. This is something I've personally had to tone down as well since I've always been used to talking my way through a convo instead of putting more social pressure on the other person.

Besides that, you bring your personality out and your voice fundamentals are on point. Deep dive more and talk less and I think you will be in great shape.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2014
Hey, I want to listen, but when I click the link, it says

"Oh no! Sorry, we can't find the track."


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Yes you have nice voice fundamentals

Thanks, mayne. Still working on the LRs ;)

Some things I noted were that you were being try hard and forcing rapport and you were talking a shit load (probably out of nervousness/social pressure).

Very true - I never did get her to invest into the conversation. That was my fault in this approach. Actually this is great that you and everyone else brought this up because now I'll be keen on how much the girl is investing in the conversation. In the past I was just glad that she was standing there!

Put social pressure on her to make her talk. This will force her to say whatever is on her mind and then you can use that to keep the convo going.

Yes, you're right here

You should post more of those Audio FR's I think it's really good learning tool for you and us.

Time will tell ;) . If so they'll be up for a limited time only. I'm thinking 24 hours max

Also I don't know if you always seem try hard like up above but try and cut that out. If that's a habit of your I'd be inclined to believe that that could be your link to sex land, though it is just a theory.

Hm. You know what? I think I AM a bit try hard/silly. A tad clownish *shrug*. I'm wondering if that'll work itself out over time or...dunno. Guess I'll have to act more "cold."

Deep dive more and talk less and I think you will be in great shape.

Yeah, thanks for the feedback, mindful. I feel you on the whole social pressure thing. I usually just bang away until something sticks, conversation wise, during cold approach.

Hey, I want to listen, but when I click the link, it says

"Oh no! Sorry, we can't find the track."

Limited time only, Randy! She's gone forever.