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Books & Articles  Authentic passion: Substack thread


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

This thread started by Tamara on Substack, with Céline’s responses to it, is a useful reminder for those of us getting too wrapped up in “playing games” with women.

This is the stuff older women say to each other when they've been unable to lock down any of the guys they really wanted and are coming around to the fact that they need to stop getting wrapped up chasing after sexy guys and need to start thinking about cozying up to the kind of nice and reliable man they ignored in the past.

Old single women have been saying this stuff to each other for millennia...

Thread's even got the classic ol' "dude white knighting on a gaggle of women complaining about men" on there at the bottom...

Brian Kelly said:
The fundamental problem with modern phones and tech: it’s designed by smart men, like men are smart. But we’re not. Most of us are dumb and impulsive and immature. Especially around emotions, self-knowledge and sex. Phones, dating apps, porno, this live camera thing. It prays on dumb, regular men. The guys we used to call bachelors.

Even if they’re not boys anymore, they’re groomed as boys. These legions of dumb men are helpless prey and they treat the women they meet like shit because they’re all in their addictions and act like addicts do. The addiction is to sexual stimulation. These poor guys are your sons. And we blame them. This technology is anti-civilization and poison for most dumb straight men.

They’re not the problem. Human nature is not a problem. We recklessly let men (and boys!) become techno-porn addicts by the millions, all around the world, men (and boys!) at all levels of intelligence and maturity and malice. And we all want to insist (see: all media channels, psychology today, academia) insist the mainstreaming of porn doesn’t have consequences, or that they are unclear, when they are evident all around us.

The sex trafficking boom, rising domestic violence and public disorder, and negative sexual experiences and attitudes, the pornifying of the language and ideas of young men, people minimizing non-consenting AI “porn”, cartoon porn and fetishes are excused and normalized, sex-work” (ie. 50% trafficking and addiction) being work. As if honest, honourable men look at porn and pay for sex. Bullshit. As if ordinary women and men aren’t terrorized that any future partner has seen every porno on the internet. As if it’s fine for the blase perverts and stand-up comics and pundits to make a joke out of it. This cyber-sex and porno lure terrorizes parents and half the population, (especially young people) while empowering our worst impulses.

No media or journalistic outlet wants to touch this. That’s the problem. You cant be horrified at Gisele Picolt and child grooming and sextortion and also praise the people who sell porn to teens as a career. Like, half the women on Substack think making pornos on the internet is defensible. The technology used makes it predatory on teen boys going through puberty. Its insane. We are driving boys insane. They dont need this “entertainment”. Gross.

Where has the media been for 20 years? They are ideologically captured. By who? Not the patriarchy thats for sure, those old white guys want “porn” banned, even though they might have used it themselves. Its still evil. So who is pushing this being normal, and blocking every attempt at device-based age gating? There is no “porn” on Youtube. So google could block it with the touch of a button if they wanted to. Just like they do on Youtube. They just dgaf. Gross. Google and Apple and Pornhub and OF are literally evil.

Lovers can’t find each other if we teach yin and yang to hate each other. That is what modern internet porn does to men. It teaches them to hate women. All of it.

But yeah, I mean: you will hear this stuff (what the women are saying each other, not the dude white knighting) when you get women 30+ who are still single and haven't locked a man down talking back and forth about their travails in "the dating game."

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Thanks @Chase.

Wow, that male text wall hadn't yet appeared when I posted the link; I guess it's a fairly new thread and people are still responding. Quite a rant, indeed.

I was sympathizing most with the following passage:

Céline Artaud said:
I once had someone tell me, “You can’t just say how you feel like that. You have to make them wonder a little.” Wonder what? If I actually care? If I’m interested?

It brought to my mind the many frustrations expressed on this forum over the years, especially in the Field Reports section.

When these "mind games" happen to me, which is quite often, I these days take it as an indication that the two of us are incompatible as lovers. It's similar to how good scientists say that they welcome their theories being disproved: It frees them from going farther down a wrong path.

This is the stuff older women say to each other when they've been unable to lock down any of the guys they really wanted and are coming around to the fact that they need to stop getting wrapped up chasing after sexy guys and need to start thinking about cozying up to the kind of nice and reliable man they ignored in the past.
But yeah, I mean: you will hear this stuff (what the women are saying each other, not the dude white knighting) when you get women 30+ who are still single and haven't locked a man down talking back and forth about their travails in "the dating game."

Good observation that the women are older... somehow I wrongly assumed they were still around their fertile peak.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This thread started by Tamara on Substack, with Céline’s responses to it, is a useful reminder for those of us getting too wrapped up in “playing games” with women.
This so called "playing games" with women, is not what good teachers teach.... First of all women are not stupid, they know what is going on, and "playing games" does not work imho, and it works its in spite of the guy thinking "playing games"

again "game" is attractive high odds masculine behaviors based on repeated field testing....

she is right the "playing games" in the context of "normalized ghosting a girl for a day or 2 with a girl you are talking to" if you are using that as a tactic is just retarded.... that is not game... not something i would ever teach... do i go days without texting or talking to women i am talking to, yes sometimes, but not as a tactic.... Do I ghost of women, yes when i am done with them...