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Auto Rejection Situation - Help Needed!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey guys, Garrett here.

So about a year ago, I met this girl, let's call her Sally. Sally went to my highschool (I'm now in University) so I've seen her around. She had initiated contact with me via facebook after she told me her boyfriend brokeup with her. She was clearly looking for a rebound guy. Anyways, I started chatting with Sally and through online conversation, we seemed to really connect well (I know I shouldn't have had long paragraph convos but this is when I had no idea Girls Chase existed). I set the wrong frames, made myself seem really valuable, and then I tried to be as impressive as possible because I started really liking her (I didn't have much abundance back then). So then, about two weeks later (way too long later), I went over to her house. We met, and she seemed really into me. Her family was there and everyone seemed to really like me. I acted like the ideal guy... albeit, the ideal guy society tells guys to be (forehead smack).

How the day went - basically, I spent half of my whole day (like 12 hours) at her place. Shortly after I arrived, she gave me a tour of the house, including her bedroom (I should have deep dived and escalated leading to this), then we watched some tv. I was really nervous and was doing all the wrong normal nice guy stuff. She'd touch me and I wouldn't reciprocate, seeing as her family was right there and I REALLY liked this girl. I also brought over some breakfast on the way to her house (upped my value and was stupid). Then after a few hours of that, she randomly invited her friends over, but I could tell she was having a good time. I think she did that just incase I was some weirdo because it was the first time we met in person. So basically, I wasn't social circle, we weren't friends or anything before the facebook talk 2 weeks prior.

In addition, I am an optimist, although I feel it would be best if I listed everything I did wrong so you guys get a better picture of what happened:

-I didn't deep dive/escalate
-Made my value seem so high that it was unrelatable
-Didn't reward investment (her touching me)
-Acted uninterested some of the time so I didn't appear needy
-Her cousin later told me that I was "Too much" for her
-I was acting like a jester/entertainer
-I looked good, but with no facial hair or genuine sex appeal (type of guy you'd call cute but not sexy)
-Did not lead and did whatever she told me to do

Anyways, I think you get the idea. So when I got home, she told me "I see you as a brother", then I got pissed off and blamed her, deleted her phone number, then she RIGHTLY became distant/disappointed. This was in February. After her I dated another girl shortly after, and was trying all kinds of things with other girls. Then in August, I was curious so I tried messaging Sally again. No response. I talked to her cousin via IM, and her cousin explained that it's best I move on and that I was too much for her. Fast forward to now. I know what I need to do. My plan is to get her number via one of my 'girl' friends, then invite her out for coffee, demonstrate my fundamentals (not trying to impress but like, she'll be shocked) be cool/deep dive then take her out to an isolated spot and escalate physically and sleep with her. It'll be a massive 360 comeback. The thing is, I feel like I'm more into the challenge of getting her than having her, but even still, I liked spending time with her so I'm not going to hurt her, I'll casually see her less than once a week and gradually see her more if I want. If I reach a commitment point, I'll still go meet other girls and I'll NEVER settle for ONE girl because I know the consequences. If I do that I'll be screwed, and in addition, she'll lose attraction. I want her to feel that I always have other options/girls I talk to, without knowing for sure that I'm 100% hers.

Something I'll mention is that girls remember stuff well, even months after in vivid detail. Like I had this girl in my pool but her boyfriend was a psycho so I didn't escalate then 3 months later I message her to just say hey because we were friends and she got pissed (likely auto-rejection for not escalating). So this concerns me a bit, I'm not sure if I should execute this plan now or wait a bit longer because I'm on Xmas break for the rest of the week and I haven't tried talking to her in like 4 months. I've been seeing girls throughout the year and since reading Chase's stuff, I've gotten a lot better, still improving though! I feel like I could effect a comeback and really want to give it a go. I wanted to hear from anyone who has any added advice/experience so it could help me out a bit more. I know I've got this, I like her a lot, but I know I could walk away (I don't want to, but I could if it flops). If I execute the way I've been with other girls, I know she'll love/appreciate it because no other guy she's met does half the stuff Chase says (we have mutual friends). No matter what I'm still going to go meet other girls, I just want to give it a shot!

Anyways, I'd appreciate any insight/help!

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Garrett, Most would say to just drop her, then I read that you want a challenge. I indeed like challenges as well they are a true test of your suduction abilities. I myself took upon a challenge to sleep with a girl that massively friendzoned me back before I had read any of Chase's advice. Long story short, after a bunch of chase, sexual framing, flirting, kino and getting really sexual I ended up laying her. Even got her to admit she had a crush on me in high school but I didnt act fast enough. It was hard and took ALOT of work but I did it.

Now on to your situation. I'm not going to try and rain on your parade but she didnt respond to your messeges, and now your going to get her number via a "girl friend". I'm not trying to be an ass but she is going to think your downright creepy. I wouldnt be surprised if she saw your messege and became scared and or startled. I wouldnt be shocked if she didnt respond. It would takes the planets to align for her to respond to that. I think your only chance is to "accidently" run into her in person if you want to go that far, then impress her with your newfound personality. or invite her to a party where there will be a bunch of attractive girls so you can get her interest via "pre selection". This is going to take ALOT OF WORK WAY TO MUCH WORK she better be a 12 on the 10 scale lol. With this much at hand I personally would drop her but if your up for this Indiana Jones quest then have at it. Good luck my friend.

Cheers, The Tool
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey Tool,

Thanks for the post man, I really appreciate it! Here's the thing though, I had this girl's number before, and she doesn't know I deleted her number. If my friend gets her number and it's the same one, it wouldn't be creepy, it would just look like I haven't talked to her in a long time. When I reinitiated contact with her in the summer, it was via another girlfriend who told her I wanted to talk to her through facebook. Reason being? I had no way of getting her number back, didn't have her on facebook, and none of my friends had her number. I know that was pretty stupid, but I just recently found out another one of my girl friends has her number and I roughly remember it so if it looks familiar I'll execute my plan.

There isn't a need for a Herculean effort imo and I'll tell you why. Correction, there WILL be, but the hardest part of this entire plan will be getting her out. All I'm going to do, once I get her number (if it's the same one as before) is say, "Hey Sally, it's been a while so I figured I'd drop you a line! Things have been pretty busy on my end, and I'm about to dive back into the workload come the end of the Christmas break. Hope life's been treating you well... Let me know what's new with you! - Garrett. I think it's important to be warm in the first message in general, but particularly during this scenario considering she used to/possibly currently hates my guts. Also, it's acting like nothing really came between us, and that we're just long lost friends reconnecting. Then, assuming she responds with something like, "Hey Garrett, yeah things have been busy, but good! What's new with you?" Then I say, "Good to hear, and a lot has been going on! Listen, I was thinking we could catchup and grab a hot chocolate sometime :). How's your week looking? My messages are probably going to be longer than hers, but I'd space out the timing to establish spezzatura then after we pick a date, refrain from contacting her until the day of the date to confirm everything.

My plan is to tell her to meet me at a local coffee shop (Starbucks), we'll split the bill, deep-dive/emphasize the sexiness so she knows I'm not high value and I'm different from before. A few hours later, I'll use a yes ladder and say something like, "So Sally, you're having a good time right? Her: "Yes", Me, "And you want to keep hanging out?" Her: "Yes, but I have to get home soon." Me: "Look, I was thinking we could drive somewhere before you go. It won't take long. Her: "Okay, but why now?" (note the objections because I expect to get at least one because of the past) Me: "I've always wanted to go there, just haven't had the time." So I drive over to an isolated beach parking lot then escalate the best I can in my car. The one thing is, I'm worried because I've invested a lot of time thinking about her, so I might screw up somewhere and over think. Over the break is when this started, before I was hitting up other girls. I do, however, feel like I can numb the emotions a bit on the date so things go smoother. I find that reading Chase's stuff and REALLY getting into character helps. It's a lot of energy to do, but I get a much better reaction when my emotions are numbed down (not completely but a lot) so they don't interfere. I'll gradually open up on the vulnerability once I know she's in love with me. I think I need to execute or I'll have regrets. Like Chase says, it's always good to go in with a plan because if you just wing something like this, you'll be more chill but at the same time, you have to have a plan in order to execute things fast, smoothly. In other words, plan your logistics.

Why is pickup and doing things like this so interesting? There are endless possibilities/outcomes, unlike something like math where there is one definitive right/wrong answer. Chase's teachings are geared towards success as we both know, Tool. There is no 100% solution though, which is the challenge of getting as good as possible and as close to 100% as possible. I strive for that, and through challenging experiences like this, it's the potential of executing a Herculean effort needed to fix this that really intrigues me. I know I could just go get any girl I want off the street from learning Chase's teachings, thus developing an "inauthentic" abundance mentality unlike you, Tool. I live in a small town with people I've grown up with, so I'm not as fortunate as you. I'm sure you can relate to this situation though because It's always fun to go back to that one girl you were keen on, and see the look on her face once she realizes what you've become, thanks to Girls Chase.

Any thoughts?

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Ah I c, with the information above its alot more clear Garett thank you, With what you have above it can work out but essentialy thats if everything goes perfect im sure there can be a little mistake here and there but makesure when you attempt this when your confidence is at 110 percent so you dont screw up because your pretty keen on her. (dont forget to play the Indiana Jones theme in some earbuds). Good luck brother.

My plan is to tell her to meet me at a local coffee shop (Starbucks), we'll split the bill, deep-dive/emphasize the sexiness so she knows I'm not high value and I'm different from before.
Excellent, this will throw her mind through a little loop

I'm sure you can relate to this situation though because It's always fun to go back to that one girl you were keen on, and see the look on her face once she realizes what you've become, thanks to Girls Chase.
Indeed my Friend I can, It was an amazing day.

Cheers, The Tool