I don't even know how to describe this phenomenon, but it's something i just experienced. I slept with this girl twice in a span of a week, seemed like she was really into me, a few weeks pass that we don't really meet up personally and now she's been acting weird towards me. I finally get her to tell me what's up and she says she doesn't feel the same way she did a while ago and that she can't explain why. Then mentions that she feels like a slut when she's with me because of the things I say and do. I really didn't understand. I talked a litle dirty while sleeping with her and maybe was a little more agressive than she's used to (I'm only her second) and sent a few dirty text messages, but nothing too out of the ordinary.
But apparently she lost her attraction towards me because I was too agressive sexually, what's the deal with this?
But apparently she lost her attraction towards me because I was too agressive sexually, what's the deal with this?