I'm going to fucking rant and rage here.
I am DISGUSTED by the types of women I was dating before.
And I am DISGUSTED by how I viewed myself before, my self-image.
Once upon a time, I thought I wasn't worth the time of these babes out here, that I was a pussy and deserved to be ignored. That I couldn't be great. I got depressed all the fucking time, dated mediocrity, and slept on a bed of inadequacy when I wasn't sleeping next to a girl made of misery.
They were generally cute, nothing that you'd hide from in public, but they are truly nothing compared to what I can get, what I will get, and what I am getting now.
This Asian babe I made out with today? Hottest girl I've ever made out with, fucking model. And she was begging for cock.
This chick was hotter than every high school popular babe I went to school with, every girl I thought I could never get. And even better, there's tons more girls like her out there, and they can't fucking wait to meet me.
I'm writing this now because I'm climbing to the next level. And in doing so, you have to reflect on how your time was spent before and despise how much you wasted, you fucking fuel yourself with that hate and channel it so you never go back, so you keep pushing forward, LIKE A FUCKING #BEAST!!!
I spent fucking 6 years wrapped in depression, thinking I wasn't worth these girls time, thinking I'll never accomplish what I want in life, that it's too hard, that it's impossible, that there isn't anything better out there, that I should fucking end it all, that I should run away or die, and you know what... FUCK THAT!!!!
I wasted 2 years, 2 fucking years, dicking around in girls that had a bundle of emotional problems, depression, smoked pot, had mental breakdowns all the time, their life was a fucking mess. They were cute, but fuck was I stupid to waste time on them. You need to view every person who loves mediocrity, who doesn't want you to climb higher, that actually brings you down.... You need to view them as garbage. You don't roll around in garbage.
Be nice, be polite, whatever the fuck way you want to handle it with the losers in your life,
but fucking ditch them any way you can. Remove all that shit in your life, IMMEDIATELY. Not tomorrow, not when they get back from vacation, do it now.
A lot of these problems, girls and my general well being, came from my poor self-image. Now? I can't even relate to that fucking guy anymore. I can't even understand why I felt that way, why I thought those B-ranking girls were great, why I couldn't believe in myself in all aspects of life.
Now? I'm getting unwarranted, unwanted texts from my ex-girlfriend because of her depression episodes, a girl I loved very much at the time, and now I can't even fucking stand. You are the definition of mediocrity. I'll be nice because I don't tear people down, but you have no place in my life. I'll be sensitive to your depression, but we are not friends.
Now? I'm getting opportunities in life I never had before with jobs and college and shit.
Now? I'm clawing the ass of a music video model hot Asian girl who turns heads and gets the even hotter babes noticing me. A girl that has ambitions, that doesn't have depression problems, that grew up with her parents together, that values family, that understands that you need to be obsessed with a goal to get there, that you make success for yourself, that doesn't do drugs because she has ambitions.
What a fucking step up.
Remember, mediocrity is the disease. I'm disgusted, I am appalled at where I used to be at. I wanted to go over how I've gotten rid of these types of people, how I've improved since a few months ago and how much I am benefiting from it. I needed to take time to recognize that this new path is a fucking road to salvation. This isn't some faux post akin to "I'm trying to convince myself that I'm great, but deep down I know I'm not!
" Fuck no. I'm macking on 10s now. I am a fucking winner, and I intend to stay one.
Are you average or are you savage? We're looking to take it to the next level.
See ya.