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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
I have most of my fundamentals down, although still improving. However, still find escalating hard - I'm countering my thoughts by knowing If it doesn't happen now its never going to happen mentality. Thanks chase for that one.

Anyhow, rather long but ill try and keep it to the main points. I'm attracted to a girl at work, moving pretty fast, can see she likes me (she gives strong eye contact, opens me with random touches sometimes, etc.) and did my best at deep diving. I learnt a lot and just kept raising her up, revealing little about myself and at a high point asked her what her schedule was like. She followed with intense eye staring/smiling and asked why? After a while I told her why and she said maybe, because she had plans with friends. Next time I saw her I was nice, however avoided too much flirting/contact. A week later (i fear the attraction window might of being closed, however I feel like I have a chance still) we saw each other again. She was same flirty and I tried to up the sexual frame, which worked well I think. I then asked her to sit, so we could talk. As this was happening someone yelled that they needed her to work a little while longer. We never got to sit and talk. Towards the end of her shift I called her alone, grabbed her hand, smiled and looked into her eyes asking why she won't find time to chill. Five minutes later she invites me to meet her grandparents who came into the store. I guess that's a good thing. Obviously as a learner my frames aren't top notch, and as an older girl who has a lot more experience over me in social aspects. I'm going to have to step my game up.
Now, how do I get that girl to give me some time, because I can see her being attracted without making excuses?
I'm not chasing, I feel but rather being persistent. How should I ask her to a drink when I see her next while letting her know I'm not mucking around and won't chase her and will walk if I have to.

Edit: just found this in a thread where Chase responded to a similar question.
"The reason she's apologizing / taking care of your emotions here is you asked her when she's free before asking her out, which comes across tentative and as if you want to corner her into being free before telling her what you want her to do with her free time. Next time, you'll want to get her to agree to go out before asking her schedule, so she knows why you're asking, e.g.:

You: Let's get drinks sometime soon, when are you off this week?

Her: Sunday, but I'm going home Sunday morning.

You: Ah, that's too bad. We'll just have to connect when you get back, then."

Perhaps I could mould that to my liking?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Hi Knight,

First of all, avoid seeing her friends, or family members. It will slot you into the potential boyfriend zone, which is what you do not want.

She may well be a really busy person in general. It also sounds like she values family and friends over relationship, which is where she will prioritize her time. What I would do is I would tease her in such a way to let her know that, if she doesn't go out with you it would be her lost.

Make sure to let her know that you too are a VERY BUSY person. More than she is. You have real business to take care of. She will value your time more.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Hey Light,
will keep that advice in mind. Although, she would make a nice girl friend eventually, however I realise after Chase' recent posts that I DO have to sleep with her before then. I only shook hands with them, traded a word and made my swift exit. Hopefully that helped.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Hi Knight

Your aim of conveying that you are a busy and high-value individual is achievable via your co workers, so I'd start there. Use your fundamentals; body language, tone of voice and eye contact whenever you are communicating with anyone at work. Sharing your exciting plans for the weekend with other co-workers is an abstract, non-arrogant way of letting her know that you are a HVI. Remember, in a workplace any individual's perception of you is going to be affected by the perceptions of others.

If she asks you in conversation 'What are you up to this weekend' you could give veiled answers that convey you are busy without revealing too much. 'Helping a friend out, then hitting the gym. Yourself?' I've had some success with variants of 'I've got business out west in the morning, but I could fit you in after lunch' - A cheeky way of implying she was asking you out :)

Hope this helps



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Jarradical said:
Hi Knight

Your aim of conveying that you are a busy and high-value individual is achievable via your co workers, so I'd start there. Use your fundamentals; body language, tone of voice and eye contact whenever you are communicating with anyone at work. Sharing your exciting plans for the weekend with other co-workers is an abstract, non-arrogant way of letting her know that you are a HVI. Remember, in a workplace any individual's perception of you is going to be affected by the perceptions of others.

If she asks you in conversation 'What are you up to this weekend' you could give veiled answers that convey you are busy without revealing too much. 'Helping a friend out, then hitting the gym. Yourself?' I've had some success with variants of 'I've got business out west in the morning, but I could fit you in after lunch' - A cheeky way of implying she was asking you out :)

Hope this helps


Ha nice thinking!
Hey just wondering, what do you guys generally do on days where you have nothing planned? With holidays and all I want to break free.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Knight said:
Hey just wondering, what do you guys generally do on days where you have nothing planned? With holidays and all I want to break free.

Well myself I like to improve my hobbies - such as music and drawing. If you're looking for something relevant to pickup, I suggest checking out the Newbie Assignment
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Well, same girl as was mentioned. Walked into the shop with only intentions to buy a drink, I didn't know she was working. Then, she ran up to me and kissed me. Chase, Eric, Franco and all the other posters here, you're amazing mentors.

Sadly, I got out of that building after my purchase as moving the girl was impossible. I'm still impressed that I got such a reaction without even looking at her.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Knight said:
Well, same girl as was mentioned. Walked into the shop with only intentions to buy a drink, I didn't know she was working. Then, she ran up to me and kissed me. Chase, Eric, Franco and all the other posters here, you're amazing mentors.

Sadly, I got out of that building after my purchase as moving the girl was impossible. I'm still impressed that I got such a reaction without even looking at her.

Great going. Sounds like you're doing a lot of things right. With this girl, since you work with her, you might be able to steal away with her on a break ("Hey, come on, there's this really cool new costume shop you've got to see"). You'd want to make it a little fun and a little exciting though, e.g., not just sitting and talking. Keep the intense stuff like deep diving for when you can get her out on a proper date. If you take her out on a quick fun break / date (say, the two of you messing around in the costume shop) wait for a high note when she's laughing and having fun and, as things just start to come back down again, tell her that the two of you need to grab a drink after work sometime. She'll say yes, and you'll set it up with her / grab her number / do what you've got to do to make it happen.

Essentially, she's used to the two of you doing the same things at work all the time, and you need a reason to break her out of that mode. This is what the quick, fun, exciting break is for. Then, once out of the routine and having fun, you set up a date.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Chase said:
Essentially, she's used to the two of you doing the same things at work all the time, and you need a reason to break her out of that mode. This is what the quick, fun, exciting break is for. Then, once out of the routine and having fun, you set up a date.


Good points Chase,
I will try and break her out of this mode, ah, makes things difficult to escalate further with Christmas and will be away for a while now.