- Joined
- Oct 14, 2013
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- 76
First of all , happy new year and all the best to Girls Chase community !
Let me share a story of the new years eve and how i managed to get 3 girls in just a few minutes each. I only used fundamentals and preselection , minimal talking
. I am interested in your opinions guys, i know its a long read but it sums up everything i learned at Girls Chase.
My friend ,his girl-friend (she was actually his friend , not GF) and I went to this club for new years eve and that girl was a solid 8 , among the best looking girls in the club. I realized that there is no attraction between us (took me few seconds for that ) and i said to myself it does not matter , i will use her for preselection. This is actually the first time i used preselection on purpose , and it worked very well.
At the club i took a walk around it , moving as slow as a snail and when i got back one cute younger girl approached me while i was dancing with our girl-friend and said "lets dance!"
So, Girl No.1 :
-Now this is something that i do since i am by no means a good dancer , im actually terrible at it.
-I reached my arm and pulled her towards me, as close as like we are gonna kiss , then push back, give her a sexy smile and Eye contact, then pull her back , take her arms in a very manly manner , put them behind her back and press her against me while giving her strong EC. This tends to work well ,if she is younger she will have no option but to kiss you, or if she is experienced sexual tension will sky-rocket. This girl was quite young and she said "no ,i can't , i have a boyfriend" and few seconds after that she kissed me. I did not have intention to get serious with this girl so after about 30 minutes we returned to the table and i made myself scarce by going to different section of the club with my friend.
This is where second girl comes along
Girl No.2
My friend approached a group of girls , 5 of them , and i just stood there for few seconds with bored look ( use this often!!) before this girl approached me , she said nothing (like she got cold feet), i just took her hand , gave her eye contact and smiled like (i know, it's okay). She pressed against me and after about 10 seconds we were making out. This one was without a doubt the fastest hookup i managed to pull.
I got cock-blocked by her friend few minutes after (she wanted me for herself i know it, because later i talked to her a bit and she was interested for sure, she said "you must show that you care only about one girl in the group" ) but i guess i was flirting with all 5 , whoops
The best thing is that now, every girl in that section of the club was looking at me, even married ones (i reached my hand to one girl and she showed me the ring lol).
After these 5 girls went home the 3rd girl gave me some obvious eye contact so i approached.
Girl No.3
i approached her ,took her hand (this hand sh*t is powerful , use it as much as you can) , she said "where is your girlfriend, i saw you kissing there with her" (talking about preselection!). I said she was not my girlfriend , she made WTF face
We talked for about a minute before i started escalating , and when it got serious she said "no, i have a boyfriend" (where did i hear that before lol ) I did not make out with her , it was quite interesting, but i think that she really had a BF , and she was quite chatty , which i was not in a mood for, plus Girl No1 was better looking so i went back to her.
I spent a bit more time with girl No.1 , and the night was over at 4am , my friend took a number from one of the 5 girls , i did not want to bother , they were mostly much younger then me and it's just nice to watch how awesome the stuff i learned here is.
Sorry for wall of text , i hope that i made a slight contribution to our fellow beginners here , and i would like to hear your opinion , would you do something differently then what i did ?
Best wishes
Let me share a story of the new years eve and how i managed to get 3 girls in just a few minutes each. I only used fundamentals and preselection , minimal talking
My friend ,his girl-friend (she was actually his friend , not GF) and I went to this club for new years eve and that girl was a solid 8 , among the best looking girls in the club. I realized that there is no attraction between us (took me few seconds for that ) and i said to myself it does not matter , i will use her for preselection. This is actually the first time i used preselection on purpose , and it worked very well.
At the club i took a walk around it , moving as slow as a snail and when i got back one cute younger girl approached me while i was dancing with our girl-friend and said "lets dance!"
So, Girl No.1 :
-Now this is something that i do since i am by no means a good dancer , im actually terrible at it.
-I reached my arm and pulled her towards me, as close as like we are gonna kiss , then push back, give her a sexy smile and Eye contact, then pull her back , take her arms in a very manly manner , put them behind her back and press her against me while giving her strong EC. This tends to work well ,if she is younger she will have no option but to kiss you, or if she is experienced sexual tension will sky-rocket. This girl was quite young and she said "no ,i can't , i have a boyfriend" and few seconds after that she kissed me. I did not have intention to get serious with this girl so after about 30 minutes we returned to the table and i made myself scarce by going to different section of the club with my friend.
This is where second girl comes along
Girl No.2
My friend approached a group of girls , 5 of them , and i just stood there for few seconds with bored look ( use this often!!) before this girl approached me , she said nothing (like she got cold feet), i just took her hand , gave her eye contact and smiled like (i know, it's okay). She pressed against me and after about 10 seconds we were making out. This one was without a doubt the fastest hookup i managed to pull.
I got cock-blocked by her friend few minutes after (she wanted me for herself i know it, because later i talked to her a bit and she was interested for sure, she said "you must show that you care only about one girl in the group" ) but i guess i was flirting with all 5 , whoops
The best thing is that now, every girl in that section of the club was looking at me, even married ones (i reached my hand to one girl and she showed me the ring lol).
After these 5 girls went home the 3rd girl gave me some obvious eye contact so i approached.
Girl No.3
i approached her ,took her hand (this hand sh*t is powerful , use it as much as you can) , she said "where is your girlfriend, i saw you kissing there with her" (talking about preselection!). I said she was not my girlfriend , she made WTF face
I spent a bit more time with girl No.1 , and the night was over at 4am , my friend took a number from one of the 5 girls , i did not want to bother , they were mostly much younger then me and it's just nice to watch how awesome the stuff i learned here is.
Sorry for wall of text , i hope that i made a slight contribution to our fellow beginners here , and i would like to hear your opinion , would you do something differently then what i did ?
Best wishes