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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 9, 2012
So this one is kind of an interesting situation but ended up working out really well. I'm gonna give fake names just to respect confidentiality and to make the story a little easier to follow.

I went to visit my buddy at his college about 4 hours from mine. He plays football down there and there and I was going to spend the weekend with him. I took a train with a lesbian girl (Hannah) that I know who was also going to visit her girlfriend at the same college.

On the train ride there, I jokingly asked Hannah if her girlfriend had any hot roommates. She responded no at first, and then said that there was actually one girl there that I would probably find attractive (she knows me well enough to know my standards lol). But I said oh thats cool and shrugged it off.

When our train came in, my buddy was at football practice still so Hannah and Leah invited me back to their dorm. Which was a great opportunity to start meeting people right from the start. When I walked in the hallway, the girls immediately introduced me to their roommates and the girls next door who they share a bathroom with. There was a large group of about 10 girls.

I met the hot girl (we'll call her Maddie) my friend had originally told me about. And Hanah was totally right. All of the girls there were very nice but Maddie was the only one I found to be attractive. I introduced myself to her and I didnt see her again for about an hour.
All of the girls are very close with eachother and dont spend much time with anyone outside their friend group. Luckily, they are what you would call the more popular girls on campus because they all play a sport. I was going to visit my friend on the football team (he is really well known around campus b/c he's one of the best on the team) and sports stars are like celebrities in college. So I had the social proof thing going for me since I was with the "popular" crowd.

The big group of girls wanted to go out and I still hadnt heard from my friend so I was just gonna head out with them. We all started pre-gaming in the dorms and I was a couple drinks in, when Maddie came up to me and asked if I had gotten a drink yet. I said yeah but asked her to take a few shots with me. I got her to comply with something simple, and set the frame that I was trying to have a fun ass night.

We actually started to get a little competive on who could drink more between the two of us but once we had gotten to about 8 shots each, we decided it was probably a good idea to slow down until we actually went to a party. Now let me say that this girl is pretty hot. She is fit from being a college athlete, and I assume thats why she was competitive too with the shots. But what surprised me is that she was actually a bit aggressive as well. I wrestle in college and she took me for a "tough guy" because of it, but she kept fricken punching me. It really pissed me off. I liked the touching, but not hitting haha. But then I realized I could use it to my advantage a little bit.

Instead of getting annoyed with her, I took a different angle and used it to flirt. I would say something like, "Hit me again and see what happens!" I would say it with a smile and in a laughing manner and then I would look her deep in the eyes. So then she would hit me and I'd poke her in the side.

The girls were finally ready to go out and we headed to a party. I met up with my friend right as we were leaving and decided to just ditch the girls for a little bro-time. Me and him were going to the same party they were going to anyways. A while later my friend saw the girl he was trying to bring home for the night and introduced me to her. While he was talking to her, I found Maddie and just started a casual conversation with her. I told her that me and my friend were probably gonna take off soon and she said she was going to another party if I wanted to meet her there later. I said sure but kinda blew it off.

My friend and I left and went back to his dorm. Mind you, I was 18 drinks in. He showed me around, but I suggested we go back out. I was too drunk just to stay in for the night haha. We left his dorm at about 3am and on our way to the party to meet Maddie and her friends, my buddy ran into his slam. We gave eachother the nod and I told him to have a good night and he brought her back to his dorm (which meant I had to find a place to sleep for the night). So my drunk ass headed for the party anyways. I got lost and by the grace of God I made my way back to the lesbians dorm. They had just gotten back when I got there and everyone was getting ready for bed. The bathroom connects the lesbians dorm and Maddies dorm and they leave the doors open to it when nobody is using it so they can go back and forth easier. So I went to go talk to Maddie but she was actually with another guy. This didn't bother me at all because I had left her for a number of hours and I figured it was really my fault for not pursuing anything.

About 20 mins later, she came into the lesbians room and was like, "God that guy is such a jerk! He was trying to be all over me and didnt even know my name so I just kicked him out!" So she hung out with us for a while and for some reason me and her were walking through the bathroom hallway at the same time and she fricken hit me again. I looked her in the eyes and I pulled her really close to me. I got in her face and went in for a kiss and she LOVED it. We began making out and closed the doors to bathroom and started gettin busy. Clothes hit the floor and I knew I was in for a good night. But it was actually more passionate than it was wild. She blew me and I ate her out (which I never do on girls just because I dont really enjoy it) but she definitely enjoyed it. I wanted to have sex but she was firm about saying no. I would go for it, pull out my condom, and she would still say no. I must have tried about 10 times. After about an hour and half in the bathroom we had both finished and she took me back to her room to go to bed. We got in her bed, cuddled and stuff but we both passed out and that was the end of that.

The next morning she was up early because she had to go to practice. I didnt see her at all during the day and I just hung out with the football team. When night time rolled around, I was back at the lesbian dorm but most of them didnt want to go out. The lesbian couple, Maddie and myself were the only ones interested in partying again. So I thought this would be cool to get to spend a little 1 on 1 time.

We went out and started to have a good time but got split up once again due to friends. So I asked for her number and she said to text her if I found a good party. I didnt end up finding one but I texted her anyways and she said to meet up with where she was at. I probably shouldnt have walked to the other side of campus just for her because she was getting compliance from me at that point, but oh well. We got food and I made her split hers with me because I left my wallet back in the room (so this way I was getting her to comply with me still too). We decided to call it a night because it was getting late and we were all drunk but I went with her back to her room and we started hooking up in the bathroom again. Deja Vu from the night before: very passionate, just a blowjob. We both finished and started making out again. She knows how to give good head btw (and Ive been around the block a few times). But we were kissing and she asked when I was leaving, when I said tomorrow, she started going at it with me AGAIN. I could tell she liked me. After a second round, she just threw her arms around me and wanted me to hold her. I thought it was kind of funny, so I said, "Ya know...youre kind of cute." She just giggled and gave me a regular kiss. After a while of she kissing and cuddling, she told me that I probably wouldnt see her tomorrow because she had to be at a volunteer thing all day so we said our goodbyes in the oh-so-"romantic" bathroom.

The following night, I made it back home and texted her. Our conversation went like this:
Me: "Hey, I didnt get a chance to actually say bye to you, but I had a really good time this weekend."
Her 2 hours later: "Hey, yeah same here. This weekend was fun." **I just ignored it
Her 2 hours after that: "But definitely dont hesitate to come visit again."
Me: "Yeah I'm definitely gonna come back there soon."
Me: "But if I come back down there, we should actually chill sometime outside the bathroom lol"
Her: "Haha yeah I definitely agree with that."

So I sort of set myself up for something next time. I texted her about a week later and told her I'm coming back down in a few weeks and it just coincidentally happens to be her birthday while I'm gonna be there. Birthday sex maybe? :)
We'll see. She got excited to hear from me and said that I picked a great weekend to come back. Im gonna text her maybe a day or two before I get there and try to set up a legit date. I dont like relationships very much but I'm getting tired of the hit it & quit it deal, so I figured an actual date would make me feel less guilty if I never talk to this girl again. I think I'm gonna send a text that says, "Pick one: Friday at 5 or Saturday at 6?" and she'll probably be a little confused but intrigued and if when she picks one, I say "Alright then that's when I'll take you out for dinner for your birthday." I think sending a text like that is probably the best way to get her interest in me spiked again, and if we go on a date, I can deep dive and finally close the deal with this girl.

I know this has been one of my longer LRs so I appreciate you taking the time to read it! Now that you have read it though, please give me any feedback (positive and negative) and give me any suggestions! Thanks!


~Stay Classy~


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 9, 2012
If you read this post, I actually answered some of my own questions when I was looking around the boards. I suggest reading this post from Chase: https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=701

He talks about how playful punching is a large sign of attraction from women. In the moment, I wasn't thinking about it being a sign of attraction, but I used it to my advantage anyways. Its nice to go back and learn from outings. Comments are still welcome!


~Stay Classy~


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Haha sweet job MSJ!

So nice to see another PUA in the Chicago area!

You weren't visiting at Loyola were you?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Hey Monster,

Great job with the girl. I think you need to lower her ASD wall somewhat. Just seeing her for a third time might be enough to do that, as she could be thinking: "well... I didn't sleep with him the 1st night or the 2nd night. So... it's probably ok to do it now!"

I would scrap the birthday dinner idea, and just get her a small gift. When she thanks you, just smile and shrug it off like its no big deal. But do invite her to hang out with you alone for the night. Not sure where you guys can do that, though, with her having roomies.

The reason I say scrap the dinner idea, is that you could be giving her the idea that you're trying to "court" her, so she suddenly starts worrying about her image and what you think about her. She realizes she can't be "easy" and will try to get you in situations where you are "courting" her but won't get sex, and then you chase her. She thinks this will get the two of you in a relationship, but most of the time it just makes her lose interest.

On the other side of the coin, if you just try to get her to hang out alone with you and watch a movie. She knows exactly what you want, and that can actually be a good thing. You're being clear (in a socially graceful way) that you are offering her great sex with no judgement or consequences. She'll enjoy that the two of you can be sexual together and her not feeling bad about herself.

Another thing: Have you invited her to come visit you? That might just be the best case scenario for you, especially if you have someplace the two of you can spend an evening alone together.

Keep us tuned in to this one, man. Will be eager to see how it turns out!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 9, 2012
Zphix said:
You weren't visiting at Loyola were you?

No I was visiting Augustana over in Rock Island. Its a smaller college but they sure know how to party! I'm thinking about coming to Loyola soon though!

NarrowJ said:
I would scrap the birthday dinner idea, and just get her a small gift. When she thanks you, just smile and shrug it off like its no big deal. But do invite her to hang out with you alone for the night. Not sure where you guys can do that, though, with her having roomies.

The reason I say scrap the dinner idea, is that you could be giving her the idea that you're trying to "court" her, so she suddenly starts worrying about her image and what you think about her. She realizes she can't be "easy" and will try to get you in situations where you are "courting" her but won't get sex, and then you chase her. She thinks this will get the two of you in a relationship, but most of the time it just makes her lose interest.

You're right, it is definitely difficult trying to be alone when she has roommates. Not to mention, they always have at least 5 people just hanging out their dorm at any given time. But I think getting her a gift would make me come off like I'm trying to chase her. That's definitely not what I'm going for. If anything, I would get her a bottle of wine or something. But you made the point that a dinner could also make it seem like I was trying to "court" her. I wasn't planning on doing anything fancy. Just a local burger joint or a coffee shop. I just want to try to get her away from her friends and out of a party scene for a little bit. It seems like she is the kind of girl that is used to guys chasing her, so that might be why I had success with the "less is more" least effort approach. I'm going down there this upcoming weekend so I'll have to figure out what I want to do quickly.
I like the movie idea but the roommates cancel that too. This wont be an easy lay but I think I can pull it off one way or another. I can try to get my buddy to leave his room for a while so I can have a place to take her alone. She actually lives about 45 mins from me when she isnt at school, so if this works out, I can try to set something up while we're on a break from school.

Thanks for the ideas! If you guys have more, I'm open to it because I still havent really figured out what to do!


~Stay Classy~
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take