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Sep 9, 2024
First time posting in any capacity on the boards, primarily just to keep myself accountable but also to possibly connect with some of you in Miami.

Somewhat experienced, I really only do day game, primarily approach but sometimes indirect and last year is when I really got started.

Just transferred universities and I’m coming off a long monogamous period with a super baddie that killed a lot of my momentum and capacity to game. Looking to follow Chase’s 4 approaches a day recommendation and see if I can bed some dimes before the month ends.


Sep 9, 2024
1/4, low momentum the whole day, but I figured fuck it I’ve got to at least make one.

Decent conversation with a 7/10 but primarily platonic and I left it at that.

i’m ashamed… tomorrow is a new day.


Sep 9, 2024
4 approaches and two number closes, although in one of the instances the girl asked me.

Really only one cold approach since two of the girls were in classes of mine which just makes it wayyy too easy.

First girl was in front of me searching her bag, I already got the vibe from class she liked me since she kept asking me questions, so I just pulled her in and engaged in a conversation.

second girl was in the library, she was in the class I was going to next and I just broached a topic related to the class and we sat down and got on really well. She agreed to offer me some help with something nonsexual so I figured I shouldn’t display intent or anything, although she asked for my number and I can tell she is interested.

third girl was really the only cold approach, I was on the phone with a friend and once I saw her I pretty quickly wrapped it up. I was sitting in the library and saw her, leaned in and told her I liked her jewelry. She said she liked mine too and we got on right away. Through circumstance she’s actually a fan of some people i’m close with so the number close was too easy. I told her we should get coffee or something, she told me she was planning on heading home and then getting dinner at this place on campus.

I told her i’ve got class until 6, but I could go with her after.
She told me she had class, but “didn’t know if she was gonna go yet,”

I knew kind of immediately after I said we’ll figure it out later that she wanted to go with me, but eh. I’ll text her and that should be easy as.

Fourth girl interrupted a conversation between me and a guy in the next class, but was pretty surface level and mostly just vibes. Then the second girl from earlier interrupted our conversation to talk to her, and it kind of fizzled out.

Vibes were high today which made everything easier, feeling vindicated.


Sep 9, 2024
One approach today at the mall, number close but I probably won’t end up texting since it was just a mediocre interaction.

Hanging out with one of the library girls tomorrow, she’s bad and its looking good.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Sep 9, 2024
No approaches, mostly was unpacking some stuff and had class early. Girl said she was tired and rescheduled from 2 oclock to 7, I went to get ice cream with this girl and we sat at the park. Good vibe but she had a prior obligation and had to be asleep by 9 so we only hung out for an hour. She came and picked me up though. When dropping me off the vibe was a little off, I told her to come sit on the patio, and she said she would if we did it a little earlier. Unfortunate.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
number close but I probably won’t end up texting since it was just a mediocre interaction.
Most guys struggle with their texting game. You might want to practice nonetheless.

I lost my first number close girl because of my bad texting, but I learned a lot.

Also, people on campus may not communicate with each other much if most students commute. Certain times are rife for socialization without it standing out negatively (ex. Events, the first few weeks, etc).
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