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It seems that the community went through a face of verbal game, then we went through a phase of physical game, then some of the guys from nextasf brought back verbal game with the second generation stuff.... The problem is it seems that most of the guys for what i notice in the forum have totally abandoned physical game and/or the physical escalation are sloppy or off which causes the women in some cases to abort.... Physical game is very important, most of my lays came as a result of physical game vs verbal game.... However, i realized that i was wrong and changed my game to destructive levels, they are BOTH important and in some cases you better be able to use one more than the other, for example in a extremely loud club if you don't know physical game you are totally DONE, if the girl does not speak your language if you don't know physical game you are DONE, in most cases...
Verbal game is equally important vs my old take that "don't talk" here is something that i have done with success which is the reinforcement of NO SEXUAL ACT while verbally/physically escalating (it was a post i made in nextasf but now is gone but is important):
This is a new thing i have been doing with great success, i have field tested it so many times to present it as a technique.... For it to be done it has to be done in closing location, a closing location means a location where sex could occur or no less to 5 to 10 minutes were it can occur, for example in the parking lot in front of your house, or in the living room pre bedroom or hotel/motel lobby prior to room.
Sometimes the girl will announce "no sex will happen" this is actually a good sign in my opinion which 95% of the time means actually if you do everything right sex will actually happen.
so what you will do to pass this form of shit test/resistance/asd depending of the context is that you will totally agree with her, i know there are many ways to handle those objections but in this particular case the most effective way is to agree, vs the other techniques such as ignore, change the subject, amplify etcc.....
Disclaimer.- this is not the same as techniques such as second generations verbals to set up sexual frames, for example the one i learned from teevester such as, "i don't like sex" "in fact i hate sex" and then we go into the frames.... I do this and is effective but this is not what i am talking about, due to this is the mild resistance you may get in the CLOSING LOCATION, or again the scenarios or similar scenarios i just mentioned previously. Also this may happen when you for whatever reason lets say in some of my cases full of people and lack of isolation, you are not able to set up the sexual frames that will allow you to skip in most cases what this technique i am describing, one good sample would be a quick pull as well, were again you have no time to set up frames.
So what you will do is that you will agree with her no sex, i personally love something i learn from zardoz (poster here sometimes comes and writes now for chase) due to it fits a bit my crazy party vive...
Hb: no sex...
Skills: with a lot of acting exaggerated like someone just insulted my mom, or killed a baby in front of me, with a disgusted, outrageous face expression..... Uggggg! sex cootties!
Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, used in the United States and Canada as a rejection term and an infection tag game (such as Humans vs. Zombies). ... A child is said to "catch" cooties through close contact with an "infected" person or from an opposite-sex child of a similar age
you can do it however you want but the point is that you will VERBALLY agree that no sex will happen.... it should be done in one to 3 sentences no long elaborated speeches for you guys that love to over game and complicate shit....
so here is were it gets interesting and it will come a nuclear weapon technique i personally think this is fucking with her head, confusing her, not giving her the ability to logically think, dissonance etc....
What you are doing is that you will take her side and keep repeating in numerous elaborated creative ways multiple times VERBALLY, that NO SEX IS GOING TO HAPPEN, while you keep verbally and physically turning her on, if you get to far in the escalation for example eating her out or your dick head jerking of on her clit with no penetration, you have to obviously acknowledge that by saying "just tease, no sex, no sex, just tease" and cont. verbally and sexually physically escalating....
You can also as you are for example sucking her breast, go into whatever 2nd generation verbal routine you like, i always use the 8 orgasms, no need to over complicate anything, works fine and gets it done...
Again i can not emphasize that you need to keep repeating that no sex will happen to make it more effective....
anyway guys if you want to see this in action i just did a report were i use this so it can make more sense here*..... But i have used it all the time and is very effective.... try it!
Just added some more break down of what is happening to her state and why using this works, from velasco:
Additional techniques that i have used in numerous lay that i recommend you guys field test are these ones:
*bonus lay report (it is an old one, but i recently did the same with my current main, no lay report on her yet, that i had onitis over, and i needed to make sex happened (she had her period so she did not want to have sex that day):
make physical game great again...
Verbal game is equally important vs my old take that "don't talk" here is something that i have done with success which is the reinforcement of NO SEXUAL ACT while verbally/physically escalating (it was a post i made in nextasf but now is gone but is important):
This is a new thing i have been doing with great success, i have field tested it so many times to present it as a technique.... For it to be done it has to be done in closing location, a closing location means a location where sex could occur or no less to 5 to 10 minutes were it can occur, for example in the parking lot in front of your house, or in the living room pre bedroom or hotel/motel lobby prior to room.
Sometimes the girl will announce "no sex will happen" this is actually a good sign in my opinion which 95% of the time means actually if you do everything right sex will actually happen.
so what you will do to pass this form of shit test/resistance/asd depending of the context is that you will totally agree with her, i know there are many ways to handle those objections but in this particular case the most effective way is to agree, vs the other techniques such as ignore, change the subject, amplify etcc.....
Disclaimer.- this is not the same as techniques such as second generations verbals to set up sexual frames, for example the one i learned from teevester such as, "i don't like sex" "in fact i hate sex" and then we go into the frames.... I do this and is effective but this is not what i am talking about, due to this is the mild resistance you may get in the CLOSING LOCATION, or again the scenarios or similar scenarios i just mentioned previously. Also this may happen when you for whatever reason lets say in some of my cases full of people and lack of isolation, you are not able to set up the sexual frames that will allow you to skip in most cases what this technique i am describing, one good sample would be a quick pull as well, were again you have no time to set up frames.
So what you will do is that you will agree with her no sex, i personally love something i learn from zardoz (poster here sometimes comes and writes now for chase) due to it fits a bit my crazy party vive...
Hb: no sex...
Skills: with a lot of acting exaggerated like someone just insulted my mom, or killed a baby in front of me, with a disgusted, outrageous face expression..... Uggggg! sex cootties!
Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, used in the United States and Canada as a rejection term and an infection tag game (such as Humans vs. Zombies). ... A child is said to "catch" cooties through close contact with an "infected" person or from an opposite-sex child of a similar age
you can do it however you want but the point is that you will VERBALLY agree that no sex will happen.... it should be done in one to 3 sentences no long elaborated speeches for you guys that love to over game and complicate shit....
so here is were it gets interesting and it will come a nuclear weapon technique i personally think this is fucking with her head, confusing her, not giving her the ability to logically think, dissonance etc....
What you are doing is that you will take her side and keep repeating in numerous elaborated creative ways multiple times VERBALLY, that NO SEX IS GOING TO HAPPEN, while you keep verbally and physically turning her on, if you get to far in the escalation for example eating her out or your dick head jerking of on her clit with no penetration, you have to obviously acknowledge that by saying "just tease, no sex, no sex, just tease" and cont. verbally and sexually physically escalating....
You can also as you are for example sucking her breast, go into whatever 2nd generation verbal routine you like, i always use the 8 orgasms, no need to over complicate anything, works fine and gets it done...
Again i can not emphasize that you need to keep repeating that no sex will happen to make it more effective....
anyway guys if you want to see this in action i just did a report were i use this so it can make more sense here*..... But i have used it all the time and is very effective.... try it!
Just added some more break down of what is happening to her state and why using this works, from velasco:
ok yeah. the reason she is telling you "no sex" is due to her not feeling horny anymore. and really wouldn't mind not having sex tonight. so she tells you something like, "I'm going to sleep"
BUT she isn't outright telling you that she's gonna leave (or if you're at her place, kicking you out) because at the back of her mind, she's still secretly hoping you can turn it around.
so the move here is to yeah agree with her "not horny" side ("ok that's fine"). then turn her on via sharing sex stories, talking about sex. then when her "horny" side is activated, escalate.
if you escalate while she is still in her "not horny" side, then she will turn you down. and most likely, ask you to leave.
Additional techniques that i have used in numerous lay that i recommend you guys field test are these ones:

Fastest way to avoid anti slut defense
How to use a massage to maximize your chances of getting laid fast.

how to get a bj
Easy formula to get oral sex (blow job) from a girl you just met.
*bonus lay report (it is an old one, but i recently did the same with my current main, no lay report on her yet, that i had onitis over, and i needed to make sex happened (she had her period so she did not want to have sex that day):
Sex Report Easter FR the condom...
4 weeks ago
I have been having a good streak, i 100% attribute it to my return in Libido (but nothing interesting to write about, the couple of lays with something worth writing about, i just added to techniques i already wrote about)... (soon I will make a post on how to increase libido naturally but it will be very complete and long will take a long time to make)...... I went out on Saturday, cock fest everywhere obviously is expected due to i am in southern Baptist area West Palm, so most women did not go out......
I still manage to open multiple sets and hook girls, but nothing really that i really like....
Clubs finally about to close so i Leave, i manage to see going to the pizza place my wing primo....
skills: Yo Primo!
Primo: hey primo! Nah don't go to pawn shop there is nothing there... Are you driving can you take me home, if you want to stay, don't worry about it i will call ubber....
skills: nah! i got you
So primo was with his brother that came from Seattle to his app. 10 year anniversary party (my wing is loaded), then 2 girls one extremely hot beance hot version look alike (22 years old, and i am not into black girl but this girl was smoking and one latina lesbian with a see through outfit also smoking hot, but believe it or not the black girl was amazing smoking hot and the better choice, full c or ds, flat stomack, big strong no celullite booty....
So we walk towards my car and she goes:
Young beance:"I feel judged (she did not use that word she use a generation z word but i do not remember and i do not know that language but that was the subcommunication of that word, so forgive me for my lack of generation z slang)
me: really how so???
young beance: this guy i went to school with i slept with him, and he knows my bf that i used to day and they saw me talking to 2 guys, so i feell like they are judging me...
me: oh ok, so i assume they probably think that you are messing with those 2 guys to.
young beance: yes
me: don't worry about it, they are probably jealous cause you are hot and you get all this attention...
so that was my first ioi since it was 3 guys and 2 girls so i don't know the play and who is doing who i don't want to cock block my friend....
now she ask for shot gun (meaning sitting in the front in slang) ioi #2
i get in the car and i don't talk, just ask her how she knows primo? she answers blah blah
she offers me pizza
ioi #3
she looks at my dashboard and sees dominos
she said "oh you ate pizza today"
as we get to primos mansion, primo his brother and the girl were eating in the back of my clean car
as they got out
skills: dude what a mess you made in the car
young beance: gets in the back of my car and start cleaning...
skills: oh shit look at this girl she is wife material... mama don't worry about it, damm i got a marry you, look at you... (in a playful way), then i tell primo, primo this girl cleaned the back she is wife material...
now i ask primo at the house to play some music and i dance a little bit with her to physically escalate...
then she sits on the couch i start massaging her...
then she gets a blanket and lays in my lap.... I say i will make you good night story (i tell her couple of my retarded stories, those of you who watch my video are familiar with couple of them)
i keep massaging her under the blanket but sexually touching breast and ass and no resistance... she touch me back innocent...
there is another generation x filipino girl that is dating 5 guys and the 5 guys were at the club, and the 5 guys mad at her and she is complaining that she lost the 5....
i take advantage and go into mr. secret society dialog on how those dudes have madonna whore complex and i explain madonna whore complex and how she is right and the dudes are wrong (of course 2nd gen teevester stuff on madonna whore)
Primo makes an air mattress for him to sleep in but the beance girl just sees that bed alone and jumps in, i jump in that air bed, but logistically too complicated the mattress is in the kitchen and the kitchen a mess from the party....
primo: listen i am going to sleep here guys cause my partner is in my bed (his biz partner that flew from seattle)
Young beance: I am going home...
Skills: nah don't go home come to my house is around the corner...
Young beance: no i am going home...
skills: let me walk you out....
skills: are you sure you don't want to come to my house i live right here 5 minutes.. Come in my car
young beance: ok but i will drive my car...
now she follows me to my place....
young beance: i got a go back i have her key...
^now what do i do, i leave my car and my house and jump in her car and say "lets go" ..... I do this cause if i let her go back without me, she could just change her mind and leave after, get me guys...
we go back to primos house i give the key to the other girl go back get in her car and go to my house....
as we get to my house
Young beance: listen i am going to sleep NO SEX.
skills: sex iaaccckkkkkk cootties, no sex..... I learn this line from a seducer name Zardoz now writes for chase in a book 10,000 failures that he wrote.
young beance comes in and changes and i go to the bathroom and turn off the light so she can have privacy...
she changes into sometype of outfit very sexy but not open like a night gal fml....
i let her go to sleep and massage her all night........... my dick is on fire but the girl is acting like no sex will happen, i did all my freaking massages and nothing...
Finally 5 hours later lol, she kind of wakes up (my dick about to explode),
i try to kiss her but she said "no i have bad breath) But i am skills and in my nightstand i have the mini listerine mouth strips and i give her 2, and i take one...
i jump on top of her and tell her "no sex" "if you got lemons make lemonades" and get on top missionary doing simulated sex with a clothes on, i start sucking the tetas and i keep repeating "no sex"
and i go game of thrones on her:
"i am a man of my word i pledge like Edward stark no sex and i intend to keep my pledge, i am a man of honor"
i keep socking her tits....
time to do second gen, have you been with a latin dude????
young beance: no
skills: we hate sex, in fact we do not like sex...
do you know that women can have 8 different type of orgasms with the right dude, run the routine....
take off her closes....
jerk off with no condom in her pussy without going int, i keep repeating no sex just lets tease each other....
now here is fml moment
i use magnum condoms with yellow wrappers, now i had a lifestyle condom with a yellow rapper....
i accidentally put the lifestyle condom and fuck the shut out of her.... Amazing sex, wholly fuck, the best and her body was fucking perfect a true 9, imagine a 22 year old beance with no cellulite everything tight, (though some argue black girls can not be 9) but fuck her body was perfect no mistakes like computer made all the right proportions... I may put a ring camara video on how she looks, dunno about the legalities though....
now here is the problem the condom felt inside of her, and we could not take it out so fuck my life....
Me: thank you for coming mama! happy Easter!.... 11:41 AM
hotblacktrinidadZakiya: Thanks. Did you ever find it? I might have to go to the emergency room 1:20 PM
hotblacktrinidadZakiya: ? 5:52 PM
Me: Sorry no it will come out 7:08 PM
Me: I use magnum condoms that was a lifestyle I thought it was a magnum due to yellow wrapper 7:09 PM
Me: Don't stress about it 7:10 PM
Me: It may be in the bed 7:10 PM
hotblacktrinidadZakiya: How will it come out 7:10 PM
make physical game great again...
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