So now that the new semester has begun, there are bevies of attractive young females. Let's hope this semester is better than the last!
Girl 1: she is sitting down. I don't feel super cool, but by this point, I can do okay as a default. I open and she is taken aback. I sit down next to her and maintain state, don't let her nervousness get to me, and I feel as if I'm reeling her back in. She starts to ask me questions and answer mine. But the line snaps and she get away. Interesting though, she says that she has to leave but stays. Her demeanor inform me that she expects me to go, but I just do a motion that is half shrug and half "go". She departs with my permission, I guess.
I spent the rest of the day with not quite Approach Anxiety and more like Approach Lethargy. I just didn't want to talk to any girls. I realized when I had got home what the problem was: I had killed my sex drive! Just like Chase said in his Porn Quitting article. So I definitely am going to try to cut back on the masturbation and porn (except maybe to help get aroused).
Today, I did just this and lo and behold, I wanted to talk to girls again!
Girl 1: walking towards me, great looking Asian. I tell her she is very, very cute. I follow her but I can tell that she is not interested due to the fact that she is going silent and walking faster ahead of me (to get away). The silence I try to fill up with a weak reveal about myself: I'm a film major. But this is trying to build value to her and puts me in a weaker position. Need to stop doing that. Nada.
To improve on: don't build value, asking more questions won't work so maybe this: stand perfectly still, cross arms, and wait for her to turn around. When she does, motion her back with one finger and say: "Now, are you going to be a good girl and walk next to me?" Only fails if she doesn't want to turn around or come back, but try it out for next time.
Girl 2: walking towards gym. I approach from behind and side. She is not very into it either due to low eye contact and going silent. Am too eager to please, more dominance. Some bullshit conversation about how I didn't know that they had math classes at the gym. It sucks but my worst approach is yet to come.
To improve on: powerful, try stand-still technique
Girl 3: she is at table. Doesn't even say anything and barely looks at me. Only extends a few fingers for a handshake. "What are you up to?" "Eating" I decide to salvage my dignity before she tears it to tatters and say "Nice to meet you" and leave.
To improve on: this girl just might not have been in the mood but my approach should have been more confident
Girl 4: I walk back and forth to see if there are other girls before I decide to just go for it. I'm on break for class and am feeling warmed up and confident. I tell her that she has beautiful hair. "Why, thank you!" I sit down without asking to (good) but it still feels a little unnatural (bad). But we get on really well and she has the most beautiful eyes I've seen in a good while. I decide to take a risk that I learned from AsianPersuasian and instead of asking for a number, I ask: "How can I contact you?" I thought she would give me her email for sure but she says: "I can give you my phone number" Good to get that little investment from her.
To improve on: confidence was good, now to create sexual tension
Girl 5: walking to an outdoor movie in the dark. There are scores of people but she still gets scared when I tap her on the shoulder. This initial fear permeates the rest of the interaction although I almost diffused it. I was talking too fast and diminished my presence because I scared her but I should have maintained sexiness. My conversation was not as smooth as I have typed it.
Her: I thought you were going to rob my phone.
Me: You crazy? There's a bunch of people around.
Her: They're all sitting down.
Me: They wouldn't get up to help you?
Her: No, they'd stay there.
Me: Lazy bastards. If you were in a pool of blood, they'd just sit and watch?
Her: Yup.
Me: Well, let's rewind 30 seconds and pretend that I didn't scare you. I'm TG. What's your name?
Her: Why?
Me: What's up?
Her: Why?
Me: How do you spell that? (I genuinely thought it was her name because it's weird for people to ask why they should give their names out when they meet people. Of course, she was uncomfortable but it's just really insulting to me. Gotta work on that mindset. Think "silly girl". Anyway, she must have picked up on my ignorance)
Her: Ha, ha, it's katya.
I was holding her hand the whole time during the handshake but then she says uncomfortably: "I'm just gonna..." and removes her hand. I make the mistake of responding verbally and looking at her hand. Should have ignored her state. I initiate us walking again. She talks about how she's in linguistics and I build up my value again: "I"m a film student." Don't do that. She walks to her friends and I don't want to drag the awkwardness on any longer with her friends around. Of course, if I charged in there and was charismatic, maybe I could have gotten social proof from her friends if they like me. Try that for next time. We part wordlessly, but I don't want to slink away so I tell her see you later.
To improve on: slower, don't diminish presence, don't acknowledge her state, take risks with friends
Summary: sex drive is easier to summon if you don't satisfy yourself. Restrain myself and try to bring out the energy through my body language. Also, try Crossed-Arms gambit and attempt for social proof from friends.
Girl 1: she is sitting down. I don't feel super cool, but by this point, I can do okay as a default. I open and she is taken aback. I sit down next to her and maintain state, don't let her nervousness get to me, and I feel as if I'm reeling her back in. She starts to ask me questions and answer mine. But the line snaps and she get away. Interesting though, she says that she has to leave but stays. Her demeanor inform me that she expects me to go, but I just do a motion that is half shrug and half "go". She departs with my permission, I guess.
I spent the rest of the day with not quite Approach Anxiety and more like Approach Lethargy. I just didn't want to talk to any girls. I realized when I had got home what the problem was: I had killed my sex drive! Just like Chase said in his Porn Quitting article. So I definitely am going to try to cut back on the masturbation and porn (except maybe to help get aroused).
Today, I did just this and lo and behold, I wanted to talk to girls again!
Girl 1: walking towards me, great looking Asian. I tell her she is very, very cute. I follow her but I can tell that she is not interested due to the fact that she is going silent and walking faster ahead of me (to get away). The silence I try to fill up with a weak reveal about myself: I'm a film major. But this is trying to build value to her and puts me in a weaker position. Need to stop doing that. Nada.
To improve on: don't build value, asking more questions won't work so maybe this: stand perfectly still, cross arms, and wait for her to turn around. When she does, motion her back with one finger and say: "Now, are you going to be a good girl and walk next to me?" Only fails if she doesn't want to turn around or come back, but try it out for next time.
Girl 2: walking towards gym. I approach from behind and side. She is not very into it either due to low eye contact and going silent. Am too eager to please, more dominance. Some bullshit conversation about how I didn't know that they had math classes at the gym. It sucks but my worst approach is yet to come.
To improve on: powerful, try stand-still technique
Girl 3: she is at table. Doesn't even say anything and barely looks at me. Only extends a few fingers for a handshake. "What are you up to?" "Eating" I decide to salvage my dignity before she tears it to tatters and say "Nice to meet you" and leave.
To improve on: this girl just might not have been in the mood but my approach should have been more confident
Girl 4: I walk back and forth to see if there are other girls before I decide to just go for it. I'm on break for class and am feeling warmed up and confident. I tell her that she has beautiful hair. "Why, thank you!" I sit down without asking to (good) but it still feels a little unnatural (bad). But we get on really well and she has the most beautiful eyes I've seen in a good while. I decide to take a risk that I learned from AsianPersuasian and instead of asking for a number, I ask: "How can I contact you?" I thought she would give me her email for sure but she says: "I can give you my phone number" Good to get that little investment from her.
To improve on: confidence was good, now to create sexual tension
Girl 5: walking to an outdoor movie in the dark. There are scores of people but she still gets scared when I tap her on the shoulder. This initial fear permeates the rest of the interaction although I almost diffused it. I was talking too fast and diminished my presence because I scared her but I should have maintained sexiness. My conversation was not as smooth as I have typed it.
Her: I thought you were going to rob my phone.
Me: You crazy? There's a bunch of people around.
Her: They're all sitting down.
Me: They wouldn't get up to help you?
Her: No, they'd stay there.
Me: Lazy bastards. If you were in a pool of blood, they'd just sit and watch?
Her: Yup.
Me: Well, let's rewind 30 seconds and pretend that I didn't scare you. I'm TG. What's your name?
Her: Why?
Me: What's up?
Her: Why?
Me: How do you spell that? (I genuinely thought it was her name because it's weird for people to ask why they should give their names out when they meet people. Of course, she was uncomfortable but it's just really insulting to me. Gotta work on that mindset. Think "silly girl". Anyway, she must have picked up on my ignorance)
Her: Ha, ha, it's katya.
I was holding her hand the whole time during the handshake but then she says uncomfortably: "I'm just gonna..." and removes her hand. I make the mistake of responding verbally and looking at her hand. Should have ignored her state. I initiate us walking again. She talks about how she's in linguistics and I build up my value again: "I"m a film student." Don't do that. She walks to her friends and I don't want to drag the awkwardness on any longer with her friends around. Of course, if I charged in there and was charismatic, maybe I could have gotten social proof from her friends if they like me. Try that for next time. We part wordlessly, but I don't want to slink away so I tell her see you later.
To improve on: slower, don't diminish presence, don't acknowledge her state, take risks with friends
Summary: sex drive is easier to summon if you don't satisfy yourself. Restrain myself and try to bring out the energy through my body language. Also, try Crossed-Arms gambit and attempt for social proof from friends.