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FR  back to the future


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
So i went out on a date with this really cute black girl. Ot was kind of fun to see how relaxed i was. I used to fidgety and talk fast now I'm just cool calm collected, and it's very cute to watch them do it and you get that little smirk on your face like you know what is happening.

Anyways so we went on a date to Starbucks and ended up on my couch watching a movie. She was very talkative and nervous and was just taking a mile a minute well she got to the point where she excused herself as she told me she had to pick a friend up from the hospital even before we went out. Not sure if it was an escape our truth.i suspect escape as I'm sure the friend has family and other friends but she Swype she promised. Skull on the way our i went in for the kiss she pulled away said whoa you don't do that on a first date..... I replied yes you do and smiled at her. She said um no you don't and nervously laughed so i backed away but she didn't leave. So i said don't be weird and kiss me, unless you have cooties.... In that case i can't. She Gabe me a quick peck and i could not get get to go out with he so i nexted her. Well i happen to work with get and she kept flirting i ignored i ignored to when i finally said listen.... I don't chase woman I'm not hippos at it so whwn are we going to gang out next.

She looked shocked and told me she didn't ask me to chase her.i told her she liked me and it was obvious so let's gang our this week. She told me her new days off top where i interrupted and said no i want it to be on my days off this time. She had a some cold look on her face and didn't say anything so i followed her in. She started smiling and said don't you have work to do as she looked at the ground the whole time. I said up here she looked in my eyes. I said say yes. She whispered yes. I said I'm Sperry i can't hear you what was that? She looked at me glaring like I'm not going to say it again you heard me.i smiled said.... Say yes. She smiled and said yes, but i was black mailing get to where i replied can't black mail the willing as i walked away.

i think because of her young age she might be a little shy about being alone. Can anyone else put any insight to this girl she is always smiling when she sees me. Always going out of her way top flirt


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
Re: FR back to the future


keep reading the articles here on girlschase, it will help you conceptualize things and understand the rules of seduction better.

main pointer would be unless you really know what your doing don't wait long until you kiss and get intimate once you have bought a girl back, that includes watching movies. get her in your place, get her a drink, tell her to make herself comfortable, maybe put on some music, have a little chat, sit close to her, aim to kiss within 10 minutes idealy 5.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR back to the future

For the most part i do, sometimes i get nervous about moving forward. sometimes I am really brave. i guess i still tip toe around the hot ones. My question would be more towards do you think that because i did not kiss her within ten minutes that this made her push away more?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
Re: FR back to the future

maximus6004 said:
For the most part i do, sometimes i get nervous about moving forward. sometimes I am really brave. i guess i still tip toe around the hot ones. My question would be more towards do you think that because i did not kiss her within ten minutes that this made her push away more?

i would say waiting too long undoubtedly made the 'moment' the kiss more awkward for her and probably you if you think about it, the time you waited also allowed her to cool down and approach things logically as opposed to emotionally. waiting too long would definitely have contributed towards her rejecting you yes.

but i don't know enough about you and the girl and/or the specifics involved in the interactions you had. a plethora of different things could also have contributed. its hard to say.

keep working on it!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR back to the future

Nevermind, don't answer that..... i already know the answer to that. i took a look back and guess i was hoping it could be something else! Thanks though all your advice today i found my sticking point. Moving to slow and not enough touch. I will work on that this week and post some replies towards my progress
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR back to the future

just saw your repost. I'm going to keep uploading my experiences as i have a lot to catch up on its only my first week on the forums! It's helping so much, i can see a lot more examples of what people are doing and where they mess up!

Thanks a lot man!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR back to the future

Do to update with this girl she saw me today. I flirted with her, all of a sudden she started to mention how she want feeling well. Can count on her canceling tomorrow. So tomorrow morning I'll cancel on her and chalk this one up as a painful loss. She was so pretty too.

Lesson learned move faster.
Don't put girls on pedestals