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- Dec 7, 2012
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This could be my last field report in a good while. Before I had taken the advice to tone down my game, I had hit on a girl in American Eagle and made her feel uncomfortable. She reported it to security, and today, the place I was planning on getting interviewed for a job disallowed me from entering their doors again. The security also apparently approached a girl I had talked to to tell her that I do this kind of stuff all the time, so I'll most likely be cock-blocked if I go into this mall.
To make matters worse, the girl the security talked to was with her friend, whom I had coincidentally approached yesterday at a mall in a different city... I get the feeling from the look on her face that I'll be reported there too.
With my two staples gone, I have no idea what the future looks like, but nonetheless, I'll write as many details of my day as I can.
Girl #1: My day of pickup started out in the Whole Foods Market 30 minutes from my home. It's a nice city.. not as populated as a mall, but I'd use it for day game if I lived close enough.
Me: "I didn't want to be one of those guys that just stared at you from a distance without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP!"
Her: "Oh, hi... I'm (name)"
Me: "So what are you doing here, besides flirting with an awesome guy?"
Her: "Um.. you know.. checking out Vitamins. I'm not from here though..."
Me: "Oh! Okay, where are you from?"
Her: "Boston."
Me: "And you're staying here for how long?"
Her: "3 days, with my friend"
I tried to ask another question, but she walked away fast. It was getting uncomfortable for me too, so I shrugged it off and moved on.
Girl #2: This one was standing by the dairy isle.
Me: "I didn't want to be one of those guys that walked right past you without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP! I think you look gorgeous!"
Her: "Oh my god, thank you! I'm (name)."
Me: "So what are you up to? You know, besides flirting with an awesome guy in the supermarket."
Her: "Haha! Just buying food."
Me: "Haha, are you into nutrition and stuff too?"
Her: "Well, I'm a vegetarian."
Me: "But not vegan huh.. So that means you still eat dairy and eggs right?"
Her: "Yeah! What about you? Are you vegan?"
Me: "Well no.. I do eat meat, but I go here to get the free range and organic stuff. The animals get treated much better, and it makes me feel less guilty. Anyway, tell me something interesting about yourself! I want to know your story."
Her: "Um.. I'm a lawyer, and I live with my boyfriend not to far away from here. Sorry."
Me: "Oh, that's okay! If we get along well, we can just be friends right?"
Her: "Haha, definitely! I just don't want to like waste your time or anything. What do you want to be?"
I commented that if we stayed in touch, she'd always have a job with me around. Then came the doctor monologue and how I'd get lawsuits from drug companies all the time. I tried as best I could to expand the lawyer thread by talking about how exhilarating but stressful it must be, but the conversation went bad, and she thanked me for stopping by before she left.
Girl #3: So I went back to my newly found hunting ground where I was to later get in trouble with security. My first stop was DSW, where I found a girl and chatted her up. Same opener, because I seem to get warmer receptions with that one.
Her: "Oh, thank you!"
Me: "So what brings you here? Besides to talk with an awesome guy and all?"
Her: "Um... just shopping for shoes and all."
Me: "Oh okay, awesome. For a special event or anything?"
Her: "No, not really."
Me: "Okay, well, now that I've picked up my balls to come talk to you, tell me something amazing about yourself!"
Her: "Um.. I'm not sure."
Me: "Do you want me to start us off then?"
Her: "Sure!"
Me: "(Guitar, art, photography, medical monologue...) Your turn!"
Her: "Okay, well I want to go to school for sign language!"
Me: "Oh really, so for like deaf people right?" (Bad response.)
Her: "Yeah."
Me: "What's the sign for Chinese?"
Her: "Um... I don't know. This is the sign for China though! *makes sign for china*"
Me: "Haha, I heard the sign for Chinese was *I pull one eye slanted*"
Her: "Hahaha! That used to be the sign, but it's not 'politically correct' anymore, so they changed it."
Me: "So you know signs that aren't politically correct then, huh. Can you show me some?"
Her: "No, hahaha! I'm not doing that.. Well.. I'm going to continue shopping now, but it was nice meeting you!"
And on I went.
Girl #4: I went to a nearby Michael to see if I could find an aspiring artist there, and as I was walking out of the bathroom, I spotted a girl with her mom. Same opener.
Her: "Oh thank you! Haha, I'm (name)."
Me: *turning to her mom* "Hi! Are you her mom?"
Mom: "Yep!"
Me: "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, I just thought your daughter was really cute."
Her: "No, you're fine!"
Me: *to the mom* "Do you mind if I talk to your daughter for five minutes? Or do you want to hear what I have to say first?"
Mom: "Mmmm.. I don't know, I think it depends on what you'll be saying... *to daughter* Plus you're turning fifty shades of red haha!"
Me: "Haha, does this not happen often to you?"
Her: "No! Haha!"
Mom: "Yeah, I don't know why either! I mean she's a pretty girl!"
Me: *to daughter again* "So what brings you here to an arts and crafts store? Besides all the awesome artist guys anyway.."
Her: "Haha, I'm actually looking for a frame for the picture I have for my boyfriend's birthday..."
Me: "Ohh, gotcha. Well that's really sweet of you! May I see? I'm a really artsy kind of person myself, only I haven't found any inspiration in years."
Her: "Sure! *shows me a large picture of a hockey game*"
Me: "That's really nice. Did you take that?"
Her: "Um, no, my boyfriend just really likes hockey, so I bought it, and now I'm trying to find a frame."
Me: "That's so sweet! Well, your boyfriend is a very lucky guy... and he's got great taste!"
Her: "Hahaha! Thank you!"
Mom: "You're very sweet!"
Me: "Well, I don't want to keep you too much longer. It was nice meeting you two!"
Mom: "Yep! Nice meeting you too!"
Girl #5: I was heading to H&M to return the vest I bought yesterday when I saw a gorgeous blonde walk out.
Me: "I didn't want to lose my chance and become one of those guys that just watched you walk out without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP! I think you look fucking adorable in that outfit!"
Her: "Oh my god! You just made my day! Thank you, I'm (name)."
Me: "Glad I could make your day! So what are you up to besides flirting with an awesome guy?"
Her: "Oh, just shopping!"
Me: "What'd you buy? *gesturing to her bag*"
Her: "Haha, you wanna see what's inside? *shows me a skirt* My friend had one, so I just had to buy it too!"
Me: "Well, there's never a bad reason to look good! Haha, I'm actually here to return something."
Her: "Oh, well what didn't you like?"
Me: *pull out the vest* "Bought it yesterday, but I'm kinda strapped for cash right now, so I need to return it."
Her: "Oh, gotcha!"
Me: "So tell me something interesting about you! I want to know the story of the cute girl I found walking out of the shop!"
Her: "Um... I don't know.. Well, I work at Wild Bill's!"
Me: "Oh, I've never actually eaten there, haha!"
Her: "Yeah, actually I'm just on break, but I have to go now."
Me: "Okay, before you go then.. I didn't get the chance to get to know you as well as I liked to, and I'm still curious. Do you want to exchange phone numbers?"
Her: "Mmm... No, sorry, I don't think my boyfriend would like that."
Me: "Okay, see you later!"
Girl #6: This one was also with her mom in a shop where I met the red haired girl. I was intending to friend zone the red head, but I saw the girl, who smiled at me.
Me: "I wanted to get out of the view of my friend over there, but I wanted to tell you that I think you look amazing! I'm AP!"
Her: "Haha, oh thanks! I'm (name)."
Me: *turning to her mom* Hi, are you her.."
Mom: "I'm her mom, yes."
Me: "I'm AP! Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
Mom: "Well we are shopping.."
Me: "Do you think I could have 5 minutes with your daughter? I won't be long.. I promise!"
Mom: *looks at daughter*
Her: "Sure!"
Me: "Okay, tell me something amazing about yourself."
Her: "Um... I don't know.. I'm in gymastics?"
Me: *whispering to her* "So that means you're flexible.."
Her: "Haha! Yeah I guess so! Other than that, I'm really not sure..."
Me: "Well, if you can't think of anything, do you think I could try to say something amazing about you?"
Her: "Haha, sure!"
So I launched Chase's three animals game, and she thought it was spot on.
Me: ".. Pretty awesome huh? Anyway, I don't want to keep you any longer, but I think you're really cool and I'd like to meet up sometime! Do you think we could exchange numbers?"
Her: "Um.. Sorry, I have a boyfriend, and I don't think he'd be okay with that.."
Mom: "Yeah, he probably wouldn't."
Me: "Okay, well do you want to be just friends? I still think you're really cool."
Her: "Well, I don't live around here. I'm like an hour away."
Me: "Oh, okay, well, nice meeting you!" *turning to the mom* "And thank you for being so cool about this."
Mom: "Yep."
Her: "Thanks though!"
Flake #1: At that moment, I realized my phone wasn't in my pocket, and I was supposed to keep track of time for my interview. I retraced my steps, running back to the shop and back to the DSW, where I asked if they had seen it. Nobody did, but they said I was free to look. As I was looking, I spotted an attractive girl and opened to her.
Her: "Oh, thank you! I'm (name)"
Me: "So what are you up to today? Besides flirting with an awesome guy?"
Her: "Haha, oh just shopping."
Me: "So anyway, I want to know your story a little better. Tell me something interesting about yourself."
Her: "Um.. I don't know."
Me: "Well, maybe I can say something interesting about you?"
Her: "Sure!"
I launched Chase's three animals game again, but before she could answer, her friend called her. She asked me to come with, so I did. As it turned out, her friend was a girl I had previously talked to at a totally different mall just yesterday, and she was pretty miffed that I was doing this with another girl in another city.
Me: "Well, I think she's cute, and you said no." (That was bad. I was totally unprepared and just reacted.)
Her and I continued the game and I later put my number into her phone. I thought the interaction went well, but after my episode with security, I texted her back, and she told me that security told her I do this all the time, and now she thinks I'm a creep.
Flake #2: This one was in the shop I was planning on getting my interview in. They had me wait, but since I hadn't yet worked there, I didn't see anything wrong with chatting up a girl I thought was cute. After all, they go through all that trouble looking good, and I wasn't about to let that effort go unnoticed.
Her: "Oh, thank you! That just made my day! Haha, I'm (name)"
Me: *turning to her friend* "Are you two friends? Hi, I'm AP! I hope I'm not interrupting anything between you two."
Friend: "Nope! You're fine!"
Me: "So anyway, tell me something interesting about you! I want to know your story a little better."
Her: "Um.. I don't know.. I can't really think of anything haha!"
Me: "Well, do you think I could try to say something interesting about you?"
Her: "Sure!"
I launched the Three Favorite Animals Game, but she couldn't think of anything either, so I tried the Strawberry Fields game.
Me: "..So, is it accurate?"
Her: "No! Haha!" (She said the fence was 10 ft high, she ate 5 strawberries, and thanked the owner afterwards.)
Me: "Well, I'm probably gonna have to get to my interview soon, but I want to meet up with you again sometime. Do you want to exchange numbers?"
Her: "Well.. I've got a boyfriend, and I'm not sure he'd like that."
Me: "How bout we just be friends then? Like strictly platonic?"
Her: "Then sure!"
So I put my name in her phone and we parted ways. I saw an employee come talk to her right after I left, but figured it was nothing until the manager came to talk to me.
I found out at that point that the American Eagle girl had reported me to the place and to security. I had let it slip that I was going for an interview at Buckles, and she ended up telling the manager and security. They gave me this lecture about how the whole place was a business and not some dating site, and I'm not allowed back into Buckles. Plus, they now have their eyes out for me.
When I texted the girl back, she pretended that I had the wrong number. I knew why immediately, and didn't persist.
So now that the security in this mall is bent on cock-blocking me whenever they see me, and that the whole place knows my name and probably my description, this hunting ground is now closed off to me.
Making matters worse, a girl I had hit on at the other mall happened to be around, and I have a good guess she'll be reporting me at the other mall too.
Things I did well:
1) My conversation has improved significantly
2) I'm cracking less under pressure
3) I approach everyone now that catches my attention. Not just girls.
Things I can improve on:
1) Not getting caught by security
2) Conversation, still
3) Finding another hunting ground
Lessons Learned:
1) Don't shit where you eat. (Too late.)
2) Don't visit the same hunting ground too often or you'll be recognized and reported. (Too late.)
3) Mall security is a bitch
This isn't so much a blow to my ego as a realization that my options have significantly dwindled. I won't stop approaching, but so far, it looks like my days of actively going out specifically to approach could be over... To find more grounds, I may need to wait until I can move somewhere else. Today really fucked things up, and I'm no longer sure where I can continue my learning. I really appreciate all the input you guys have given me all this time.
Laowai, Light, Franco, you guys seriously rock from all the advice you've given me. I promise, I'll never let any of it go to waste. I'll find a new place to learn someday and never forget the lessons my seniors have passed down to me.
Zphix, PrettyDecent, Jake D., Brentwoodbam, TomGrey, all of you. Your good words really keep a guy going when he's forcing himself out of planes to learn how to fly. Thank you. Keep making progress.
And thank you Chase, if you read this. I'd have never gotten to this point had you never taken the time to originally make the site, write such in depth posts, and make this forum. This has been the most life changing thing I have ever done.
I hope I can get to writing again soon, but I've sorta found myself in a rut. I guess my main question for now is, "What should I do next?"
To make matters worse, the girl the security talked to was with her friend, whom I had coincidentally approached yesterday at a mall in a different city... I get the feeling from the look on her face that I'll be reported there too.
With my two staples gone, I have no idea what the future looks like, but nonetheless, I'll write as many details of my day as I can.
Girl #1: My day of pickup started out in the Whole Foods Market 30 minutes from my home. It's a nice city.. not as populated as a mall, but I'd use it for day game if I lived close enough.
Me: "I didn't want to be one of those guys that just stared at you from a distance without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP!"
Her: "Oh, hi... I'm (name)"
Me: "So what are you doing here, besides flirting with an awesome guy?"
Her: "Um.. you know.. checking out Vitamins. I'm not from here though..."
Me: "Oh! Okay, where are you from?"
Her: "Boston."
Me: "And you're staying here for how long?"
Her: "3 days, with my friend"
I tried to ask another question, but she walked away fast. It was getting uncomfortable for me too, so I shrugged it off and moved on.
Girl #2: This one was standing by the dairy isle.
Me: "I didn't want to be one of those guys that walked right past you without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP! I think you look gorgeous!"
Her: "Oh my god, thank you! I'm (name)."
Me: "So what are you up to? You know, besides flirting with an awesome guy in the supermarket."
Her: "Haha! Just buying food."
Me: "Haha, are you into nutrition and stuff too?"
Her: "Well, I'm a vegetarian."
Me: "But not vegan huh.. So that means you still eat dairy and eggs right?"
Her: "Yeah! What about you? Are you vegan?"
Me: "Well no.. I do eat meat, but I go here to get the free range and organic stuff. The animals get treated much better, and it makes me feel less guilty. Anyway, tell me something interesting about yourself! I want to know your story."
Her: "Um.. I'm a lawyer, and I live with my boyfriend not to far away from here. Sorry."
Me: "Oh, that's okay! If we get along well, we can just be friends right?"
Her: "Haha, definitely! I just don't want to like waste your time or anything. What do you want to be?"
I commented that if we stayed in touch, she'd always have a job with me around. Then came the doctor monologue and how I'd get lawsuits from drug companies all the time. I tried as best I could to expand the lawyer thread by talking about how exhilarating but stressful it must be, but the conversation went bad, and she thanked me for stopping by before she left.
Girl #3: So I went back to my newly found hunting ground where I was to later get in trouble with security. My first stop was DSW, where I found a girl and chatted her up. Same opener, because I seem to get warmer receptions with that one.
Her: "Oh, thank you!"
Me: "So what brings you here? Besides to talk with an awesome guy and all?"
Her: "Um... just shopping for shoes and all."
Me: "Oh okay, awesome. For a special event or anything?"
Her: "No, not really."
Me: "Okay, well, now that I've picked up my balls to come talk to you, tell me something amazing about yourself!"
Her: "Um.. I'm not sure."
Me: "Do you want me to start us off then?"
Her: "Sure!"
Me: "(Guitar, art, photography, medical monologue...) Your turn!"
Her: "Okay, well I want to go to school for sign language!"
Me: "Oh really, so for like deaf people right?" (Bad response.)
Her: "Yeah."
Me: "What's the sign for Chinese?"
Her: "Um... I don't know. This is the sign for China though! *makes sign for china*"
Me: "Haha, I heard the sign for Chinese was *I pull one eye slanted*"
Her: "Hahaha! That used to be the sign, but it's not 'politically correct' anymore, so they changed it."
Me: "So you know signs that aren't politically correct then, huh. Can you show me some?"
Her: "No, hahaha! I'm not doing that.. Well.. I'm going to continue shopping now, but it was nice meeting you!"
And on I went.
Girl #4: I went to a nearby Michael to see if I could find an aspiring artist there, and as I was walking out of the bathroom, I spotted a girl with her mom. Same opener.
Her: "Oh thank you! Haha, I'm (name)."
Me: *turning to her mom* "Hi! Are you her mom?"
Mom: "Yep!"
Me: "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, I just thought your daughter was really cute."
Her: "No, you're fine!"
Me: *to the mom* "Do you mind if I talk to your daughter for five minutes? Or do you want to hear what I have to say first?"
Mom: "Mmmm.. I don't know, I think it depends on what you'll be saying... *to daughter* Plus you're turning fifty shades of red haha!"
Me: "Haha, does this not happen often to you?"
Her: "No! Haha!"
Mom: "Yeah, I don't know why either! I mean she's a pretty girl!"
Me: *to daughter again* "So what brings you here to an arts and crafts store? Besides all the awesome artist guys anyway.."
Her: "Haha, I'm actually looking for a frame for the picture I have for my boyfriend's birthday..."
Me: "Ohh, gotcha. Well that's really sweet of you! May I see? I'm a really artsy kind of person myself, only I haven't found any inspiration in years."
Her: "Sure! *shows me a large picture of a hockey game*"
Me: "That's really nice. Did you take that?"
Her: "Um, no, my boyfriend just really likes hockey, so I bought it, and now I'm trying to find a frame."
Me: "That's so sweet! Well, your boyfriend is a very lucky guy... and he's got great taste!"
Her: "Hahaha! Thank you!"
Mom: "You're very sweet!"
Me: "Well, I don't want to keep you too much longer. It was nice meeting you two!"
Mom: "Yep! Nice meeting you too!"
Girl #5: I was heading to H&M to return the vest I bought yesterday when I saw a gorgeous blonde walk out.
Me: "I didn't want to lose my chance and become one of those guys that just watched you walk out without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP! I think you look fucking adorable in that outfit!"
Her: "Oh my god! You just made my day! Thank you, I'm (name)."
Me: "Glad I could make your day! So what are you up to besides flirting with an awesome guy?"
Her: "Oh, just shopping!"
Me: "What'd you buy? *gesturing to her bag*"
Her: "Haha, you wanna see what's inside? *shows me a skirt* My friend had one, so I just had to buy it too!"
Me: "Well, there's never a bad reason to look good! Haha, I'm actually here to return something."
Her: "Oh, well what didn't you like?"
Me: *pull out the vest* "Bought it yesterday, but I'm kinda strapped for cash right now, so I need to return it."
Her: "Oh, gotcha!"
Me: "So tell me something interesting about you! I want to know the story of the cute girl I found walking out of the shop!"
Her: "Um... I don't know.. Well, I work at Wild Bill's!"
Me: "Oh, I've never actually eaten there, haha!"
Her: "Yeah, actually I'm just on break, but I have to go now."
Me: "Okay, before you go then.. I didn't get the chance to get to know you as well as I liked to, and I'm still curious. Do you want to exchange phone numbers?"
Her: "Mmm... No, sorry, I don't think my boyfriend would like that."
Me: "Okay, see you later!"
Girl #6: This one was also with her mom in a shop where I met the red haired girl. I was intending to friend zone the red head, but I saw the girl, who smiled at me.
Me: "I wanted to get out of the view of my friend over there, but I wanted to tell you that I think you look amazing! I'm AP!"
Her: "Haha, oh thanks! I'm (name)."
Me: *turning to her mom* Hi, are you her.."
Mom: "I'm her mom, yes."
Me: "I'm AP! Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
Mom: "Well we are shopping.."
Me: "Do you think I could have 5 minutes with your daughter? I won't be long.. I promise!"
Mom: *looks at daughter*
Her: "Sure!"
Me: "Okay, tell me something amazing about yourself."
Her: "Um... I don't know.. I'm in gymastics?"
Me: *whispering to her* "So that means you're flexible.."
Her: "Haha! Yeah I guess so! Other than that, I'm really not sure..."
Me: "Well, if you can't think of anything, do you think I could try to say something amazing about you?"
Her: "Haha, sure!"
So I launched Chase's three animals game, and she thought it was spot on.
Me: ".. Pretty awesome huh? Anyway, I don't want to keep you any longer, but I think you're really cool and I'd like to meet up sometime! Do you think we could exchange numbers?"
Her: "Um.. Sorry, I have a boyfriend, and I don't think he'd be okay with that.."
Mom: "Yeah, he probably wouldn't."
Me: "Okay, well do you want to be just friends? I still think you're really cool."
Her: "Well, I don't live around here. I'm like an hour away."
Me: "Oh, okay, well, nice meeting you!" *turning to the mom* "And thank you for being so cool about this."
Mom: "Yep."
Her: "Thanks though!"
Flake #1: At that moment, I realized my phone wasn't in my pocket, and I was supposed to keep track of time for my interview. I retraced my steps, running back to the shop and back to the DSW, where I asked if they had seen it. Nobody did, but they said I was free to look. As I was looking, I spotted an attractive girl and opened to her.
Her: "Oh, thank you! I'm (name)"
Me: "So what are you up to today? Besides flirting with an awesome guy?"
Her: "Haha, oh just shopping."
Me: "So anyway, I want to know your story a little better. Tell me something interesting about yourself."
Her: "Um.. I don't know."
Me: "Well, maybe I can say something interesting about you?"
Her: "Sure!"
I launched Chase's three animals game again, but before she could answer, her friend called her. She asked me to come with, so I did. As it turned out, her friend was a girl I had previously talked to at a totally different mall just yesterday, and she was pretty miffed that I was doing this with another girl in another city.
Me: "Well, I think she's cute, and you said no." (That was bad. I was totally unprepared and just reacted.)
Her and I continued the game and I later put my number into her phone. I thought the interaction went well, but after my episode with security, I texted her back, and she told me that security told her I do this all the time, and now she thinks I'm a creep.
Flake #2: This one was in the shop I was planning on getting my interview in. They had me wait, but since I hadn't yet worked there, I didn't see anything wrong with chatting up a girl I thought was cute. After all, they go through all that trouble looking good, and I wasn't about to let that effort go unnoticed.
Her: "Oh, thank you! That just made my day! Haha, I'm (name)"
Me: *turning to her friend* "Are you two friends? Hi, I'm AP! I hope I'm not interrupting anything between you two."
Friend: "Nope! You're fine!"
Me: "So anyway, tell me something interesting about you! I want to know your story a little better."
Her: "Um.. I don't know.. I can't really think of anything haha!"
Me: "Well, do you think I could try to say something interesting about you?"
Her: "Sure!"
I launched the Three Favorite Animals Game, but she couldn't think of anything either, so I tried the Strawberry Fields game.
Me: "..So, is it accurate?"
Her: "No! Haha!" (She said the fence was 10 ft high, she ate 5 strawberries, and thanked the owner afterwards.)
Me: "Well, I'm probably gonna have to get to my interview soon, but I want to meet up with you again sometime. Do you want to exchange numbers?"
Her: "Well.. I've got a boyfriend, and I'm not sure he'd like that."
Me: "How bout we just be friends then? Like strictly platonic?"
Her: "Then sure!"
So I put my name in her phone and we parted ways. I saw an employee come talk to her right after I left, but figured it was nothing until the manager came to talk to me.
I found out at that point that the American Eagle girl had reported me to the place and to security. I had let it slip that I was going for an interview at Buckles, and she ended up telling the manager and security. They gave me this lecture about how the whole place was a business and not some dating site, and I'm not allowed back into Buckles. Plus, they now have their eyes out for me.
When I texted the girl back, she pretended that I had the wrong number. I knew why immediately, and didn't persist.
So now that the security in this mall is bent on cock-blocking me whenever they see me, and that the whole place knows my name and probably my description, this hunting ground is now closed off to me.
Making matters worse, a girl I had hit on at the other mall happened to be around, and I have a good guess she'll be reporting me at the other mall too.
Things I did well:
1) My conversation has improved significantly
2) I'm cracking less under pressure
3) I approach everyone now that catches my attention. Not just girls.
Things I can improve on:
1) Not getting caught by security
2) Conversation, still
3) Finding another hunting ground
Lessons Learned:
1) Don't shit where you eat. (Too late.)
2) Don't visit the same hunting ground too often or you'll be recognized and reported. (Too late.)
3) Mall security is a bitch
This isn't so much a blow to my ego as a realization that my options have significantly dwindled. I won't stop approaching, but so far, it looks like my days of actively going out specifically to approach could be over... To find more grounds, I may need to wait until I can move somewhere else. Today really fucked things up, and I'm no longer sure where I can continue my learning. I really appreciate all the input you guys have given me all this time.
Laowai, Light, Franco, you guys seriously rock from all the advice you've given me. I promise, I'll never let any of it go to waste. I'll find a new place to learn someday and never forget the lessons my seniors have passed down to me.
Zphix, PrettyDecent, Jake D., Brentwoodbam, TomGrey, all of you. Your good words really keep a guy going when he's forcing himself out of planes to learn how to fly. Thank you. Keep making progress.
And thank you Chase, if you read this. I'd have never gotten to this point had you never taken the time to originally make the site, write such in depth posts, and make this forum. This has been the most life changing thing I have ever done.
I hope I can get to writing again soon, but I've sorta found myself in a rut. I guess my main question for now is, "What should I do next?"