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LR  Bad Sex?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
LR is lay report right? for sex and stuff? Its my first time posting it here so forgive me if Im wrong.

So, this one starts with me meeting some girl in a dating website (yes, its sad, I should be going out, etc.etc). I start talking to her and ask her what shes looking for, to which she simply says "sex". Of course I get a bit on the edge because girls usually dont just say it right away, but I kept talking to her. After a while I get to know a bit more about her, had to keep her on the edge and act sensual and all (like, call her a slut and tell her shes going to get fucked hard, etc. etc.) and not really build rapport as its usual. She was 24 years old, lets say "experienced" with sex. Im am 19 years old, not really that experienced, since I only had 1 girlfriend that I had sex with and that was like, 1 year ago or something.She actually said I was kind of childish from the online conversations, which I dont know if it was because I was trying to find out if she really was real or just a fake account, having asked her for pictures and all that.

So yeah you can see how it went...

We agreed to meet, by the train station it was. Then we took the bus to my place and all. She was really nervous and energetic and was really undecisive until the last moment. I stayed relaxed and calm and tried to calm her down too. She couldnt even look straight into my eyes for 1 second, and when I really said it, I tried to kiss her, to which she rejected because she didnt really kiss guys she didnt feel in love with.
During the bus ride, she was still pretty nervous and didnt look at me, so I joked and said I didnt want her again, let go of her and just looked outside of the window. I guess she took it seriously, my fault or her fault? I dont really know.

We took the bus

So now were in my bedroom. Lights off, she starts giving me oral, even though shes not really that great anyway. Then as she still had to meet some other people an hour later, she starts saying theres not much time and that we should start fucking. Then she complains about how dry she is, and I cant get my dick hard enough, probably lost it because she was acting kinda weird while I could still penetrate her. Somewhere in the middle she just shit test me "do you feel anything?", which I completely ignored.

Basically everything that could go wrong went wrong.

After that, I just lay beside her, saying that I wasnt really that experienced and that we should take it slower. She wasnt really expecting a lot from me either so she understood it. So I tried going down on her. She was trying to avoid it at first, saying she didnt like it, but I tried to go down again and again, until she let me. I start licking her, hands on her boobs, and after a while she starts moving her hips with it. A couple of minutes later she gets really violent, squeezes my head with her legs in pleasure and screams. I kept going and at the end of it, she came 3 times I think. She was so suprised by it because she wasnt expecting to get an orgasm from someone so unexperienced and 5 years younger. Oh and to add to that, she confessed that it was something that she never felt before, aka her first orgasm ever. I guess I should feel good about this? Then she wanted to go but I told her that she could stay a bit and finish me off. Complaining that the condom taste would make her puke, she didnt give me any real head and jerking me off wouldnt work either since she was doing it so hard.
So i tell her it wasnt worth it and that she could go. She gets dressed and leaves and thats it.

All in all, it threw me down because I used to be better at sex, and then again, giving the first orgasm to a girl and making it happen 3 times is something to be happy about it in my opinion.

So yeah thats my story. I appreciate critiques and everything, I think I really need some.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012

Nice job, things seemed to go pretty well, except till she had to leave. Did you hold her after or did you just kick her out? The thing is, you guys were having a great time, then all of a sudden, she leaves, emotions drop and I feel like she may feel regret for what she did. If she does feel regret, that's buyers remorse, and you have to be careful about that!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Thanks Garrett!

We didnt do much. I lay down and I guess she didnt want to, she was eating some chocolate I had laying around, and was like, really amazed at how such a younger inexperienced guy could have her come 3 times and also how she only had her first real orgasm at 24. The handjob she was giving me was hurting me more than giving me pleasure, so I just said that she could go if she wanted. She then got dressed and left. It ended on a rather negative tone I guess, at least for me, so I guess I wont be hearing back from her again.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Still she said she wasnt that good herself in sex I think. I feel theres just this stigma that women in sex dont need to do anything other than judge the male. She wouldnt go on top, she would let me oral until I really insisted, she wouldnt even put her goddamn legs up on missionary.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Oh, and after something like this, what do you guys usually do? Do you keep talking to the girl? Do you just cut all connections with her?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
D3. said:
Oh, and after something like this, what do you guys usually do? Do you keep talking to the girl? Do you just cut all connections with her?

Because of the orgasms (even though oral), if you like her, then I'd keep talking/meeting with her. She may be hesitant or say either the sex or her was bad. It's your job to just make her feel good and act like no big deal. Then I bet she'll keep seeing you.

It really depends on if you like her or not. Do you want to keep seeing her or was it just too bad?

If you don't like her, then I'd probably call her and try to alleviate the tension a bit and end it. She's probably feeling very embarrassed right now. So again, just make the "bad sex" like no big deal at all and gracefully end it.

You'd think that pseudo-bad or psuedo-weird sex would be a complete killer, but it really depends on how it's handled and the initial meeting/opening. One of my friend's (that's a girl) went home with a guy just last year. The guy was a good conversationalist and went very sexy aggressive into bed. Pushed her hard up against the wall (hand behind her head, so didn't really hurt) and kissed her, etc. However, when they finally got to sex, he just couldn't get it up. I don't know if he had just been too drunk or what. So, anyway, just ended up cuddling. Logically, you'd think that this would have killed it. But, she still wanted to be boyfriend/girlfriend and try sex again. It just shows you how much pressure guys put on sex compared with women. She didn't care and wanted to try again to actually have good sex.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Thanks PinotNoir,

I did go back to talking to her, to alleviate some of the bad feelings around. She actually apologized, saying she was being a bitch that night, to which I said it was pretty normal since she was nervous. Besides that, we didnt talk a lot more. I tried to ask her about other things but I didnt get any responses other than 1 word uninterested responses, so I guess thats it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
D3. said:
Thanks PinotNoir,

I did go back to talking to her, to alleviate some of the bad feelings around. She actually apologized, saying she was being a bitch that night, to which I said it was pretty normal since she was nervous. Besides that, we didnt talk a lot more. I tried to ask her about other things but I didnt get any responses other than 1 word uninterested responses, so I guess thats it.

1st mistake, when she says she acted like a bitch, you either ignore it such as "Really? why do you say that?" or address it "YES you were, it was kind of fun". Don't agree with her that's a trap ;)

She probably feels dirty and slutty, so you basically either comfort her, or say that you like it. Depending on your 'twist' ;)

Me I'd encourage it, she'll probably be tearing your clothes off every time you see her.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Well I guess not. I talked to her again, and she said she only wanted me to go down on her, like no sex or anything. Said she was used to bigger guys (the asian stereotype attacking) so I said I wouldnt do it if it was just to pleasure her. I guess thats it then


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
the only sure way to give a girl orgasm is oral + fingering the gspot. i`ve learnt this recently.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
D3. said:
Well I guess not. I talked to her again, and she said she only wanted me to go down on her, like no sex or anything. Said she was used to bigger guys (the asian stereotype attacking) so I said I wouldnt do it if it was just to pleasure her. I guess thats it then

Yeah, it sounds like a good idea to burn this.

However, you could possibly have sex, but it'd be in a devious way. Give her oral until she's dripping wet. Then just tell her your mouth/tongue is too tired, and "we'll have to think of some other way to pleasure you." Then just move forward from there. >:)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Good job man...don't worry if the sex is not always good. It happens.
Chemistry is chemistry and this was kind of a weird situation.
Now go buy some KY at your local drugstore and keep that handy in case she's dry or shit at giving hand jobs.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers