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Openers  Baiting versus letting the girl talk


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Hey gents,

I am focusing on day-game and am having trouble getting enough momentum in the early part of a conversation after the opener.
I have many diverse interests and life experiences. In line with Chase's recommendations regarding letting the girl talk as much as possible, I like to allow the girl discover me with questions.

I've noticed however that this trips me out early in the interaction. Since I don't resort to throwing out little bait, I tend to ask girls interview style questions like "where are you from" etc. at the beginning. This is usually too generic and doesn't differentiate me much from other guys.

I think that I can give girls a little bit more clues regarding the type of person I am, what drives me, etc. early on in the interaction without making it seem like I'm trying to build myself up. How would I do that?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Have you seen this article yet?:

Conversation Example

(and I imagine you've read the one on baiting itself: Baiting vs. Trading Information)

You may be running into some issues with day game because it's an environment that doesn't have much (or any) natural social context. That is, when she meets you, she's not in a socializing mood, she's not expecting to get into a conversation with a stranger (even a cute / charming / handsome one), and so she won't jump into asking you questions about yourself as quickly as you'd have in more social environments nearly as often.

With day game (especially street stops, shops, bookstores, girls waiting in line, waiting for the train, etc.) you typically have to carry more of the interaction earlier on, which means more questions about her and more cold reading. The baiting doesn't come much until later in the conversation. Usually you'll have already figured out some measure of her logistics at the moment too: where she's heading, what she's doing, how much time the two of you have. Women often won't engage you for practical reasons: she's headed somewhere, and even if she might like you she doesn't want to get into asking you questions and making you think there'll be this big conversation when she's just about to jet off.

Sometimes all you can do is chat with her briefly, get some details on her, get her contact details and an agreement to chat later or maybe meet up, and bid her adieu. She doesn't necessarily need to get into a long conversation or even know anything about you (especially if it's a quick chat-and-number-grab because she's in a hurry or you are).

I probably wouldn't worry about baiting too much unless you're already a 4 or 5 minutes into a conversation with a girl you met via day game and you'd already established that the two of you had enough time and were comfortable enough where you logistically were (hanging out in a park, for instance) and that you weren't being a social burden that she would start taking bait and asking you about yourself.

If you'd like actual examples of baiting, there are some in the "Conversations Example" article. I also have a bunch in Spellbinding. The easiest way to describe it though is to take whatever you'd normally say in a longer fact-laced description of yourself and form it into a hint instead. So instead of, "I work over at the Johnson Center doing taxes for 9 major corporate clients," you'd say, "I'm a money guy for major movers and shakers," or something like that. Romance it; lace it up with mystery and intrigue; be creative and foreign and exotic. Take her on an adventure instead of boring her to tears like most guys do. Every girl wants a small escape from her life of drudgery and sameness, and if you can provide it, she will love to be with you.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Thank you for all the pointers, Chase. Your resources give a great comprehensive idea of how to approach this. I'm glad you mentioned the Spellbinding book, too, as it's a good incentive for me to take advantage of it (hadn't looked seriously even though I downloaded a year ago).

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers