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Long-Term  Balancing Act


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey all,

Back story:
When you're in a hot and heavy relationship with a girl you'll notice things fading in and out of your life.
*Working out

It's important in any healthy relationship to have time set aside for yourself, your friends, and your girlfriend. A lot of guys make their girlfriend the center of their life and forget everything else. This actually makes a gal lose a lot of interest for you. The reason being is because you convey to her that you have nothing exciting going in your life at all. That's not how you want to look to your girlfriend. This is why texting all day and all night with your girlfriend could be sometimes be a bad thing. When I say texting, I mean non stop texting like every minute of every hour on each day. Eventually, you run out of things to talk about and things become stale and boring. The idea I'm bringing home is to keep things fresh.

There's nothing wrong with finding a new hobby such as guitar lessons, skydiving, water polo, or something extraordinary. You want your girlfriend still know that you have a life outside of her. This will allow her to miss you more and such. Remember a girl is supposed to do the missing not the guy. Remember a guy should always be looking for ways to improve himself as well. Women are creatures that love change and she'll test you if she feels you're getting week.

Friends: Stay social
There's nothing wrong with meeting up with some of your buddies to work out, watch the game, go on trips, or get food. That is good stuff! A lot of guys though will disappear once they get a girlfriend. Like I said before she will become the center of his universe. Unfortunately, she'll eventually get tired of it. Now I'm not saying go hit on girls with your friends, but do maintain some social aspect in your life. Hang out with people you have hobbies with, and it doesn't have to be all day either. Women find it very attractive when her man can navigate social circumstances very smoothly. A lot of guys are afraid to hang out with their guy friends in a relationship. They feel like its wrong to go out and have fun. Here's the thing women go out all the time with their gal pals and guy pals. Women are social creatures so they aspect you to be social too.

Too much of anything: Keep it moving
Too much of anything can be detrimental to the growth of your relationship. This is why it's important to keep growing in your relationship. It will make it last longer and it will become more meaningful each and everyday. Remember everyone needs their space from time to time.

Take care,

Just Dave


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Upon becoming engaged I noticed this happening myself too. We quickly started to spend more time together, but I was/am able to keep other things going on in my life. I think that the biggest key in this post was to let the girl be the one to do the missing and not the guy.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Whizzy said:
Upon becoming engaged I noticed this happening myself too. We quickly started to spend more time together, but I was/am able to keep other things going on in my life. I think that the biggest key in this post was to let the girl be the one to do the missing and not the guy.

That's exactly how Chase put it in one post or article. A lot of guys will start innocently spending time with their girlfriend but eventually if that's all they do . . . they become boring. They depend on their girlfriend for fun and excitement and the turn gets turned off by this. The boyfriend becomes consumed with oneitus and unless he can turn things around becomes a puppy dog. Chase also wrote a good article on why women love passionate men and it relates to this component very heavily.


Just Dave