Ball in her court or already failed?


Jun 2, 2024
I don't know exactly where on the spectrum i am, that's why i put this on begginers, so here goes the details:

I got in a job that will end soon and that put me in contact with a girl which clearly showed signs of liking me, i put this to the test the other day when i invited her to take some drinks with me and some colleagues, everything went more than well: when we left i went to kiss her and she was more than willing to do so, she was clearly aroused and confessed she really liked me and wanted to fuck me, but she has a boyfriend. Now this is the funny part i knew and she knew she has a bf (he works with us too!), also she knew i have a girlfriend and to not make this longer than needed we actually had some heavy petting in more than one place in the street and eventually in my car, and i mean very heavy, there was a hotel near but i didnt have any condoms and she offered some resistance that actually touched a part i care: she might tell her bf cause she cant keep a secret and i even if i dont care much about the job having a hard time in it is far from my plans, should she say anything it might go south, not to mention the potential to reach my gf as less likekly as that might be.

At the end of the night (about an hour after we first kissed) she actually reached a ¿compromise? with me, of her on will, that we would resist (her words) until the end of our contracts and then well see... I didn't pushed for the close, but accepted her proposal.

Some points to take note:
I cant persue a relationship with her, at least not a "moral" one.
I actually like her and dont wanna mess her up (not if i can avoid it).
I dont want stupid problems (thats why i didnt seal without condoms and did not push to find some)
She seems to have a story of being unfaithful with his guy.
We have know each other for less than a month.
I think we have great sexual chemistry.

The thing here is, what do you all think of this? Should i try another time or did i already blowed it by not sealing the deal? How would you proceed?

Thanks in advance.
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Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
South America
1) it's a colleague form work
2) she is already commited

That combination alone is more than enough to pretend nothing happened and leave her be.
Unless you want serious problems in your life, that's a hard pass.

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Now this is the funny part i knew and she knew she has a bf (he works with us too!), also she knew i have a girlfriend and to not make this longer than needed we actually had some heavy petting in more than one place in the street and eventually in my car, and i mean very heavy, there was a hotel near but i didnt have any condoms and she offered some resistance that actually touched a part i care: she might tell her bf cause she cant keep a secret and i even if i dont care much about the job having a hard time in it is far from my plans, should she say anything it might go south, not to mention the potential to reach my gf as less likekly as that might be.

Would definitely avoid this at all costs. Nothing but trouble. If you want to be single, be single. If you want to get with girls, then get with single girls.

You're inviting a lot of issues into your life for really no reason. Anything you gain won't be worth the cost.
