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FR  barmaid got away :/


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 1, 2013
It ain't always flowers and sunshine! I was at a bar with a girl 'Cary' & her friends. Cary was miffed at me b/c she'd found me making out with another girl between the time of our first meeting and our first date. I was trying to recover from that mishap, but I was also getting tired of her punishing me for it. We were just chatting at the bar at this point, when a girl I recognized sat next to us with her male friend. She was a bartender at another bar I used to frequent, and she's gorgeous, funny, and sweet.

I said "Hey, don't I know you from Bar X?"
Her: yeah!
Me: I'm sorry, I can't remember your name
Her: I'm Sandra!
Me: right! I'm Longshanks. good running into you as well.
Her: yeah, good to see you as well.

We banter a bit, and the male friend wanders away (but Cary is still sitting between me & Sandra):
Her: I need to catch up with my friends, but we should hang out sometime.
Me: Yeah, that'd be nice.
Me: (almost as an afterthought, I almost blew it!) Let's swap numbers!

And so we did. I texted her the next morning saying
Me: "It was good to see you last night Sandra! Let me know what your schedule is like for the week, we should get drinks."
Her:"The pleasure was mine! Wedn or Friday would be good."
Me:"Let's do Friday around 8pm, I've got plans with friends on Wedn" (really just wanted to be able to pull her home on the first try, no "work the next AM"-excuse)
Her:"Great, I'm looking forward to it!"
Me:"Me too, I'll be in touch"

And then when I texted her on Friday morning, didn't hear anything back. I also texted her again around 7pm, still nothing. I left her a voicemail on Sunday afternoon, saying I guess she didn't get my text, hope you are well, still would like to see you sometime. Still nothing. I tried again about a week later, and her voicemail box was full. I'm guessing she lost her phone, but maybe I'm just being naive. She seemed genuinely excited :(
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake