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Bay area student progress journal.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 25, 2017
Today was day 1 of my journey learning to become a competent seducer.

Goals: 3 cold approaches, build stylish outfits, and learn opening tech.

I did my second approach ever on this cutie in a striped shirt. I approached from the side like Chase says and opened with "You waiting for the bus as well?"(was on my to take the school bus to the inner city) and she said "Yeah" in a disinterested way which made me just drop it at that but I should've persisted as idk if this was due to nervousness or lack of attraction. Need more reference points.

3rd approach was this thiccish asian on the bus she met my eyes as I walked onto the bus and I took this as an iOi so I tried to position myself in a good spot to approach but went too many seats behind, forcing me to open from behind. MAJOR no no, as it breaks chases fundamental rule of not opening from the back. She was stunned when I talked to her and decided to leave it at that when she replied. Next time I will position myself better to open from the side or use a pre-opener.

Did not do a 3rd approach today but don't focus on the 1 missed and zoom in on the 2 executed :).

Went to karaoke night. Had fun and sang. I chose a rap song on purpose to associate myself with the stereotypes surrounding that genre(whether this mattered or not on how they perceived me idk but it was worth a try if it did). Did a major faux paux yelling something out loud and I could tell when it was met with crickets. Since I am more low energy and slow-burn as Hector describes, that must've been seen as incongruent and I felt it. I need to remember to game in the shadows and let the BMOCs who stole the night with their charisma and bravado do their work in the limelight.

Felt inadequate with the way I acted as the BMOcs acted with more social grace and skill than I did. What do I expect tho? These men have so much more experience than I meaning that obviously they will be acting in ways that I cannot yet as I haven't achieved that level. I can either A.) Whine like a bitch about how I'm starting so late. or B.) Use these feelings as fuel to focus on the craft itself and remember to stay consistent as it is these daily small steps that will amount to my success later on. Compare yourself only to your previous self(s), as this is the only fair comparison. It is me against me out there.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake