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FR  Beach and Mall 06/21-06/22


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
06/21- Beach... One of those days where you gotta drag yourself out of the house to go meet women. I started at some lame beach at the western most end of the beach road where tourists and randoms go spotted one pretty cute girl with too much inertia to get my legs to stop bend down and approach I eventually encircled her and watched from a distance already knowing what id say but not enough willpower to break the inertia she eventually got up to sit in the middle of her rather large family and I gave up hope. Moved to the next beach saw a couple cute sets but couldn't break past the inertia for the 1st approach and eventually gave up feeling defeated. Went and read a book on the steps of the main beach until I got mad that I wasn't approaching and said fuck it and went looking for girls again. Walked up and down the beach and nothing, that is until I was walking back toward the steps.

1st approach- girl in tanktop and beach wear walking down from steps alone. I walked in her direction until she passed me so I could get a better look and agreed she was fuckable but nothing special. Turned around went after her and preopened and opened directly from the side over my shoulder. She said she was taken and I noticed she was crying which I immediately asked why and she told me about her wife that was messing up her birthday weekend and was quite emotional. I've never talked to many lesbians and since I didn't have anything better to do with myself at the time I decided I would sit and talk for a minute even though I had to listen to her whine about her shitty wife. But the convo's we had that weren't focused on negative stuff was interesting. Didn't learn much from the interaction

2nd approach- Was walking to the boardwalk opposite the main beach to get a water and noticed a girl posted up on a movable metal gate thing obviously waiting for someone. Very attractive and seemed sexy. I without a shirt on mustered the sexiest vibe and fundamentals I could muster and tried to happen noticing her when I walked by (still working on the happpen to notice body lang.). Of course after all the trouble I put into my fundamentals I totally botched the opener by stuttering and hesitating my words. Definently could have used a pick me up in my vibe. She said she was taken and was having a girls night. I complimented her on her legs and she replied with "thats a nice compliment to give" in a polite/disengaging vibe. I gave up hope on her and took mental notes to correct for next time.
  • -Can definitely see where treating the queen like a whore mindset comes into play maybe I could have repaired the interaction if I didn't give her a compliment
    -Deliberately practice saying opener's slowly and gracefully (no stuttering!)

06/22- At the mall- Based on the day before I knew I had to start approaching the first chance I got in order to break the dreaded inertia of the 1st approach.

1st app.- Waited in my car for an attractive set or girl to walk in or out of the mall to get started but after 10-15 min. didn't see much activity and decided to forge into the mall. Walking around for a minute I noticed a white girl with ghetto tattoos on her leg and body and one of those piercings right above the lip under the nose. She had a good body and cute face but one of those girls that you know is a freak in the sheets. She was walking with her fat friend and I pursued and waited until there was space between her and the wall to pre open and open her ( she walking really close to the wall sandwiched between the girl and the wall) and simply asked if she was single. She looked at me in slight shock she was getting hit on but stopped to talk for a min. I complimented her on her tats and asked about them and she talked about her being here on vacation from atlanta. Good logistics but couldn't reach a hook point causing for some awkward desperate searching for something to say moments. Figured might as well try and get her on a date for the next day she said sure and took my number and said she would call me. I knew she was just being polite and didn't push for her number just happy to get the 1st approach under my belt.
  • -Need to work on early banter, too serious and boring upon opening
    -More certain vibe
    -less pauses due to not knowing where to take interaction next, get decisive and take the interaction where I please

2nd app- saw a cute girl in a set of girls walk into the new Dicks sporting goods and followed them in there pretending to browse around. The group stopped and was looking around some section and I picked up a pair of short womens shorts to break the ice and go indirect direct. I pre-opened, opened, and introduced myself to the girl I liked her friends started making comments and poking fun like I just come here to hit on girls I ignored them and focused on my girl who was somewhat receptive but was definently awkward trying to conversate upon having her friends around judging us, to the point where she basically excused me from talking to her. I guess I should have persisted but couldn't think of anything in the moment and walked away. Possibly could have been avoided by opening the group, just read a post Ricardus did noting that it can be beneficial to treat girls in a group as one girl then escalate attention and isolate the girl you wanted to talk to.
  • -experiment with opening the group instead of the girl to avoid social pressure/judgemental peers
    -work on a better x-factor vibe specifically more gregarious and social able for now

3rd app- was leaving the mall and saw a cute girl with a short haircut walk into the mall and could tell her hair was well cared for. I pre-opened, scared her in the process, and opened direct we talked for a minute and upon opening I could tell due to my vibe Im not opening as naturally as I wish and when I do open naturally I problematically don't flow into conversation naturally. Anyway she said she was going to get some work shorts and seemed in a hurry so I went in the store with her in an attempt to get somewhere. We made small talk and got to talking about her job and the people we both knew in common. She was new to the area and brought up the fact she has never been to a famous local restaurant and I suggested we go tomorrow for snack and coffee. She abliged but still didn't reach the hook point so I figured she would flake. Got her number anyway and left warmly. Not too much hope in a future date but good experience added!
  • -get her to notice your presence before pre-opening to limit startling openings
    -Practice creating a more natural intriging vibe
    -Focus on reaching the hook point

4th app- Cute girl in blue dress looked about my age 19ish+ leaving the mall. I was walking toward the mall at this point and she was walking towards me I tried to look away and smile pre-open to practice and then turned around, caught up with her pre opened and asked if she was single. She said no and I told her I wasn't looking for a girlfriend with as much sexual vibe as i could muster. Asked her a couple questions about her day and shopping to get her to open up. Couldn't reach a hook point and the unnatural conversation led her to slowly slink closer and closer to her car. I told her it was awesome getting to know her so well, smiled, and walked away.
  • -natural flow into conversation from opener.
    -need early banter!!!!

What I took away from these two outings...
  • -Keep practicing X-factor vibe until I get something of a foundation to work with
    -Need to figure out a way to make some early banter
    -Biggest pangs are my unnatural vibe on certain days, no early banter, procrastinating my first approach.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers