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BeatNerves Newbie Assignment


Jul 22, 2014
Hi Guys, I'm David. I'm 20 and made myself gorgeous in the gym but I haven't yet been able to even approach or kiss a girl even though I get checked out in public all the time. I've only been brutally rejected once in my life, and other girls just thought of me as a friend It is time for me to disregard the opinions of those who didn't accept me and find those who will. I've simply read but haven't acted. I've also maxed out my fundamentals, I can stand up straight and command respect. I've been told I could model a few times. I can also make sultry facial expressions that women love. But for the life of me I can't get through small talk or approach. My weakness is my lack of bravery and I can't stand it anymore. I open my mouth and I can see the attraction disappear within minutes. I've always thought I was hideous because of middle school and my childhood insecurities surface even though I'm in great shape today. My brain goes blank. No words appear in my mind. I have to do this, I got my useless ass in shape, now I have to get my social skills with women in shape. A couple years back I tried to be a social butterfly and couldn't pull it off. I felt like I was arbitrarily talking to everyone and getting nowhere. Some people liked me, but it was superficial at most and no one would share their secrets with me. One day, I couldn't stand my posturing anymore and I clammed up. I just felt like a nervous phony, like my social skills would never get better. I stopped talking to all but my old friends because I felt like talking to anyone new was hitting a brick wall and not making any connections. My lack of sexual prowess is also demotivating me from work. I don't see a point in being successful if I won't be respected deep down by others in a primal way. My father is a great business owner and popular for his community service, but my mom treated him like shit and talked down to him, they are separated now. My uncle is even worse. He's also smart and part of the family business, and muscular with a nice body. It got him shit. He married a piece of trash with 3 kids and now is a proud stepdaddy of three biracial kids that are so obviously not his. I can't end up like them. To be respected in all walks of life except for the part that we desire the most. No, no way. I'm hungry for my success, I will have the women I want because I refuse to be successful and then settle for table scraps. Fuck that. I will put in the work, I will both suffer and have fun, but I refuse to stop till I am satisfied with my love life. If nothing else I have great fundamentals in the form of posture, stillness, and facial expressions. I might be starting near the bottom but at least I have some wrapping to begin with, even if the present needs a ton of work. Bring it on, ladies. The adrenaline, heart pounding, embarrassment. I need to go through them to really live. If nothing else, If I was brave enough to embarrass myself by taking a risk, I'll be proud, the freedom to Beat my Nerves will be a greater gift than any vagina (no matter how tight and tempting). Tomorrow is a free day, I plan to get started ASAP.


Jul 22, 2014
Working on my self-control as well. Started the morning with doing 5 problems on a long term homework assignment. I had a hell of a workout and did 100 push-ups yesterday. If I can do that I can take a little embarrassment. I'm going to the beach and the mall later to observe my posture and the girls. My bonus objective is to get myself to say hi already. I know my weakness, and It's not my presentation, but my substance. I don't need any more work on my posture, body language, or looks. With the exception of getting dressed up, these are effectively maxed out at the moment. My special rule today is if I get blatantly checked out I must say hi. I look forward to this and desire to break free of my apprehension.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake