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Becoming a challenge again/Getting her back


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
So i dated this girl for about 2 months during the time where she was all over me and always the one chasing. Around the end of those two months i got bored with how into me she was because i knew i had her whenever i wanted. So i stopped talking to her and she got the picture and stopped talking to me. After a couple month break i realized how great she was all around. Beautiful, trust worthy, fun to be with, etc so i wanted to get back with her. I texted her to meet up with her on birthday and everything went great and she was all over me that night. After that though I made the mistake of not asking her schedule and just through out some dates to meet up which she couldn't do. After that i started playing the chasing role. We hung out a few times in public where she had friends and it was all good but she kept giving me mixed signals. One night i saw her out at the bar and she acted like she barely new me. So i acted like it was no big deal and my friend just told me not to worry about her and go home with another girl and i did(she saw the girl follow me but i told her we didn't leave together cause i knew she would never trust me again). She's only been with a few guys including me and they've all been boyfriends at one point and she knew my past as a player.

The next day i instantly regretted it because i do want to be with this girl but she keeps giving me mixed signals so we talked that night and i asked her where she stood with how she felt about me. I also told her that i liked her and could settle if that's how she felt. She told me she likes me and everything about me but she doesn't want a relationship now. So i took it fine, and it's been a week now and i haven't tried to get in contact with her because i didn't want to waste anymore time. The first time we dated it's like she couldn't get enough of me and because of the type of guys she talks to(guys who aren't good at sparking attraction) i'm not worried about her finding another guy anytime soon. She even told me just two weeks ago when she dated two other guys during our little break, all she could think about was me when she was with them.

What should i do to not only get her back, but make sure that the attraction we had the first time around makes it back. I've always been confident in my ability to spark attraction with anyone and USUALLY am good at being a challenge(not here obviously). Like i said, i haven't even tried to get in contact with her since that phone call. She said she wasn't ready for a relationship so i'm giving her space. What should i do for the best opportunity with her again.

Thanks, kevin.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
If she says she doesn't want a relationship you could do tons of things. While I don't recommend chasing if you are dead set on her try setting up a meeting with her and some of your other friends that are girls and see how she responds. Heck start dating other girls and maybe she will start chasing again when she learns of this or you could find someone better even ;) Either way it sounds like the roles have been reversed and you are chasing her now...which needs to be reversed if you want her to continue to respect you and to view you as a dominant man
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
Thanks for the reply. You're definitely right where the roles have reversed. But yeah i'm definitely going to start dating other girls in the mean time. Maybe send a casual invite in a month or so out on the boat with a bunch of my friends and girls so it doesn't seem like i'm asking for a date. But i am dead set on trying to get back with her as she's probably the closest girl i've met in the past year or so that i could see taking it to another level.

Good answer, i feel a lot more comfortable with what i'm going to do.

If anyone else has any thoughts or advise feel free to send them this way, the picking up girls i'm good at, but not so much when it comes to serious stuff.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
What part of the more serious things do you find yourself needed work on?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
Taking the next step after dating and making it exclusive. Back when she wanted it, i didn't. But now that i do want it, i came off too strong which blew her off. I just feel like when i do want something more and it's not obvious that they do too, i come off strong. I mean, i know girls can have fun with me and it's not like i'm nervous or anything like that, it's just taking the next step after dating. But that's not really my problem at the moment haha. Getting her back is


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Try not to stay too focused on her or it may make dating other girls not as smooth. Just keep an open mind :)