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LR  Bedded an NFL Cheerleader, What's next?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2013
So a little background here:

Meet this chick about a year ago through a buddy of mine. He was dating a cheerleader on the squad, so she ended up bringing one of the other cheerleaders along and it ended up being a blind/double date. I ended up pulling her number later on in the evening. We went back and forth on text message for a few days, but I decided to drop it because it seemed like too much work.

Fast forward to last friday:

I was on the precipice of going to sleep at about 11pm and got a text from some friends asking me to come out. So I hopped to and got to the bar by about 11:30. The cheerleader (who's number I pulled from above) was there in the group through a mutual friend of hers. We talked a little bit here and there throughout the night. I wasn't really trying to run any game, just being cool and laid back as that's pretty much how I roll these days. My friends couldn't figure out why I was being so laid back and letting her talk to other men. I never let that phase me as I pretty much have a devil may care attitude and I couldn't care less whether or not I take a girl home or even talk to one for that matter. My evening isn't defined by that.

Anyways, we ended up grabbing a cab and going back to my place (I fingered her in the cab on the way to my place). She was a short little 5'4 blonde with an amazing rack and HUGE ass.

So anyways, I'm curious as to what to do next. I wouldn't mind hitting it again, but again like I said, I couldn't care less if I do or don't. I've been thinking about texting her, not 100% sure how to initiate that. Advice/comments/questions welcomed.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take