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Beer Pong Technique


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Firstly, this post is going to be pretty specific because I feel like I can contribute to this forum most by focusing on my area of expertise, which is college game. I want to give dudes around young college age who didn't do a lot of partying or going out in high school a chance to capitalize on the opportunities that this time of their life offers.

Now I know what a lot of you are thinking; and I am neither trying to champion underage drinking nor the whole frat and house party culture. Despite popular culture's inaccurate depictions, being completely shitfaced wasted, while a damn good time, is NOT a requirement for getting girls in this setting. In fact, being twisted out of your mind is predictably and pointedly detrimental to getting girls in this and ANY setting.

That being said, I am a college student, and this culture is a big part of my weekend game. What a lot of people don't realize is it is easier to jump into as a beginner than you would think, especially if you have your outer fundamentals (clothing, visible, almost palpable confidence, posture and movement, etc) down but are still struggling with the conversational game required to really thrive at day game and in bars. Clubs are another matter altogether, and I'll put something aimed at the early college age group up on that later.

Now, the reason this post is in the field tested techniques section of the boards is that I wanted to start small with my first post and give a simple piece of advice that can be used in most if not all college party situations...the use of pong in game! This of course doesn't refer to the game of pong, because the actual game tends to not matter. It doesn't even need to be actual beer pong, it actually works better when everyone playing has a separate drink and water is used (mostly because it leaves your hands free for the most part, you have one cup of beer with you that you can set down most of the time rather than six to finish between you and your partner, which you will inevitably bear the brunt of and will take away from escalation time). What matters is grasping the opportunity to get investment in a girl you are talking to by asking, or better yet INSISTING that they be your pong partner. You can also even use this as an opener; you would be surprised by the percentage of success you will have by just walking up to an attractive girl (sexily) and saying (once again, sexily) "Hey, come play pong with me". When you get her in a game of pong with you, you will be surprised at how much more receptive she will be to you afterward, and how much touch factors into the game itself. I have found that when you play pong with a girl and you are sending her the right vibes (don't deliberately avoid touching her or openly grab hold of her, find a happy medium, and don't be one of those Dbags that gets way, way to into the game and gets angry, you'll only be embarrassing yourself), the girl will almost always lean into you and allow you to get closer to her as she takes her shot, and will stay close if you touch her correctly (Don't use your hands unless they grab onto you first, and focus on using your body, particularly your pelvic area, girls tend to back up right to your well...front.This is done on purpose the grand majority of the time. The proximity is good in this situation just don't be literally breathing down her neck.) If you do this right, you can make another move after the game, preferably to a place where the two of you can be alone. I have found that in frat or house party situations, this short ~10 minute game can a majority of the time completely negate the need for a deep dive and lead you straight towards physical escalation due to the liberal, fairly anonymous nature of typical frat parties/ house parties. Even if it doesn't, or God forbid you don't have the balls to go for it (don't worry, I've been there); the girl will almost always be more receptive to you and will already be used to your touch. It shouldn't be too many minutes work from there, especially in this type of setting, where I have many a time had my drink knocked out of my hand by two intwined people doing everything short of vaginal penetration in a desperate dash for a bedroom.

A sidebar and word of warning however; most of the girls that will do anything much more intense than heavily make out with you in plain view of your friends and strangers are usually best avoided, because of both STDs, (always wrap up when bedding girls picked up in this setting, Jesus H. Christ I cannot express that enough) and the high probability of them also being the kind of girl you wake up next to in the morning and consider hari kari at the sight of their face...

Thanks for reading y'all,

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Jay,
When you get her in a game of pong with you, you will be surprised at how much more receptive she will be to you afterward, and how much touch factors into the game itself. I have found that when you play pong with a girl and you are sending her the right vibes (don't deliberately avoid touching her or openly grab hold of her, find a happy medium, and don't be one of those Dbags that gets way, way to into the game and gets angry, you'll only be embarrassing yourself), the girl will almost always lean into you and allow you to get closer to her as she takes her shot, and will stay close if you touch her correctly (Don't use your hands unless they grab onto you first, and focus on using your body, particularly your pelvic area, girls tend to back up right to your well...front.This is done on purpose the grand majority of the time. The proximity is good in this situation just don't be literally breathing down her neck.) If you do this right, you can make another move after the game, preferably to a place where the two of you can be alone.
could not have said this better my self. I have a whole post on college game in techniques and you definately know your shit. It would be great if you could read it over, comment or even better add some things to it that you have found out. Or even better create a whole college party game post. (was thinking about doing that myself but it appears you have essentially beat me too it.)

I look forward to future reads of yours jay

The Tool


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Thanks Tool, I've read some of your posts and I like what I see.

A small addition to my above post more specific to winning/losing the game; while I have found that sinking a few clutch cups and making the game close actually does help expedite the connection between you and the girl, losing is much preferable to winning. This is because if you are running the table and focusing on how great the game is going, as fun as this is, you are cutting ever deeper into your seduction time; while pong is a useful party pickup tool there is only so much progress you can make with her at the actual table. Just wanted to clarify the reasoning behind a win/loss not mattering.