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Beginner concerns(Logistics, Reputation Management)


Dec 30, 2023
Hey all! Newbie here. I guess I’ll preface with a breakdown of my current situation. So far life has completely kicked my ass. Im 25 still a virgin, living at home with my parents and work a shitty retail job. The only notable accomplishments I really have are academically and athletically/physique wise as I’ve been incredibly disciplined in the gym for the last 7 years of my life and built up a pretty impressive physique. I’m not insanely handsome but I would say I’m above average especially for my race. Graduated from a decent school from with honours in a STEM degree last year and despite this I’ve been completely unable to get a job in my field. This was partly due to poor social skills and a lack of motivation after dealing with a nasty oneitis situation which I let consume the last 2 years of my life eventually leading me to discover girlschase. Funny thing is I was familiar with RSD stuff in high school but never dove deep enough into it to really unplug my self from the matrix and understand how guys actually got laid. Genuinely still believed it was purely luck. Now sitting at home in my current situation after everything I’ve dealt with I feel like I have a decent idea of how things work in an abstract sense. Problem is I feel like I’ve wasted many years of my life and still have so much I want to accomplish. My main concerns right now regarding learning seduction at this stage are reputation(mainly in front of family, and career) and logistics(living at home). My family is fairly conservative and although they haven’t explicitly stated it they’ve implied that they expect me to eventually settle down with a nice sweet conservative girl and give them grandchildren preferably sooner than later(I give myself till 32 max to make this happen). This compounded with the fact I live at home is going to be a logistical nightmare and doesn’t leave me with a lot of time to build my career/eventually start my own business while learning seduction. At the moment I’m working on moving out. I’m in the process of trying to secure modeling gigs and sending out multiple job apps a day to try and get a better paying job. But I don’t see this being a possibility for at least the next year. My social skills are pretty garbage atm so I don’t expect to even have to worry about getting laid/the logistics surrounding that for at least the next year or 2. On top of this I worry about damaging my reputation in my city with relation to my career/getting cancelled along with saving face with my family as they will continue to ask why I haven’t gotten a girlfriend to settle down with yet. I live in a city with a population of about 3 million people which is fairly large but despite this it feels small as I do run into familiar faces every now and again which further increases my anxiety around my reputation if I’m going to be cold approaching in my city. Therefore I’m curious to get your advice/experiences on dealing with shitty logistics along with managing your reputation among friends/family/career wise.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
@Ozuna, i have the job you want but not the physique you have. other than that difference, we are in identical situations.

i think the solution to our romantic problems is literally just try it. test the method that we both “believe in”


i’m gonna try this mantra the next time i get into an oh-shit-just-saw-a-hot-girl-what-now situation

“nothing’s gonna happen between me and her if i don’t try.”

and hey if it doesn’t work maybe i just didn’t want her.

My social skills are pretty garbage atm so I don’t expect to even have to worry about getting laid/the logistics surrounding that for at least the next year or 2.

i thought this about myself too until i went to one club night by myself and totally exceeded all of my own expectations of myself. (link)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake