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Beginner, Need to move things forward to deep dive and phone


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
So I know this girl and

I saw these moronic comments from her on Facebook, talking shit about the country. Pissed me off, so I started cursing at her post.
Then she messages me some bitchy shit like, You don't even know what I'm going through, my heart is blah blah blah

So I said maybe I made a mistake if you're having serious trouble with your heart but you could've been more explicit.
Hope you're better now, tell me what happened?

fuck it Im gonna attack here and there to make the pain go away :D

I can't have you attacking me

I wasn't attacking you

:::I insist::::

Not now, I don't wanna talk right now

A few days later I talked to her again and learned she's into some sick shit like Rotten.com (site with pictures of dead people) and was posting a drawing of a dick head giving a blow job to count faced thing with a head below or something :p


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Re: Beginner, Need to move things forward to deep dive and p

I'm not exactly following you here. Well, here we go.

I saw these moronic comments from her on Facebook, talking shit about the country. Pissed me off, so I started cursing at her post.
Then she messages me some bitchy shit like, You don't even know what I'm going through, my heart is blah blah blah

On second thought, lets not be extremely judgmental of women. And then, lets not make a fool of ourselves by cursing at her for comments you believed to be moronic.

This isn't deep diving at all. You came out as extremely judgmental of her, so of course she didn't open up to you. She sounds like she's going through some stuff, but I don't think you're the right person to help her with it.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Dec 10, 2012
Re: Beginner, Need to move things forward to deep dive and p

Hey, Altimeter,

Couldn't really understand your conversation with her, but I do hope you did it through private messages. It's really a bad idea talking to a girl via public messages, not only will she feel the need to keep her masks on and won't open up to you, but you make yourself(and your intentions and your failure) visible to everyone in your social circles. That is not a very good idea ;)

Some good advice I've been given is to never truly confront her if she challenges you, nor give in. Just sidetrack the conversation asking something about her as if there's nothing wrong in your conversation. After she's complied by changing the conversation topic, you should try and set up a date. Facebook isn't really good for holding meaningful converations with girls, besides there's no way to physicaly escalate through the internet.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Re: Beginner, Need to move things forward to deep dive and p

Thanks guys, for your replies. Yes it was through pm we had like a short fight but ended up talking anyways after that.
As RTB has suggested I may have came off as judgmental, but I guess it's in the clear since we continued talking, my goal is to set up date

Ill' Probably go cocky funny then get serious, get number,set up date.