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LR  Beginner's Luck



As a bit of background, I’m a college student with essentially no sexual experience outside of relationships. I’d broken up with my girlfriend of two years a few months before, and starting checking out some GC articles shortly after. This was my first real attempt at (clumsily) implementing some of the site’s techniques to pull off a seduction. Despite a successful end I made tons of errors here; I welcome any comments you have.

I was sitting on a couch in the lobby of my dorm one night, killing time before an orchestra concert I’d planned to attend. A female friend, BrightEyes, walked in with a guy I vaguely knew. She invited me to play Frisbee with a group of their friends in 20 mins. I decided I’d blow off the concert for the chance to keep sharpening my social skills. However, I was disappointed when she listed who else was coming; there were no other girls. BrightEyes is fairly cute and really smart (a huge turn on for me), but has told me she has no experience whatsoever with romance (not even kissing). I’d be wary of doing anything with her and running the risk of hurting her feelings. We sat and talked while waiting for the game. I deep dove her on her preferences in friends and feelings on socializing. I commented that some people are very draining and reaction-seeking; she mentioned that “you’re just the opposite.” I’ve noticed as I make an effort to project a confident devil-may-care attitude, girls give far more positive reactions to anything I say. Even with totally banal comments; more and more it becomes clear that the nonverbal vibe you project is far more important than the actual content of what you’re saying.
In my peripheral vision I caught her glancing my way several times during lulls in the conversation; I usually ignored this but would occasionally turn and hold eye contact with a smile.

But on to the game. We met the others at the nearby field, and I was surprised to see another female acquaintance, Vice, joining us. We had had frank discussions about sex in the past where she had told me about her anonymous drunken hookups. I had actually clumsily propositioned her via text while drunk myself once; she declined, so I wasn’t viewing her as a prospect. She gave me a hug and told me she’d been drinking to blow off steam after a test. She was stumbling around and yelling in an exaggerated way; I got the sense that she was acting more drunk than she really felt, something I often notice girls doing. As we played we started teasing each other about our bad throws and missed catches. We were next to each other in the circle, and I noticed her gravitating towards me and looking my way. I figured I might as well practice flirting with her. “Trying to get close?” I said and smirked. I said similar things at other points to try to establish a chase frame, she smiled and held strong eye contact each time. At another point she commented on a rugby game going on nearby, and I said she must love ogling those muscular guys. She said “no, I like more of your kind of slender body type.” At this point even I could pick up on her interest, but I still wasn’t seeing the possibility of making something happen that night. After about 15 mins she mentioned that she hadn’t yet heard me play the piano, and said “maybe tonight?” Looking back this was a glaring invitation to get her out of there, but I missed it completely and told her I had to work that night. We kept flirting and making tons of suggestive eye contact. I tried to make liberal use of the “cute and sexy” facial expression Chase mentions. By this point I’m sure it was clear to her I was a total novice, but she graciously tried again a few minutes later.

Her: “So when does your shift start?”
Me: “9:45. Why?” (facepalm)
Her: “uh..I don’t know.” (lightbulb goes off)
Me: “Want to chill for a bit beforehand?”

She brightened up and suggested we head to her place immediately. I stood around awkwardly for a bit before realizing she was unsure how to exit the group and that I needed to take the lead. I announced that we were “headed to play some piano” and began walking with her in the complete opposite direction of the music department, it was totally unconvincing, but these friends are even less attuned to that kind of thing than I am. I noticed she was walking straighter and talking much more normally now than when we were in front of the group. We made small talk, and she found a way to mention how she never reads a guy’s signals well and needs him to be dominant and make an obvious move. By this point I was feeling almost insulted by how easy she made it for me, but it’s certainly nice to have the help. Vice’s place was a 15 min walk away, but I finally came up with a good idea and said I wanted to stop by my (much closer) room first. As we were walking through the lobby, I got to use my brilliant piano excuse again when a very conservative mutual acquaintance asked us why we had stopped playing frisbee so soon. In the hallway, I made physical contact with her for the first time by lightly touching her back as I pointed the way. By this point I was pretty nervous, but could see that it was impossible to fuck it up now. When we reached my room, I sat on the bed, but she hovered uncertainly near the doorway. I commanded her to sit next to me (totally uncharacteristic), and began kissing and touching her immediately. Things moved on predictably from there.

Looking back, I did very little to really lead the course of events. But even the small amount I was able to act upon would never have happened without some of the insights I’ve gotten from reading this site; I’m really looking forward to working more on this. Feel free to make any comments or criticisms you like.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 8, 2013
Hey Locus,

I don't know why you made it sound like you made a ton of mistakes and were super clumsy, to me you seemed to handle things pretty well. I assume you were looking and acting right (which is most of the battle) from the way that this girl showed obvious interest in you. Besides that the only thing to do is display enough good masculine traits and qualities to win over a girl who not initially sold on taking you as a sexual partner, and smoothly getting around obstacles preventing you two from becoming intimate at the time (environmental or from her). When you have a girl like this who is displaying obvious interest in you and basically asking you to fuck her, you don't really get to work on those things. Most of my lays have been girls like this. Lately I have been shooting for girls who are less experienced and less sexually forward. Just recently I slept with a girl I used to work with for a short time. Shes adorable, but comes off like a good girl, very intellectual and proper. The type of girl you would find in theater or student gov. Anyway I was able to sleep with her the second time we hung out despite some obstacles she threw at me (not showing enthusiasm at the beginning of the meet up, telling me that this was not a date, and vaguely implying that we were not going to end up together at the end of the night). I didn't handle all of these things super smoothly, but I continued to try and escalate and built a bit of sexual tension. She seemed to warm up a bit and allowed me touching her, at the end of the night I made my move and kissed her while we were alone. I was expecting a mediocre or bad reaction, but surprisingly she immediately attacked me back with passion and we quickly got to having sex which lasted the remainder of the night (and again the next morning :) ). Just the other day over text she admitted that she always had a big crush on me at work even though her best friend hated me.

If you want to sharpen your skills and improve. I would recommend shooting for “good” girls who you wouldn't think would be open to the idea of casual sex, or girls you would before think were higher caliber or out of your league. I think bright eyes would be a fun project for you. It would be an opportunity for you to completely lead the escalation and probably overcome some obstacles. You say you wouldn't want to hurt her, but like this site constantly says even “good” girls have fantasies of sexy bad boys forcefully taking them to bed and ravaging them nothing more then a good one night stand. If you watch the show LOST, a super proper girl I know (who at least claims to be a virgin) once said that she would like to take a guy like Jack home to the family, but have a hot one night stand with a guy like Sawyer. If you haven't watched LOST.... DON'T! That show will cock tease you in to completely wasting a whole month of your life and then repay you by tying up 0 of the loose ends they created and giving you virtually no payoff. Thats a little of topic but what im trying to say is that even some of the nicest girls are begging to have some hot one night stands, you just have to show them your the right guy for the job. I generally do this by telling them that I don't like kids all that much and I could never see myself as a father. Also that I want to spend my life traveling and having new and interesting experiences instead of doing the same thing everyday in order to amass wealth. Once the girl figures in her mind that she wont have you as a boyfriend, she wont get hurt after sex because you just stopped pursuing and try to move things forward and didn’t end up in a relationship.

Props on picking up on the hint from her and having the mindfulness to capitalize on it the second time around. When a girl gives you a subtle opportunity to to take them to bed, they come super fast and if you don't act on it you usually wont see another one. I have missed a lot of these myself. When you are doing well flirting and escalating with a girl, you have to consciously have in your mind to be looking for this so when she gives it to you, you will be able to recognize it. Nothing worse than missing it while your in the conversation, then realizing how obvious it was after the fact. Other than that good job, and have fun giving bright eyes one of the best experiences of her life!

All the best in your future endeavors,

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Was totally thinking this was going to be about BrightEyes instead haha. Right, drunk girl.

Setting up the obstacle that you had work that night probably helped you, actually. Sometimes if girls give you pull signals and you give an obstacle...well, if they weren't sure about you before, now they're really sure. Of course, doing this a second or third time leads to auto-rejection, as this one was heading toward before you course corrected :). Nice LR.
