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Behavior Shaping

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Of all the techniques in all the world, "Behavior Shaping" is my absolute favorite one. It's powerful and in a moment you will see why...

Behavior Shaping, in its most minimal definition, is making a little mini-cold read about a woman. If she has any interest in you at all, even a small tingling of interest, she will want to live up to the cold read so not to disappoint you.

Behavior Shaping is very versatile and can be used in many ways and in many situations. For example, lets say your at a bar and talking to a woman. You can introduce Behavior Shaping to help you with your goal of getting laid.

An important part of getting laid, specially pulling same night lays, is setting sexual frames. The best way to establish sexual frames is to use Behavior Shaping.

An example:

"I can tell that your a woman who knows how to have fun and that goes after what she wants."

"I can already tell that your a fun chick whos open too new experiences and wild adventures."

"You seem pretty sexually aggressive, which is cool because I respect women who goes after what they want."

The effect of these is pretty obvious. It frames the whole interaction so that its normal and appropriate for her to be sexual and to be open to you being sexual. Powerful stuff!

Although Behavior Shaping is great for seducing woman its also has many other uses. For example, lets say you promised a woman that you and her would so something but for whatever reason you cant. How can you avoid upsetting her?

"I have bad news but because your an understanding person (mini cold read), I know will you will understand that something important has came up (another mini cold read that goes on to shape her behavior) and I'm no longer available today. Thank for being understanding. (presupposition - assumes beforehand that she will be understanding and reinforces your behavior shape and cold read.)

Here is another example I sent a chick over text when she tried to flake on me. Her excuse is that she couldn't come get a drink with me because she had just gotten off work and was tired.

"Tired? You must have worked hard, I admire that. I also admire how I know your adventurous at heart and I know a chick with a passion like yours would be thrilled to come out and be cheered up by me and a strong drink. See you in 30 minutes. :]"

Its subtle but I included a Behavior Shape. I made a mini cold read about her being adventurous. No woman wants to be seen as not being adventurous so this works very well. At the end I added a presupposition by telling her I would see her in 30 minutes.

This is powerful stuff and works well but don't over use on a chick it or it will loose it effectiveness.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Howdy Warped,

Good stuff. One thing to point out for newer guys-

Warped Mindless said:
"I have bad news but because your an understanding person (mini cold read), I know will you will understand that something important has came up (another mini cold read that goes on to shape her behavior) and I'm no longer available today. Thank for being understanding. (presupposition - assumes beforehand that she will be understanding and reinforces your behavior shape and cold read.)

This is a great example of how to use this technique, because the frame Warped is putting on her with his behavior shaping here is dropped, and then - important - he keeps talking.

If you just say, "I can tell you're an understanding person," and stop, she has a chance to say, "Not really," and then you're in a frame battle.

But if you say, "You're understanding, so I know you'll be able to take this okay. I'm going out of town for a while, and..." then there's no time for her to resist the frame and her mind simply goes onto the next thought.

Nice breakdown on this one, Warped.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Chase said:
If you just say, "I can tell you're an understanding person," and stop, she has a chance to say, "Not really," and then you're in a frame battle.

But if you say, "You're understanding, so I know you'll be able to take this okay. I'm going out of town for a while, and..." then there's no time for her to resist the frame and her mind simply goes onto the next thought.

This is so true - and is exactly what I did wrong with a girl. She then ended up saying that not only she wasn't understanding, she was complaining how I could have possibly made up her mind for her. From then on I shied away from it but I think I now know how to do it better.

Great post!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 20, 2012
This is a really intriguing concept. I haven't ever heard of this before. I want to try it out in the next few days. I will post on what I did, and if it worked. If not, maybe I can get some help mastering the technique. Thanks for the ideas!


The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Excellent post, very well done, before I read this I either would have given up when someone tried to flake or done some other sly comment that probibly would have gotton me nowhere, excellent post and I definately will implament this.