Many remember the day they stumbled on the seduction community. This may have been the turning point in their lives. Yet, after a few months of reading pickup articles, they realise that this magnificent change has not occurred. The dilemma: There has been no change in lifestyle.
Being partly mainstream, many youngsters are now being exposed to the pickup world. Yet, being good with women does not imply being good in life. In fact, a complete change is required. Some of the changes in lifestyle are listed below.
1. Work hard both in job/school and pickup
Many people find it difficult to strike a balance between pickup and work, I'm one of them. A few weeks ago, I realised that I was devoting so much time to pickup that other areas of my life began to suffer. Then, it dawned on me that my life was outbalanced. One way of dealing with this is by having a plan; a specific time is allocated to each of your activities.
2. Eat healthily
Obvious...however, many of us are not trying actively to eat well. As a matter of fact, having a healthy diet will have a positive influence on our state of mind and our productivity. In a nutshell, we should eat energy-providing food rather than energy-draining food.
3. Go to the gym
For this, I will link Ross's and Eric's article respectively.
https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-b ... omen-crazy
https://www.girlschase.com/content/weigh ... -your-mind
4. Concentration
All of us have something known as the "monkey mind"-that little voice that speaks to us perpetually. In fact, by having control over our "monkey mind", we can be more efficient in all areas of our life. Here are a few tips to reduce its influence.
- Drink a lot of water when working on something. It works. Try it.
-For this, you will require a glass of water and some beads. Each time when you are working on an important project and your mind wanders, drop a bead in the water and re-focus on your work. If you do this continuously for about a month and a half, you will observe that your concentration has improved. For me, masturbation also affects my concentration. I do not know if there is any scientific evidence on it. If there is, let me know in the comments.
Simply put, what is required is a holistic improvement of ourselves.
Hope this helps.
Being partly mainstream, many youngsters are now being exposed to the pickup world. Yet, being good with women does not imply being good in life. In fact, a complete change is required. Some of the changes in lifestyle are listed below.
1. Work hard both in job/school and pickup
Many people find it difficult to strike a balance between pickup and work, I'm one of them. A few weeks ago, I realised that I was devoting so much time to pickup that other areas of my life began to suffer. Then, it dawned on me that my life was outbalanced. One way of dealing with this is by having a plan; a specific time is allocated to each of your activities.
2. Eat healthily
Obvious...however, many of us are not trying actively to eat well. As a matter of fact, having a healthy diet will have a positive influence on our state of mind and our productivity. In a nutshell, we should eat energy-providing food rather than energy-draining food.
3. Go to the gym
For this, I will link Ross's and Eric's article respectively.
https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-b ... omen-crazy
https://www.girlschase.com/content/weigh ... -your-mind
4. Concentration
All of us have something known as the "monkey mind"-that little voice that speaks to us perpetually. In fact, by having control over our "monkey mind", we can be more efficient in all areas of our life. Here are a few tips to reduce its influence.
- Drink a lot of water when working on something. It works. Try it.
-For this, you will require a glass of water and some beads. Each time when you are working on an important project and your mind wanders, drop a bead in the water and re-focus on your work. If you do this continuously for about a month and a half, you will observe that your concentration has improved. For me, masturbation also affects my concentration. I do not know if there is any scientific evidence on it. If there is, let me know in the comments.
Simply put, what is required is a holistic improvement of ourselves.
Hope this helps.