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Best cities in the US for guys that are into white girls?

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
As a white guy myself, I haven't really been that into dating other races. Sometimes I have found myself attracted to Latinas with a lot of european features, persian/arabian girls, and some indian girls who looked like the bollywood actresses (not like mindy from the mindy project). After having visited Miami, I realized that it is not the city I want to live in when it comes to women. Lots of guys might like Puerto Rican women and mixed race looking women but I am not into them. Like I felt if I was to be in Miami it would practically be impossible for me to date girls of my own background unless I aggressively searched around in the city.

From what I hear about Los Angeles and NYC, whites are not the majority there by any means and most of the girls there who are white and good looking are practically unobtainable unless you are a part of the very rich circles in those places. Same is said about San Francisco from what I hear.

The cities I have looked up which fit this description are Boston and Minneapolis but I hear the women in Boston are nothing to brag about. Franco has said good things about San Diego and I have heard good things about it as well. Would like to add some more cities to this list though, not planning on moving yet but I would love to have options since moving to a city for the sole reason of it having a lot of white girls would be a stupid decision.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2014
There are tons of goood looking white women in Boston I'd say it depends on the age and area. I see a lot of them in Fenway and back bay you just have to look man


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Can't remember correctly, but think I heard Chase slipping a good word about Minneapolis, actually.

I'd still put my money on NYC. Great place, man: theatre, fashion, music - and the girls are gorgeous. Tons of travelers run through NYC, so you can find girls from Europe roaming around, keen for a ONS.

Proactivity said:
From what I hear about Los Angeles and NYC, whites are not the majority there by any means and most of the girls there who are white and good looking are practically unobtainable unless you are a part of the very rich circles in those places.

Nahhh, that's all based on fundamentals. Read this: "I Can't Get Girls Because Girls Only Want [BLANK]".

My votes for NYC or LA :)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Problem with NYC is that there are not really that many white girls there and the ones that are there are in exclusive high end areas (the hot ones that is). A lot of the white girls there are also italian and jewish and tbh, I am not really into those kinds of girls because I want more anglo, nordic, and germanic type women. All the times I have visited NYC, I have not seen many attractive white women there compared to other races. I have not seen that many white women there in general tbh and even in Los Angeles, I rarely saw as many whites unless I went to Venice Beach, Newport Beach, and those areas which for most people is just unaffordable.

I have heard good things about Minnesota but was wondering about Austin and Dallas too.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 6, 2014
If you are into educated and career oriented white women, Washington DC would be your best bet. DC and the surrounding area houses some of the brightest (and well paid) women you will ever meet, and one thing I can say they are not corrupt in their way of thinking like Miami and LA women. In those cities you meet alot of women that want to be Models and Actresses, which can get annoying after a while. The good thing about DC is that alot of women have their own money so they are not looking for a handout. The bad thing about DC is that there is not alot of "9's" and "10s" that you may find in Miami, NYC, or LA.