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LR  Bi Latina Waitress


Apr 19, 2014
Hey fellas,

I usually just read and not post, but last night went so smoothly and flawlessly that I felt compelled to share. Hope you guys enjoy the read and may even get something out of it!

I went to my favorite fried chicken joint and was greeted by this cute little chica. I had just missed the lunch crowd so I was the only customer there. She had a very pretty face, reminds me of Nathalie Kelley from Tokyo Drift, so around a high 7 to 8. Her body was a 6 to 6.5, pretty average by all accounts. What really caught my attention though was her voice. She has the sweetest voice I've heard in a while. You know how most guys are primarily visual? Well, I'm primarily an aural guy (just love the sounds of sensual pleasure and moans that come outta women).

She seats me and takes my order soon afterwards. I open her, asking her if anyone has told her recently that she has a really nice voice. She giggles and blushes and says no. So a nice and sweet girl, noice... I told her it sounds very sweet and asked her if she likes singing. She replied "Only in the bathroom". She's very giggly throughout the entire interaction, as well as the night. I tell her to sit down. She complies. Point for me. I start chatting with her and transition into deep dive, asking her things like how long she's worked here and if she plans to do this for the rest of her life, etc... Customers came in once or twice and she had to go help them, but she always came back to me without needing additional encouragement. She's definitely into me at this point and chasing.

Sometime during the deep dive she mentioned that she likes to read, and I asked "What, like Twilight?" She actually has read that, along with the Hunger Games trilogy. I see the opportunity and steer the conversation towards 50 Shade of Grey, telling her that it started as fan fiction for Twilight, but it's poorly written. She didn't know this but agreed with me that it's not very well written. I told her that she ought to read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. It's about the fantasies of women and totally hot and steamy. She got visibly excited and intrigued. I gave her my bedroom eyes and sexy voice, saying "You can read that and think about me." :D Later on I asked her about her taste in music and told her she should join me at this jazz bar I frequent after she gets off at 10 pm. She thinks for a second, obviously a bit nervous, but says yes. She doesn't have her phone on her, working and all, so I pulled mine out and get her number. I told her I'd text her later. During this whole interaction I worked to get bits and pieces of investment from her, i.e., she got in a little trouble for sitting down with me from her manager. In fact, I even had her eating a piece of my chicken! When the manager got all embarrassed at what his staff was doing, I just joked around with him and cooly deflected, telling him that I insisted and she couldn't well say no to me, demonstrating some degree of social savvy and dominance.

Eventually I finish and and tipped extremely well. She kinda balked at the amount, and not wanting her to think that I was trying to impress her or buy her affection, I said that it's to make up for getting her in trouble. About 30 minutes later I texted her the usual great-meeting-you-save-my-number thing. She responded enthusiastically that she was happy to meet me too and that she'll definitely save my number. Told her to text me when she get off, to which she responded "Sure thing :)".

I spent the rest of the day shopping for new clothes at the mall. Sometime in the afternoon I texted her the following:

Me: Hey I'm not really feeling like jazz and drinks anymore tonight. Down for something else?
Her: Sure like what?
Me: I'm in the mood for something sweet tonight...
Me: Late night frozen yogurt sounds fun.
Her: Sounds yummy

I actually didn't wanna go to the jazz joint because I went there the night before. I stayed at another girl's place so I'm still wearing the same clothes. Didn't need people to talk...

I went to this killer Japanese place for dinner. I made sure to stay social and build momentum. The 50 year old waitress serving me turns out to be from Taiwan like me, so we hit it off and chat in Mandarin. It was quite heartwarming, as it's not often I meet people around here who speak my native tongue. We talked about biodiesel vehicles and Taiwanese cuisine, haha. She gave me her contact and told me to give her a ring next time I'm in town, she'll make some home-cooked Taiwanese food for me (she owned several restaurant before). This was all totally platonic of course. But I bring it up to illustrate that learning to be socially calibration can have great benefits beyond just getting chicks into bed.

I start heading back at 10 pm and don't arrive at the girl's work until around 10:40 pm. She had just finished closing and asked if I'm cool if she takes 10 minutes get changed. No problem. Well, we all know what 10 minutes means when a girl is prettying herself up for you... Usually I get annoying when people aren't punctual, but this time I played it smooth and resolved not to let her see me flustered. I pinged her after a while, joking that the owner had already left and they probably accidentally locked her in the store while she was dressing. She told me that she was about 5 minutes out. Right... it was more like 15 minutes. Eventually she shows up at around 11:30. Turns out she took a cab home, showered, changed, got grilled by her family about meeting me tonight, and took another cab back to her workplace. So it's understandable, all in all. Good thing I kept my cool! I did tell her that I'll have to punish her later for making me wait, to which she giggled of course. The yogurt place already closed so I told her we're going to the bar above jazz joint. We chat during the drive to keep her mind occupied and not nervous. We got to the bar and I had her buy me an Old Fashioned, punishment for making me wait, while I used the restroom. She seemed a bit surprised but still happily complied (I wait for no man! Or woman ;p) I see the owner for bar, whom I know, so I take this chance to demonstrate some social value and chat with her, then introducing them to each other. One more point for me. (I have to be more wary of her slipping into auto-rejection at this point)

We sit down in a private booth and I very naturally put my arms around her as we sit and pull her closer. Deep dive and all that. Played the three favorite animals game. We have a good time, laughing and giggling. We ended up polishing off three drinks each. She bought the first round of Old Fashioned for us both (just to demonstrate that I'm not gonna be her sugar daddy and buy her everything). But I bought all the rest, while paying attention that I'm doing so by choice and that it's not a big deal to me. So I'm generous but completely carefree and secure. She asked me sometime during the night why I approached her. I told her that it was her voice that drew me first, but as we got to talking I found her more and more interesting. She was very open about her sexuality. Turns out she was living for four lesbians and one of them was her girlfriend for 3 years. A lot of crazy sexy times in that apartment apparently! I gave her my sexy voice and bedroom eyes again and slyly asked her what it was about me that she found so attractive (assuming the deal, but it was pretty much game on by then). She said my deep voice did something to her, and that I was very confident. I played off that and joked about how most others guys aren't. She giggled and agreed. The whole time I was paying attention to keeping my fundamentals tight: my voice low and with a nice cadence, my eyes dreamy and piercing deeply, my walk sexy and without a rush, my body held tall and without a care in the world. It all had a cumulative effect and it shows. A couple of other girls at the bar were blatantly giving me the eyes too. I felt like a boss.

I pulled her for a kiss a couple of time, and each time she resisted, smiling and putting her head down saying "No no no". I tried to manhandle it, grabbing her hair on the back of her head but still no dice. I retained control and just looked in her eyes and gave her a sexy half smile, knowing that it's all just a game. I'd carry on the conversation as if nothing happened and she didn't just reject my moves. That went a long way to reassuring her that I'm not just for show, I'm sure. Eventually she rejected the kiss again and said she hasn't gotten physical with a guy in a long time. I mirrored her concerns back to her, all while kissing and licking her neck.

Me: So you're worried that if we get physical then that's all I'd want from you huh?
Her: Mmmm... ya
Me: Well, I've gotten to know you better now, and I really like how honest and open you are, especially about your sexuality. It's a real turn on... I dig it.
Her: <heavy panting>
Me: <moving closer to her face from her neck and then kiss. He shoots, he scores!>

I told her that we should get outta here. She asked where I'm taking her. I said that I wanna go for a walk. She smiled and agreed. (I've had four drinks at this point. A bottle of sake at the Japanese restaurant, Old Fashioned, Mint Julep, and a glass of Laphroig 10 year, so I was stalling for some time for my little buddy to get back into fighting shape) We walk and talk and make out some more. Eventually we make our way back to the car and kiss some more outside of it. It was getting hot and heavy so I opened the doors to the back seat and got it. After a while she said "You know I'm not giving it up in your back seat right?" I teased "Well, aren't you getting ahead of yourself? It's a bit forward but for now I'm enjoying kissing you and your body too much" She's moaning in spanish, and totally turning me on, calling me papi and all that. I responded with the only spanish phrase I know, something to the effects of "I wanna kiss you all over your body".

Eventually she says she has to pee (the fourth time tonight!) I said I was thirsty too, so we'll go to the Marriott and kill two birds with one stone. Not much LMR at this point. On the drive over she admitted that she has two kids, and I called her out on it gently, since she claimed before that she didn't have any. I didn't push it, but filed it away for later if I wanna use it as a reason to pop smoke and cut things off with her. I don't like deception, and even more so if the girl advertises herself as brutally honest but still lies. Not a biggie at the moment, but like I said, filed away for later use. We get a room, a steal at $96 for a King sized suite (thank god for government discount!) and she pees and I drink water. We get down to business and fade to black. It was hot. The actual sex I won't go into, and it's not really relevant to the purpose of this LR. But worth noting is that on the drive over she asked if I have condom. Of course I did, but we didn't end up using them. Shit was so hot that she couldn't even think straight by the time I'd fingered her for a while and slipped my cock in her. She tried to play it cool last night and this morning after we did it again, but I can tell by now that this girl is probably gonna get a bit clingy (tease her about that a bit earlier). I drove her home and she asked if she's gonna see me again. Told her I'll text her after I return from my business trip.

Wow, this was my first and probably last LR! Took about 1.5 hours to write. Mentally exhausted now, but I thought you guys deserved it. I've learned a tremendous amount in the last year reading the articles and posts here on GC. I had just gone through a divorce with whom I still feel is the love of my life of 6 years, but I resolved to remake myself. This site is such a gem. So keep at it fellas! Some takeaways from last night (nothing Chase and Co. hasn't already stressed over and over again):

Fundamental, fundamental, fundamental (especially sexy voice and a powerful, relaxed walk)
Set a sexual tone to the conversation from the get go (because so few guys have the balls too)
Communicate discretion and a non-judgmental mindset (secret society, us vs them)
Escalate physically as fast and you can (and if you get shot down, just dial it down, continue the conversation as if nothing happen, and escalate again later)
Logistics (I live 2 hours away, and she lives with her family, but still have a primary and secondary plan. My was car first, but failing that, I'll drop $100 on a nice room)

That's it fella, if you've stuck with me for this long, thank you for your patience! Hope you've enjoyed the read and took something away from it! Cheers.


Apr 19, 2014
I forgot to mention: I got her a surprise but she had to earn it with various sexy actions. I went to B&N earlier and got a copy of My Secret Garden. Usually I wouldn't get a girl a gift this early. But I figured it was something naughty that we connected over during our chat at her work. And now she can truly think of me when she's reading it. The benefit of this planted seed far outweigh the potential cost of getting her something. She loved it by the way. Said she's gonna read it today at work. Haha. Told her not to get caught masturbating while working.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
As a man who specializes in Latina women I'll tell you that you worked this perfectly =P

I am Richard and I approve this lay ! ;)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 27, 2014
She's moaning in spanish, and totally turning me on, calling me papi and all that.

Ahhhhh.... the finer things in life!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey man, great read!

I actually didn't wanna go to the jazz joint because I went there the night before. I stayed at another girl's place so I'm still wearing the same clothes.

*slow clap*

Wow, this was my first and probably last LR! Took about 1.5 hours to write. Mentally exhausted now, but I thought you guys deserved it

Thanks for sharing

I see the opportunity and steer the conversation towards 50 Shade of Grey, telling her that it started as fan fiction for Twilight, but it's poorly written.

That's such a natural way to transition into fifty shades. I'll be using that one - thank you

Set a sexual tone to the conversation from the get go (because so few guys have the balls too)



Apr 19, 2014
Glad you guys found it helpful/entertaining. I don't think I'm gonna see her again, but the next one I lay, I'll try my best to write up another one =D