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LR  Bi Sexual


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
well i was working at the bar last wednesday, and this chick came up to me who i didnt recognize well she knew me.

her "i forgot your name"
me "its all good, i forgot yours. i'm Maxmilion"
her " im xxxxxxx, i'll test you later to make sure you remember"

Later that night as she was wasted approached me again

Her "MAX!!"
Me "whats up xxxxx"
Her "you remembered!!!!" gives me a hug and she presses her whole body against mine i know she is definately interested
Me "so whats your phone number, let' hang out"
Her "yeah def, its xxx xxx xxxx"
Me "cool i gotta keep busy, i'll hit you up later"
Me "hey, xxxx its max lock me in"
Her "hey, so when were you wanting to get together?"
Me "in all honesty, after work :p"
Her "i would but i already have a date with two girls and a hot tub"
Me"bring them with you?"

Fast forward we decide to meet up tonight, she actually just left...... well she texts me and said she will be a little late, cool i can tidy up a little bit more. she arrives maybe half an hour late. we sit down and chat on the couch and in the back of my head im thinking ten minute rule you gotta kiss her.... well i'm nervous about it, so we keep talking about and there is a pause.... shit it's an escalation window..

Me "hey sit closer to me i don't bite"
Her "ok, promise?" She lays against me

We talk some more, she is a dirtbike track racer, into guys and girls.... has been sky diving, rafting, all over the world and is just all around a crazy chick. Then another pause, i start to notice its around fifteen minutes in so i say fuck it and just start kissing her and she is loving it. eventually she lays down on top of me and were just making out. She is thin with some huge boobs, so i pick her up and take her to my bedroom. she makes fun of my air mattress, and i make fun of her for having the tightest possible jeans on. We get down to it and i go down on her well apparently she had a knife on her, lol for safety? well she didnt tell me and as i'm going down on her i find a knife in my hand look at it like where the fuck did this come from her vagina.... lol she told me the story later anyways so i give her an orgasm and she pulls me on top of her. takes my shirt off and i roll over with her on top we finally get into fucking each other, and i start asking her what she is doing to me like the california pimp, she starts saying she is fucking me really hard and then starts to do it as she says it. I recently went through a cougar phase and the differences in skin textures and the way her body was so tight and soft, i couldn't believe the differences lol! however five orgasms later we are laying there, she starts showing me pictures of her having sex with other girls and she gets up and leaves.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: LR Bi Sexual

Hey Max!

well she knew me

Do you think she really knew you, or that "I forgot your name" was just her creative opener?

Me "hey, xxxx its max lock me in"
Her "hey, so when were you wanting to get together?"
Me "in all honesty, after work :p"
Her "i would but i already have a date with two girls and a hot tub"
Me"bring them with you?"

Definitely noted how you handled that objection/banter (the italicized bit; I would have said "lol no problem" and suggested another time. Wonder how that would have worked out...If at all.

I recently went through a cougar phase and the differences...i couldn't believe the differences lol


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: LR Bi Sexual

Gentle_Phrases said:
Do you think she really knew you, or that "I forgot your name" was just her creative opener?

Interesting i see what you mean, but then again she probably did see me before. Ladies drink free and i bounce their every week. so both maybe!

I was being very short on the whole story because i like to keep it a simple read but i'm forgetting everyone is here to learn and i have seen some things i missed out on that other people nailed. I was more worried about my escalation windows as recently i have been missing them terribly.

I said bring them with you more like

Me "Bring them with you :p"
Her "yeah, i bet you would like that"
Her "and it's a hot tub, you cant beat a hot tub, do you have a hot tub?"
Me "noooo, but i have a goldfish, his name is bob and he is absolutely amazing"
Her "lol really? your going with a gold fish?"
Me " whoa whoa whoa, you hurt his feelings come apologize! Alright so lets just meet up on friday then?"
Her "actually i have to go to the track on friday"
Me "ahh ok cool"
Her "i'm free sunday"
Me " sunday can work, i'll see you then"

That was pretty much the rest of the conversation.

Most definately, on the cougar thing i went through a recent phase of 35 to 45 woman style that have had kids. Wow though there is definetly a huge difference from what i remember. I'm going to definately start approaching the younger woman again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: LR Bi Sexual

thinking back now i noticed a few other points i want to point out. just from reading articles and a tactics board today.

While laying with her and making out, I started to feel up her breasts i was getting hard so remembered i think it was alek who made the article or post, grab her hand and put it in places to ease the tension so its your fault. I grabbed her hand and i like to whisper in their ears like.... look what you do to me and put her hand on my cock.

Her "oh, and whose fault is that?"
Me "oh definetly yours, i'm and angel" while smiling at her
Her "oh bullshi" and i interupted her with a kiss and she dropped it

I used this technique a lot the rest of the night, just putting her hand in the same spot i put mine.

Also, Another thing i wanted to note from the conversation we had and chases earlier post about how guys and the old game with the backwards compliment.

She was telling me how her and her girlfriends at the bar were standing around and some tall asian dude walked up to th group and was like wow you guys are gorgeous, then looked at the bigger girl and goes and your ok too. Well she doesnt look self conscious but she really is because she was telling me how good of friends they are. She told the guy to get the fuck away just to leave, i guess the guy tried to recover and she was like no you arent that great anyways you cocky asshole leave. Then she told me how her friend was still pretty upset about.

Just a few extra things to throw in their.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: LR Bi Sexual

Thanks for the update Maximus.

Wow that Asian guy burned that set to the ground lol. Awful. Threw that chick right under the bus and for no reason.

Her "lol really? your going with a gold fish?"
Me " whoa whoa whoa, you hurt his feelings come apologize!

Man's best friend.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: LR Bi Sexual

Lol usually with that game you s say and your ok to the hot chick. I guwss she has also seen guys try to talk to her friends to talk to her. Lol thank good we found girls chase


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: LR Bi Sexual


So she called me and wanted to come over..... i did exactly what chase said to do when in the first stages she walked in the door got comfortable. she sat down i smiled at her picked her up and took her straight to my room. We had sex.

After sex, she was like ok time to lay some ground rules and kept her distance

uhm ok ground rules?

1) i don't date
2)don't tell me you love me again i don't date
3)you will not know where i live
4) when in public if you try to come kiss me i'll kill you, don't act like you know me my friends don't know my sex life.

Me "so when can we get married?!?!? but not really but just that you are awesome, its like their is a lil me inside of you!!! no pun intended" smirking

Her "haha about ten minutes ago that would have meant more ;)"

Me "ok so my ground rules....."

Her "ok?"

1) no sleep overs
2) more woman equal awesomeness

her "so if i bring another girl over, your fine with that.....?"

me "only if she is as hot as you."

I might actually get a three some out of this, and i have been working towards one for like months now. Thought this would be good to post as an update because i have only heard of cicks like this through chases reading. I get to experience it, she then rambled on about how months later guys fall in love with her and she peaces out.

Cheers guys


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 27, 2014
Re: LR Bi Sexual

Honestly air mattresses on the floor are the best. They don't move and shake as much as a standard mattress with bed posts.