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Bit of falling into


Dec 7, 2012
Hey Fellas,

I'm currently with a girl, We're not committed but I guess I'm bit falling into her, Cause she's like taking every advices I give seriously and she's like working on herself hard to get into the track I wanted for her. And it's like I'm starting to see her as an ideal girl, and I know that our future is still unsure cause we're like so young for a long term thing. I don't want us to get hurt very hard in case our affair is over.

Any advices and tips on this type of thing? or should I just take her for a long term?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Enochian,

Enochian said:
Hey Fellas,

I'm currently with a girl, We're not committed but I guess I'm bit falling into her, Cause she's like taking every advices I give seriously and she's like working on herself hard to get into the track I wanted for her. And it's like I'm starting to see her as an ideal girl, and I know that our future is still unsure cause we're like so young for a long term thing. I don't want us to get hurt very hard in case our affair is over.

Any advices and tips on this type of thing? or should I just take her for a long term?

this is a hard question, but you need to separate your emotions and put logic before diving here.

Is she what you want? (as in your dream girl)

you need to consider her and who she is when she's without you, because emotions makes people want to work harder for you, but they fades. I suggest you write a list of her pros and cons, and putting your emotions aside. Then you know if you really love her, and if she is likely you can get along long term.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Enochian said:
Hey Fellas,

I'm currently with a girl, We're not committed but I guess I'm bit falling into her, Cause she's like taking every advices I give seriously and she's like working on herself hard to get into the track I wanted for her. And it's like I'm starting to see her as an ideal girl, and I know that our future is still unsure cause we're like so young for a long term thing. I don't want us to get hurt very hard in case our affair is over.

Any advices and tips on this type of thing? or should I just take her for a long term?


ZacAdam is right. I think he covered everything well, you basically want to sit down and put your emotions aside. Is this girl really what you want in an ideal relationship? Is she going to be perfect for you longterm?

You could write out a list of all the traits you want in your dream girl and if she has all the essential traits then give it a shot. If you reach the committment point, make sure you meet other girls to reinforce belief in yourself and to give you the confidence/self-assurance to understand that if it doesn't work out with this one, that you can easily go out and meet any girl you want ;).

Hope this helped!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Dec 7, 2012
Thank Zac and Garrett,

Yeah I'll have to Reframe my self first. I think, my emotions has taken control of me a bit. Atleast, I know the reason why, and I'll have to give a little touch to get back to the right track. "you need to consider her and who she is when she's without you" You nailed it there Zac. I'll do what you said to me. I know it'll help.

Again, Thanks! Cheers!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Enochian said:
Yeah I'll have to Reframe my self first. I think, my emotions has taken control of me a bit. Atleast, I know the reason why, and I'll have to give a little touch to get back to the right track. "you need to consider her and who she is when she's without you" You nailed it there Zac. I'll do what you said to me. I know it'll help.

Don't worry man, i have had wanted to get into a relationship with a girl, kind of like in your situation, which at first was casual. Turns out i just could not click with her, and my emotions blind me, thinking she's what i want :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Don't take too long to decide either, else she may lose interest