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Bitterness and Saddening Transition


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
As you learning on your way to mastering seduction. You will tend to notice that some of your friends you feel you should not hang out so often from today because of their beliefs, some of your friends dropping you because you 'not the same'. Some girl friends whom are your friends before, think that now you can't be friend-zoned and be somewhat beneficial in their lifes, are dropping out of your life, and sometimes they hate you for it. One of the hardest and most difficult concepts to get is Seeing that "Everyone Is Ought to Fight For Themselves".

Some of the Girls who hate you because you turn to some man different or new guy? They are out there dating, texting and sleeping with other guys, Sometimes even flirting in front of you!

Some of the girls whom goes out with you but never lets you close? She wants you in the provider role, sometimes husband.

Some of the girls whom show interest and being warmth but never goes with you? She's got a boyfriend and wants you as a backup, their circle of backups.

Your friends whom think you like to flirt around and think about girls all the time? They are out there struggling to get a girl for themselves, and sometimes try to get your girl friends whom you dating, or in fact doing the same and trying to one up you.

The guys who talk badly about you and thinks you lame for helping other guys? They actually want the girls to themselves, and trying to phase you out, on facebook, twitter, friends via friends (word by mouth), sometimes even trying to get your girls.

Everyone is ought to fight for themselves. And as a result of noticing this, you feel bitter, and also sadden by the fact that things like this do happen. They say things to blind you, and do the contrary. You also realize why generally women are not so warm sometimes, by what most guys out there are doing, even girls too. Fighting over each other, one up over another, lying. Everyone is somewhat in a screw up position because of this. BUT, you notice the most highest in the social ladder, they don't do this things, and they know people challenge each other and lying, and almost do anything to get what they want. They (Elites) are just not bothered by all of this. They go out there and get what they want. They fight for themselves this way, and at the same time doing it in a way where they can give back to her or to society or friends something back. Girls are attracted by this, even the female players. I am not joking. Even the coldest and hardest of girls, they can smell genuine men, for the nice guys, they don't mess him around so much but they know when they literally smell Genuine Man.

Good emotions, Good Sex ,Being Warmth, Being Relatable, Deep Diving(Understanding Her or Anyone Else). This is what you do to give back to her. You know you 'fighting for yourself' but you man enough to stay in line between influence and manipulation. They are two distinct contrast.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 22, 2012
Yep. There's no space for criticizing, only room for improving!

Life is hard and everyone who don't like hard will find it more hard. Those who embrace hard will have it easiest ;)

Don't focus on the problems (even though this may be extremely hard in the beginning when you have had this bad habit since I don't know) and instead focus on the solutions and asking the right questions.. then you are ahead of 95% of guys...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take