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blasting into the past, social circle, before PUA


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
Recalling some memories of when I was in college's social circle, thought this one was quite interesting.

A girl in class invited me over to her house with another one of my classmates, and from there we could socialize did some homework then eventually parted. I invited my friend over to smoke weed later on in the night, she texted me to go back to her house and hang out, etc.

(Girl from class always stared at me)

fast forward a 1-2 months, I was bringing over girl/s to her house hanging out, smoking weed and shit. Some of those girls I liked (didn't smash either), FML. we'd hangout as a big group.

Then during this one night, I was pretty drunk, and she went over to this neighbor's house, and I just let her go. After 5minute I regretted letting her go, I called her telling her to come back then I picked her up from his house, with whom I had beef with later on. Her window to sex with me was always opened, I just told her back to her place and started fucking, she wanted it a bunch of other times too. yeah, I only smashed once. This was the 6.

At the time she was fucking another dude in the group, who I find to be square and they were, I guess "seeing" each other, but it was obvious she didn't like him, she just wanted some dick.

One night....got invited over with only girls, a 6 and a 9, the 9 wanted to smash on 2 occasions, and 1st time she got drunk I just avoided her, typical white knight behavior from me. She wanted my dick so she wanted me to move on her using alcohol as a deniability, I was an idiot. 2nd time around I already smashed the 6, the two talked and she probably arranges the meetup casually to hangout, for 3 some. I was an idiot I got too high and felt super tired and they kept staring at me, I just felt weird at the time and left.

Some of the conversation went like

6: "do you think (my friend) would fuck me...." ( wants sex)
9: " I really like the song you are playing....." (using her seductive voice)

In movement the 9 would brush past me with her thick thigh and I completely miss it as window. She could over to help me cook ramen,

9: "OHhhh are you doing this correctly" while touching me and moving her face right next to mine (kiss window)

Story of my auto rejection, the then 9 is a 6 now, so catch them when they are young and fun.

After that situation, they were both cold and indifferent afterward, autorejected me, slowly the entire social circle faded away and I got jealous of this new dude coming in, trying to fuck all the girls, he did end up fucking the 6 too lol

I think on more than 4-5 occasions, I had the opportunity to smash the 9 using the 6's bed. Also what was lacking logistics and didn't move on her cause of lack of physicality in my game. I was just an idiot getting high and drunk all of the time, I didn't understand girls at all, typical male romantic here.

When you are in a social circle you have a higher caliber of girls, sometimes, but it takes a lot more effort as you are older and they move on, which cuts into your time in your life doing other stuff, and you find less value, 18-22 you have easier access back then compared to now when you are older. But with a better game, you are still able to find and have your way with them.

not trying to regret anything, just speaking a bit of reality

in total I missed about 10-15 days during my high school/college years at least

To be continued....
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake