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Blonde Bimbo HB 11 (F LAY)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
Hey guys just thought I would tell you about my great night yesterday.

We were going to a club and I was in complete PUA alpha male mode so I was really pumped.

I chose to wear my trusty rainbow shirt, which as you can gather is a shirt with all the different colors of the rainbow on in a bold zig zag pattern. I also wear it two sizes to big for me. The shirt acts as a peacock item.

With the shirt I wore my sailors hat, which again is a peacock item and instantly demands female attention.

Literally when I walked into the club I could almost see and hear all the gals think 'woah who's that guy in the striking shirt and sailor hat' ;)

So anyway I made my way to the bar and on the way kind of nonchalantly bumped into another guy and kind of brushed him aside (Displaying ALPHA male values)

I saw this pretty little blonde bimbo HB 11 sitting alone, so I looked at her and keep on staring until she looked away (this took 6 seconds but was worth it as its another alpha male thing to do, never look away first)

I struck up a conversation with girl and the first thing I did was a magic trick, which she enjoyed. I then had the following dialogue with her

ME: Yeh so what do you do for work anyway
HER: Accounting
ME: Oh yeh?
HER: Yeh
ME: Well your pretty damn ugly... Nah actually your cute, I guess (push-pull)
HER: ...Okayy
ME: Haha im joking (said while patting her on the head) (KINO)
Girl: Ah, okay
ME: So what do you do for fun?
Her: Well I love cycling, swimming, parting, socializing wit.....
Her: Wel....
ME: Shh, (said slowly and seductively) lets go home and get to know each other better?

On the way out of the club I made sure to smack the bouncer in the face in front of the girl (this is something I always do when leaving a club, it further escalates your male dominance, which turns the girl on)

The rest is history but you can imagine what happened... ;)


sociably genY

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2013
I honestly have to say that I would have to be there to believe this series of events. So essentially you were at this bar/club for ten minutes and managed to pull a girl while smacking a bouncer in the face?

The magic trick is something I was thinking about employing myself, can't be that hard.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Did this really happen?
If this is some kind of satiracal post about how absurd the mystery method is, then it's funny.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Good to see you back. I remember around the time I first started posting on the forums, I was impressed by some of the stuff you wrote, but it seems like you've gone silent for a bit. If this LR is representative of what you've been up to in the meantime, though, it's time well spent! :)

I had a similar initial reaction to Sociably and Wesley in terms of skepticism about this report, but for the sake of argument I'm just going to go ahead and assume that everything posted in these forums by regular, trusted users is more or less accurate to reality, else there's little point in having the discussion.

Now I'm nowhere near as far along as you in terms of experience, but I just want to play back what I see as an important lesson from this report—so that I may be corrected if necessary, as follows:

While day game is all very well for getting to know a potentially huge pool of women, and for reasons stated elsewhere ("girlfriend quality", lack of on-the-spot competition) it is generally superior, the clear advantage of classic night game like that described here is that the woman is already pre-screened. A lady shopping may not be looking for anything right now, and it takes delicate seductive skill to put her in the mood. Here was a girl looking her very best, sitting alone nursing a drink in a night spot... there's only one thing she could really be seeking.

As for the above objections, clearly the girl was top-quality in terms of looks, and if you're looking for a lay, not a girlfriend specifically, then little else matters; on-the-spot competition was conspicuously lacking since she was sitting alone in spite of the place not being empty (as you made clear when describing your entrance). So you essentially screened those issues out of the way immediately too.

Only one thing left to do and that's push all her buttons correctly. Move fast before anyone else can come along and try to drag her away. All that you did, and more :)) More power to you!

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
oooo guys i didn't expect anybody to take this seriously. this was purely a joke field report. don't do any of what i said in my post.

especially don't wear rainbow shirts and sailor hats, or smack bouncers who will hand you your ass. and the dialogue was a total joke also. i think i was very bored and slightly drunk when i posted this!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013