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Bloom's journal


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
Hey everyone. This is the start of my public journal. I've kept private journals for many years, but I'm starting this for a few reasons...
  • I want to be better about reflecting on my experiences in-field. I usually spend more time going out than reflecting on my experiences, so I want to swing the pendulum a bit to the other direction.
  • I want to document and share my journey. I've been in the game for about 8 years, and I've learned a lot over the years and have a solid base in seduction. I still have a ways to go towards my final goals, but I'm excited about the progress I'm making and the directions I'm going. So, I want to keep track of all of it, since it might be useful/inspiring to others.
  • I want to connect more with the community here! I've been inspired by some of the posts and posters here, so it'll be fun to be more active.
Not sure how this'll evolve. Gonna start by just writing various field reports as well as random reflections. Lots of what I apply is based on @Gunwitch SMMA, so I try to break down my experiences through some of its lenses (sexual, emotional, social).
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
LR - Sunday March 12th

I've started limiting myself to ~2 hours a day in-field. At this point, 2 hours feels like a sweet-spot in terms of ROI on my time. If nothing materializes, I'm still fresh enough mentally when I get back home to journal on what happened that day.

The other thing that I'm working on these days is being more playful, trying to mix more banter, hard teasing, and innuendos into my game. To help with that, I've started watching 30 mins of Julien's in-fields before going out. His interactions are much less linear than mine tend to be, so watching his in-fields is opening my mind to what's possible. Also, his style of teasing seems to be very pattern-breaking and emotionally stimulating, which is what I want to mix into my game. My only goal going out this day is to sprinkle in some Julien-esque teases / be more playful.

So, I go out around 5:30pm. I'm in a Mexican beach city and Spring Break is going on, and the beach is popping. Only thing is that most people are in groups, and I'm gaming solo. Eventually, I see this one girl walking towards me on the beach, so I open her, asking her how the water feels. She smiles and says it's cold, but continues walking on. It's my first approach of the day, so I give myself props for opening and getting the positive momentum.

Eventually, I open another single girl walking my direction. I open in Spanish, but, because of my accent, she thinks that I'm speaking English (pretty common reaction, heh). She's Mexican. Being playful, I start giving her light shit about not understanding my Spanish. And when she asks where I'm from, I keep fucking with her, telling her that I'm actually Mexican, born-and-raised. She knows I'm messing around, and the convo hooks. We keep talking for about 10 mins, and I test compliance with her by suggesting we sit down. She says that she has to keep going down the beach to take a picture, but that she'll come back in a few mins. Maybe I should've been more persistent and suggested we go together, but I said sure, and decide to wait for 10 mins to see if she comes back (sorta doubting it). She never comes back, so I guess the hook wasn't strong enough at that point. Still, I'm glad that I was more playful during the hook.

I eventually start to head back to my bus stop to head back home, and as I'm walking there, I see this girl walking my way. She's pretty young, turns out 21. I open her with my standard opener ("You know who you look like?" credit Gunwitch), and we start talking. I forget what exactly we talked about initially, but I remember seeing an opportunity to tease her at one point. She told me something about herself (maybe that she was born and raised in the city?), and with a smirk I told her that I thought she was lying. Her reaction: WHY do you think I'm lying!?!? "I don't know... something about those eyes... I can't trust them..." Again, she got sucked in, asking why I thought that.

It was fun seeing that reaction. I typically have done rainbow ruses / cold reads to suck girls in verbally during the hook, but a lot of times I feel like the ruses come off too deep / profound. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, because they still often hook... but since my goal is to be emotionally stimulating in more playful/light-hearted ways, it was cool to see this type of playful teasing having the same effect.

While I'm teasing, I'm beginning to get into sexual state as well, and subtly subcommunicating it. After a few mins of us talking, I suggest that we grab a drink. She's a little hesitant ("I don't know if I should... I don't know you"), but eventually she's down to go. Soon as we sit down for drinks, the sexual tension is strong. We're both leaning in towards each other, our faces close. Eye contact is strong. I'm feeling horny AF as well, and showing it to her with my eye coding. Also sprinkling in longer pauses in the convo to build more tension, and deepening/softening my voice at times. Also, various opportunities come up in the convo for touching. I see that her cheeks are kinda shiny, and so I lightly touch them, saying that she has salt from the ocean still on them (she had been at the beach). Later, we're talking about love languages (always a chick-crack topic), and she leaves physical touch off of her list. I tease her, saying that she must be either a robot or an alien since she doesn't need physical affection, then take her wrist in my hand to check her pulse to check if she's human. At another point, she's guessing my age, and says 50 (lmao, I'm 31), so I act pretend offended and cover her mouth with my hand. With the various eye contact, tonality, closeness, and touch... after 20-30 mins or so, I see in her eyes that she's horny. So that key's in place really well.

After we finish our drinks, we're both walking back to the bus stop (turns out we needed to get the same bus), and I suggest we listen to music back at my place (we had talked about music during our drink). She was down, so we hop the bus and go back to mine. Smooth sailing from there.



- Was fun to see the teasing work during the hook (for the girl I pulled). Even though it's not a cold read, it's still ABOUT HER, which I think is the key to sucking her in (along with the sexual vibe). It also got her curious, wanting to know why I thought she wasn't telling the truth. It also set up call-back teases throughout the rest of our convo, where I'd playfully accuse her of being disingenuous.

- Was also fun to spark and build up the sexual tension as we were getting drinks. One area I've wanted to work on is consistently, actively CREATING a sexual vibe. I've usually not done it through touch during day game, but I found various socially excusable and fun ways to initiate kino with this girl. Was also cool seeing HER get into sexual state. One "mindset" that I want to get more into is the "assumed lovers" frame that Gun talks about. There were moments in the interaction where the vibe felt as though we were already lovers... and that felt perfect. I feel like getting into that mindset helped me as well, so it's something I wanna explore more.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Nice LR, @Bloom. Congratulations.

Where did you pick her up? Was it the beach or the streets close to the beach?
I always found the beach a little harder to get girls out from.

Also, what time was it?
Time of the day seems to be important for beach game IME, girls don’t like to cancel their tanning sessions at midday but as sun comes down it just feels natural to get the hell out somewhere.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
Instadate - March 13th

Set a timer for 2 hours and hit the beach again today.

I open a two set as well as a single set, both of which don’t go anywhere. But they’re good for momentum.

As I’m walking back to the beach entrance, I see this girl standing by the edge of the water looking out at the ocean. I change my path a bit so that I’m walking by her, and, as I walk by her, I ask her in Spanish how the ocean feels. She says it’s cold, and then I transition it into personal, asking her if she’s from town. She says she's from another city in Mexico. Since I’m working on making the first couple minutes of my convos less logical/linear, I just look at her with a smirk, as if I don’t believe her. Her eyes get bigger and she starts to smile a bit, “What, why don’t you believe me?!”

We continue like this for a while, with the convo weaving between playful and real. She asks me where I’m from, and I tell her I’m from Guadalajara (second biggest city in Mexico) – which I’m clearly not, based on my accent when I speak Spanish. She knows I’m fucking with her. But then I tell her the truth, that I’m from NYC, and we connect over that because she’s been there a couple times and loves the city. At some point, she explains to me that she’s got a mixed background, and describes herself as a “mutt.” This makes me think of Julien’s hard tease of calling girls dogs… so I throw in with a smirk, “Ah, yeah, I can tell. You’re just like a street dog.” She laughs.

All the while, I’m standing close to her, giving her light backhand touches, giving her strong eye contact.

After a few more minutes of this, I go for the compliance and suggest we sit down at a cabana where her stuff is. She's down, so we walk over and continue talking there for about 30 mins. Overall it feels good… decent sexual vibe and the convo generally is interesting. But she also seems to have her guard up. She talks a lot about not trusting men – how her ex hurt her and how she’s on a journey now of self-discovery. She also throws out various frame grabs, like how I don’t seem like the type who’d want to settle down… or that I probably walk up and down the beach trying to pick up girls (very perceptive, lol).

Eventually, I go for another compliance, suggesting we go grab a drink at a nearby bar. But she says that she has to go back to her hotel where her friends are waiting for her. I persist a bit more, but she's firm, so I just grab her number. I’ll try to get her out again, to see, but not counting on it.


  • Looking back… I think that the hook was good. I got a good mix of sexuality and pattern-breaking in there, plus some basic social frame. I felt like the sexual vibe was good while we were talking at the cabana, as well. And the convo felt stimulating enough. I think what I was lacking was social frame. Her frame grabs seemed centered around this idea that I’m a player etc. So, maybe turning down the playfulness a bit, being more real, connecting on processes, talking about friends, family, all of that would’ve helped.

  • I slipped in some sexual innuendo, which is another thing I’m trying to work into my game. We were talking about traveling to Brazil, and I asked her if she spoke Portuguese. She said she did, so I asked her how she could speak that language. Giving a smart-ass reply, she said “Con mi boca” (With my mouth). “Ahhh…. So you like to use your mouth a lot” (smirk). Lol, and then when she accused me of the innuendo, I just denied it and flipped it back on her for having the dirty mind.

  • Found another easy way to get basic kino going. There’s this expression in Mexico, “Son uña y mugre” (“they’re like dirt and nail”… means that two people are inseparable). So at one point in the convo, I told her that I had learned a Mexican expression. She asked what, so I held her hand, and traced it out while telling her.


A few other loose thoughts I’m working through. One is, I’ve noticed in a lot of Julien’s in-fields that he often doesn’t give real answers in the first few minutes of an interaction. E.g., when a girl asks him the standard questions ("where you from, what's your name"), he’ll often say that he’s from some random country, or he’ll give a clearly false name. I think in one of his videos, he explains that the “facts” don’t matter as much in the first few minutes… it’s all about the emotional experience you’re giving to the girl. You can always talk about the facts later.

Going into conversations with that mentality… feels liberating. Because it opens up a lot of possibilities about what to say and do. One hook that’s been working for me is pretending to speak only one language… and then breaking the pattern by suddenly switching it up. E.g., since I’m in Mexico now, I typically open every girl in Spanish, even if they seem to be Spring Break tourists. A lot of them are visiting from the US, and they tell me that they speak only English. Instead of switching to English, I keep speaking to them in Spanish, as if I don't understand what they’re saying. I keep the act up for about a minute. Then I’ll go “I’m just fucking with you, I speak English :)” And that always gets a good reaction. There’s nothing logical there, though… it’s just the emotional experience.

I feel like one opportune time to introduce this in any convo is when a girl asks where I’m from. Instead of making her guess, like I’ve done in the past (which isn’t bad, since it can get her more invested in the convo), I now just say a place that it’s blatantly obvious I’m not from. They know I’m fucking with them, so it immediately introduces a playful, less linear energy.

Obviously, it’s a balance. Being a jokester isn’t seductive… but I think the aspect of pattern-breaking and unpredictability, when it’s sprinkled in strategically, is good. It adds an element of her not knowing when you’re being real and when you’re fucking with her.

In terms of the underlying mechanism of why this stuff works when it does? I think part of it’s the pattern breaking. When a girl is approached by a guy, she’s trying to figure out what “box” to put him in. If the initial convo is a standard, linear conversation… “Where are you from… What do you do…” it becomes predictable. She’s seen this pattern a thousand times before. So, when you give an answer that’s clearly not true, it breaks the typical “box” that she’s beginning to put you in. Also, I think that the Julien-esque style pattern-breaking is effective because the convo is still ABOUT HER in some way. In some of the above examples, you’re fucking WITH her, which is ultimately still about her.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
Nice LR, @Bloom. Congratulations.

Where did you pick her up? Was it the beach or the streets close to the beach?
I always found the beach a little harder to get girls out from.

Also, what time was it?
Time of the day seems to be important for beach game IME, girls don’t like to cancel their tanning sessions at midday but as sun comes down it just feels natural to get the hell out somewhere.
Thanks man.

This was on the street, close to the beach. Around 8ish at night.

Yeah, I hadn't done beach game until a couple weeks ago, so I'm not experienced enough with it to know how time of day affects it. I typically go out in the evening, so I'm only seeing that side of it. A couple of the girls who I've instadated from the beach were getting ready to leave the beach anyways, so maybe that made things smoother, like you're suggesting.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
March 14th - instadate

Set the timer for 2 hours and hit the beach again. It’s relatively dead because the weather isn’t great, so I go to the main grocery store in the area. Pretty dead in there as well, so, after an hour of being out, I’m about to call it a day and go home.

As I’m heading out of the grocery store, I see a girl who’s decently cute in one of the aisles. I’m not super attracted, but I figure it can’t hurt to open, and it’ll be good for me social freedom-wise (since opening in higher pressure situations, like crowded grocery stores, is still uncomfortable for me).

She’s looking at some cans of tuna, and I start looking at stuff a few feet beside her. When she turns to put her stuff in her cart, I pretend like I just notice her, and open with the standard “Do you know who you look like?”

Start chatting. She invests in the convo, asking questions back. I do a bit of a cold read and some teasing, but there doesn’t seem to be much of a sexual vibe. If anything, she seems a little anxious. She’s friendly though, and we stay chatting for a few minutes. It doesn’t feel like a strong hook, but as always I go for the compliance anyways, suggesting that we grab a drink upstairs (there’s a little restaurant and winery on the 2nd floor of the grocery market). To my surprise, she says she’s down, but that she just needs to figure out what to do with her cart. It only has a couple of things in it, so we take it up to the second floor with us.

Upstairs, we buy some wine to drink on an attached outdoor terrace (it seems like this grocery store layout was designed by a PUA haha). There’s more sexual tension at this point – as we’re picking out wine to drink, we’re standing a lot closer together. It’s an inner game pattern I’ve noticed in myself – when I know that a girl is into me (e.g., if she’s giving me compliance by moving with me for an instadate), then I “let” myself get into more of a sexual state and project it more. Because at that point, I “know” she’s into me. I wanna adjust that – ideally, I shouldn’t need any external validation to be getting into my most confident states.

We sit down with our wine, and the sexual vibe continues to be strong. Over the last few days, I’ve noticed that I’m getting into deeper sexual states on dates. At various points during the convo, I start running through super dirty thoughts about what I wanna do to the girl, which gets me into the state. Still, I’ve noticed that I’m able to get into these states more easily when I’m getting positive feedback from her (e.g., if she’s reciprocating the state, or if she’s investing in the convo, etc.), which is something I wanna work on.

The other thing I'm playing with is the “assumed lovers” frame. As I'm talking with her, I try to come from a place of having already slept with her. I find this helpful… especially in holding longer pauses, feeling more relaxed, etc.

Another memorable part of the convo is when we get some light sex-talk going. In talking about traveling and different cultures, I recount to her my experience traveling in Poland, where in some parts it's quite culturally conservative (e.g., they close down shopping centers on Sundays in the capital). I tell her that, when I visited Poland a few months ago, I learned that this conservatism is implicit in the Polish language. For example, a Polish friend of mine told me that when “50 Shades of Grey” was translated into Polish, there wasn’t suitable vocabulary in Polish to capture some of the dirty-talk. So, parts of that book read more like comedy than sexy.

I feel like this little anecdote has potential to transition into an actual sex-talk gambit... but I haven’t figured out how to flesh it out yet. I barely do any sex-talk at this point, so it’s something that I wanna add to my game.

Anyways, long story short, the interaction goes well. The girl has parked her car outside the grocery store, and she offers to drive me back to my AirBnB (I’m staying only a few minutes away). Her car smells like weed – which she tells me she smokes – so I also have a smooth reason to invite her in to smoke a bit. But… I have a hang-up. The girl seems pretty invested, but I’m not super attracted to her – she’s cute, but I don’t see myself hanging out with her again. In these types of situations, I feel conflicted about escalating things to sex. If the sex were to happen, it’d probably get more investment on her end… and I’d feel bad about ghosting. So, once she pulls up to my apartment, I just thank her for the ride and grab her IG.



  • Glad that I did the approach! I was hesitant about doing it for various reasons, but it was good to push my comfort zone in the grocery store. It was also interesting to observe my own inner dialogue leading up the approach. I was pretty self-conscious about opening, aware of the other people in the aisle with us, but as soon as I started talking with the girl, most of that went away as I was just focusing on her.
    • Was also good to see how my own inner dialogue of how the interaction is going doesn’t always match up with reality. The hook didn’t feel super great, but it turned out that she was down to grab a drink. With that in mind, I probably could’ve been a bit more bold with my approach, e.g., standing a little bit closer to her
  • When this girl asked me what I do for a living, I told her that I do OnlyFans. Not true, but most girls believe it until I tell them what I actually do. I’m finding it to be a good, fun thing to say, because it often leads to some sex talk later (e.g., us talking about whether we’d ever actually do OnlyFans or any other type of porn).
  • Was good to get into a deeper sexual state and to practice the “assumed lovers” frame
  • Also a good reference experience for pulling girls from grocery stores. I have a bit of a limiting belief about this, since it’s hard for me to imagine a girl just leaving all of her groceries there. But it’s definitely do-able
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
March 16th

Went out today for about an hour. Not many single sets again. I did do a few approaches though, which is good.

One of the convos was interesting. I see a girl walking down the street towards me, so I open her. Turns out she’s visiting from Chile. She’s friendly and chats a bit, but it doesn’t feel like I’ve got a strong hook. Social frame seems fine, but there’s not really sexual tension (other than closeness, initially). I figure I’ll just shoot the shit with her for a while and try to get some basic rapport and investment. After a few minutes, I go for the compliance, just to do it. I ask her what she’s up to, and she says that she’s just going to the pharmacy. So, I say we should grab a drink, since there’s a great bar right next to the pharmacy she’s going. She’s like… “Mmmm I don’t know.” And just stands there. Lol. I persist a little more, and she’s still very hesitant. I say it’ll be an adventure, and that we’ll just grab one drink. She finally agrees, but her hesitancy makes sense to me since the interaction doesn’t seem super strong to me at this point, especially in terms of any sexual vibe. Still, I know I can build things up once we sit down.

We start walking towards the pharmacy, keeping the small chat going. Everything seems to be going fine. After about 5 minutes, though, she suddenly turns to me and says that she’s just gonna go to the pharmacy – not gonna get the drink. Says that I can take her IG and write her later. She’s super nice about it, but I know what that means.

It’s all good – I felt from the beginning that the hook wasn’t strong, so it was cool to just persist to the point of getting her to move with me initially.



+ Good to have gone out again. Trying to go out at least one hour each day. The town I'm in sucks for day game in the evening (it's all frat/sorority nightlife after a certain hour), but I'm just staying consistent with it until I move cities (in 5 days).

+ I think it’ll be good for me to slow down, during the hook. Creating a sexual vibe still doesn’t feel totally in my control; it’s hit or miss, depending on the girl. In the past, whenever I've consciously REALLY slowed things down during the hook (to the point of even trying to get blown out for it), I notice that I create sexual tension more consistently and that my verbals hit harder.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
March 17th

Hit the beaches and grocery store again. My only goal going out today is to create a sexual vibe in my interactions, since I wasn’t getting it going in my sets yesterday. Specifically, I’m going to 1) try to have the girl break eye contact first, when I first open (per Gun’s SMMA), and 2) hold more pauses during the first couple minutes of convos. I’ve also decided to record the first couple minutes of my interactions (I have Airpods that can record audio), so that I can work on my verbals later.

I end up opening about 4 sets, doing these things. The good – I am having the girls break eye contact first when I open. I’m also slowing things down. Still, it doesn’t feel like I’m really sparking a sexual vibe. I’ve got two thoughts on this. 1) Maybe the girls ARE feeling the sexuality, but just not showing it back (since a lot of girls tend to try to hide it). 2) Maybe what’s lacking isn’t the sexual projection on my end, but the verbals. Gun talks about how you want to sexually project AS you’re delivering a rainbow ruse… and it’s the combination of the two that makes it effective. From what I understand, this works because you’re basically putting her in her head with the ruse, so she’s not judging the sexual projection as much as you’re doing it.

I end up staying out longer than my typical 2 hours because there just haven’t been many sets and I want to keeping pushing things, to make the time out valuable. Finally, I see a single girl walking. I catch up to her, walk past her a bit while I pretend-text on my phone, and then pretend to notice her as I look back over my shoulder. The vibe’s good – she smiles when I open her, breaks eye contact first, asks me questions. We keep chatting as we walk, and eventually we pass a bar. I suggest we grab a drink, and she’s down.

The vibe throughout our drink was interesting. It was hella sexual. I’m subcommunicating strongly with my eye contact and tonality, and I see she’s getting into it, too. I can see in her eyes that she’s feeling horny – I’ve seen that look hundred of times before, at this point. She also is kino-ing ME. When she asks me my name and we shake hands, she just holds onto my hand. And then at one point, beneath the table, she sorta rests her foot on mine.

Conversation-wise… it’s interesting enough. We talk about travel, her dream to volunteer in Africa, how both of us prioritize freedom over everything else. We talk about shows that we both watch, and who we’d marry, kill, fuck from Game of Thrones. Also do the Cube with her. She seems sucked into it all, and she’s giving me bedroom eyes back.

After we finish our drink, I get the check because I feel like it’s time to pull. I suggest that we walk for a bit. (I usually don’t try to pull girls while we’re sitting with our drinks because it just feels like I’m putting her on the spot. Usually I go for the pull as we’re walking out of the bar, by suggesting we grab another drink and listen to music at my place.) As we head out of the bar, we start walking in the direction of our AirBnBs (we both live in the same general area). There’s a bus that goes in that direction (which everyone takes, since the taxi’s here are super expensive), so I ask her if she wants to hop on the bus together. She says that she prefers to walk since she’s on vacation and just got here. So we keep walking together, and then out of nowhere it starts to downpour.

I pull out my umbrella, and we walk in the rain together for a while, her arm wrapped around me. After a couple of minutes, she says that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to walk. Feels like the perfect opp to suggest we grab a taxi together. I go up to a taxi, and it's available. So I turn to her and invite her back to mine so that we can chill more. Based on the vibe up until this point, I’m pretty sure she’ll be down… but, she says that she’s gonna pass, because she’s feeling tired!

Arrghhhh! Lol.

I let it go and we walk together a bit more, and then I bring it up again. She just gives a firm no, at that point. I walk with her to an ATM because she wants to withdraw money for a taxi, and then we go our separate ways.


  • It was awesome that I stayed out and pushed things to the point of making something happen. I was halfway feeling like going home, but staying out for that extra bit of time ended up in a fun experience.
  • Good also that I’m consciously working on having girls break eye contact first. Gun says that this is a small thing that he’s noticed increases his hook rate significantly. I THINK I do it in most of my interactions, but it’s been a while since I’ve consciously made sure I’m doing it.
  • Also good that I’ve started recording my sets again. I do feel like I gotta keep working on my verbals to make them more immersive. I feel like this is a big aspect of making my sexual projection hit harder.
  • I told myself that my only goal today was to create a sexual vibe. And I definitely ended up doing that on the insta date. Went into the assumed lovers headspace, again. If anything… I think I may have overdone the sexual projection, though. I’m never verbally direct, and I don't do anything too overt (e.g., heavy physical escalation) before getting a girl home with me (to keep up plausible deniability). But, I think sometimes I might be a little too overt with my subcommunication. Gun talks about how sexual state projection works because the girl notices herself getting turned on, and she feels like it’s HER idea – you’re not the one “doing anything.” The way I’m doing it, at times, might be too overt, though, and be negatively affecting the social frame.
    • The other thing that I feel I could’ve done better is cycle among the keys more. I had the sexual, and I feel like I also had the emotional. But I didn’t actively work on any of the social frame. Probably would’ve been good to throw more rapport and comfort in to balance out the sexual vibe.
    • I think that my pulls could also be smoother. I try to make them as casual and off-hand as possible so that it doesn’t feel like any big deal for the girl to go back to my place. That’s fine, but I think it’d be good for me to throw in a high-note as well (about something about her, or our conversation) to make the pull feel less about sex and more about continuing the rapport we have.
    • Maybe I also should’ve gone for the pull sooner, in this case. It’s possible that her turned-on state wore off as we were walking together. I should also start number closing these girls. Right now, I just go for the same day lay, and if it doesn’t happen, I don’t even grab the girl’s number unless I really like her. But, it’s possible this girl would’ve been down another day, and that she was legit just tired. So, just for the sake of having more info, I’m gonna start grabbing numbers and trying to get these girls out.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
It's been a busy last few days (flew from Mexico to Brazil), but I want to write this up briefly before I forget the details. This happened on my second-to-last day in Mexico:

LR - March 18th

Hit the beach again. My goal the previous day had been to get a sexual vibe going. This day, it's to get girls curious (basically, to get "deep focus" from Gun's SMMA) during the hook. I used to get curiosity pretty consistently when I was actively focusing on it, but now it's dropped from my game. Once I'm consistently getting curiosity / deep focus again, I'm going to work on delivering rainbow ruses / cold reads with sexual subcommunication.

Anyways, so I'm on the beach. Nothing much there. As I'm walking out of the beach, back to the main strip, a girl passes by me, so I open. Convo goes well enough, but she mainly speaks French, so there's a language barrier. Still, I'm able to get her curious when I tell her that "I just noticed something about you..." and begin to go into a ruse. I can feel the vibe of the interaction change -- she becomes much more interested in what I'm saying haha. After a few more minutes of us talking, I eventually go for the compliance, suggesting we get drinks. But, she says she has to go back home or something. Still, I'm happy to have gotten the curiosity and to have felt how the interaction shifted when it became about her. Good reminder of what I need to be shooting for during the hook.

Eventually, I meet up with a buddy, and we hit the beach again. As we're walking, I see a girl coming towards us, walking along the shore. When she gets close, I open her with my standard opener. She seems a little surprised, but she stops and engages. We talk for a couple of minutes. I suggest that we keep walking (in the same direction she was headed), and she's down. She lives in CDMX but is originally from Medellin. She tells me that she's planning to meet up with her friend later that evening, but she's not sure if it'll happen because the friend isn't very responsive over text.

We get to the end of the beach, and look out at the ocean together. I've closed the distance between us, so we're standing really close (sorta shoulder to shoulder), close enough to where our bodies occasionally accidentally brush. I'm feeling hella horny (I think partly because of the date the previous day, when I didn't pull), and try to let it come through via my subcommunication (the closeness, the eye contact, the vocal tones). She doesn't seem to be going into a sexual state overtly (like with some girls, where I can see it in their eyes), but she's accepting our physical closeness and seems pretty immersed in the convo. She asks me my sign; I tease her about being a Libra and therefore being indecisive. Run the cube.

After about 15-20 minutes on the beach, she suggests we head back towards the beach entrance, so we start to walk. She says something about how it's been nice meeting me and that she hopes that I enjoy the rest of my trip (not 100% what she said because she said it kinda softly and in Spanish, which I'm conversational with but still not perfect at). So, I begin to figure that we're gonna go our separate ways. Still, I'm planning to go for the compliance anyways -- my plan is to suggest that we go to a bar once we get to the beach entrance. But then, as we're walking, she suggests that we sit down somewhere. So, we find a big beach chair, and sit down on it.

We talk there for another 45 minutes or so. It's interesting. The sun's set by this point, so it's harder to work with eye contact, and the sexual state that I had felt with her earlier on the beach has worn off. I've noticed that I can get into that state pretty consistently, but that I sometimes can't get into it "on demand." As we're sitting there talking, I also begin to go into my head a bit. The convo seems kinda linear, kinda boring. In the midst of this, though, we somehow start to sexually vibe again. I forget exactly how it started, and I don't think that we were talking about anything particularly interesting. But the vibe just becomes more sexual, and all of the sudden the convo feels immersive again.

This is a bit of an inner game thing that I want to keep in mind: that a convo can be stimulating/immersive from a sexual vibe alone. You could be talking about the weather... but if you've got a sexual vibe going... that in itself can be immersive for some girls. And it's a huge component to being immersive with women in general. It also takes a bit of the pressure off of having to run super immersive verbals (though that's ideal, too).

Anyways. The convo continues on like this for a while. I don't feel like it's in the bag, but it feels like there's a chance she'll be down for the pull. So eventually, I invite her back to my place for drinks. She seems to hesitate for a sec, but she says she'll join, but just to drink a little. Pretty much know that we're good from here.

We eventually hop on the bus together and go back to mine. Do my standard escalation at my place (generally take things slow, since at that point I know the sex most likely will happen), and there's no LMR.


+ Good stuff with the first interaction, with getting the curiosity / deep focus going. I'm excited to have that be a part of my game again, because it definitely helps with the hook

+ Good that I got into a heavy sexual state again with the girl I pulled. A few years back, I wasn't consciously getting into sexual states... but now I'm getting into these states much more consistently, and girls do seem to be picking up on it

+ Good eye contact. I'm noticing that I'm getting more comfortable with the "laser" eye contact that Julien talks about. I used to break eye contact more often (because I felt that too much would make the girl uncomfortable), but now I'm realizing that the tension it creates is often good

+ Interesting to see my inner dialogue at various points in interactions. Sometimes, my inner dialogue is critical/negative ("I feel like I'm being boring in this convo"), even when the reality oftentimes is different. I think that a good reminder for myself is that convos don't always NEED to be super stimulating... that a good sexual vibe in itself can be immersive and can carry a lot of the interaction


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
LR - April 1st

It’s been a minute since I updated this journal. Since the last time I wrote, I flew to Rio de Janeiro, and was visiting the city with my family for a week – so no gaming.

Friday was my first day back in the field. Went out for nightlife for a few hours, but nothing special happened. Had been my first time out for nightlife in about a month, though, so it was good to get back into the flow of things.

Saturday night, I went out again with a friend of mine who’s staying with me. Ended up being a fun adventure.

My friend and I decide to go out to Lapa, a nightlife zone in Rio. When we get there, we walk around the streets a bit to check things out. As we’re walking, I see a pair of girls walking towards us, so I open in English (since I don't speak any Portuguese). Turns out that one of them speaks English really well, but the other one doesn’t. It's fine, though, because my wing speaks Portuguese. We talk to the girls for a few mins, and there's a good vibe back and forth. We bounce them to a bar to get some shots, and from there we go to a sit-down restaurant to get more drinks.

The dynamic is interesting. I'm into one of the girls (the one who speaks English), and although she's nice and conversational, she doesn't seem to be giving me any IOIs. And then the other girl (the one who speaks only Portuguese) seems to be into me, but I'm not attracted to her at all. I tell my wing that we should bounce after we grab the drink with these girls, to find a two-set that we're both into, and he's on the same page. We agree that we can just grab their numbers and meet up with them later in the night, if we decide. I had also promised another wing (who I had never met before, but who I had talked with on a telegram group), that I'd meet up with him that night, so there's another reason for us to eject.

But then something interesting happens.

The girl who I'm into, and who I don't think is into me, asks me some question across the table. It's hard to hear her because the music is loud. She then gets up from her chair, walks around the table, and then pulls up a chair right next to me. I wasn't really getting any IOIs from her before, so I was surprised. We end up having a good convo, and there's a sexual vibe as we talk for another 20 or so minutes. My friend tells me he's also into the girl that he's talking with, so we're all happy.

Still, I had already told these girls that we were gonna meet up with another friend (in retrospect, probably a mistake because it gave us less flexibility logistically). And, I don't want to flake on him. So, we bounce to another bar where I've told the other wing to meet us. I give him a heads up that we're in a set and we might try to pull them later, and he's on the same page. He says that he'll swing by for just a few minutes and then bounce.

We dance with the girls for a while at the new bar. Eventually the wing shows up and we talk for a while. Then I go back to dancing with my girl. My friend is with his girl and things seem to be going okay with them. At some point, the two girls go to the bathroom together. Eventually, the wing who came through says that he's gonna leave. As I'm dancing with my girl again, she tells me that she and her friend are gonna go home. (Fuuuuck! Lol). I try to persist with her a bit... and suggest that we go to an after party. But she says that they have to go home because they're getting up early or something. Eh. So we just grab their IGs and let them go.


After that set ends, my friend and I, as well as the other wing, hit another bar. The bar has two floors, and when we get in, we walk to the top. On the dance floor, I see a mixed group of six blonde people... 3 guys and 3 girls. There are blonde people in Rio, but never 6 at a time! So I know that they're tourists. I slowly walk onto the dance floor, hoping to catch the eye of one of the girls from the group. As I'm walking over, one of the girls looks over her shoulder and we lock eyes for a split second. Perfect. As I pass by, I casually ask her where they're from. It turns out that they're all visiting from Denmark. I talk with her for a minute or two, and then somehow end up talking with another girl in the group who's standing close to us.

The convo goes well. I tell her how I knew they must be visiting because I've never seen such a high concentration of blondeness in South America! We're standing close to each other and talking. There's not an overtly sexual vibe, but she's engaging. I do a couple of cold reads and make some teasing observations about her, mixed in with some curiosity bait: "You know what... I just noticed something about you."


Her facial expressions are funny... she's very expressive, so I tease her about it. Eventually, I also bait her into asking questions about me. I get her to guess where I'm from, slowly giving her hints to keep the game going and to keep her investing. I eventually also ask her some more deep-diving, stimulating questions to get her investing more in the convo: "What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning, checked your bank account, and had 10M in it?" (SMMA).

Eventually, she asks me what I do. I have her try to figure it out again but tease her about it at the same time: "Based on my energy, what would you guess that I do... although I don't think you'll get it, since you can't seem to figure out much about me :sneaky:"

After she guesses a few times, I tell her, with a straight face but a subtle smirk, that I make a living off of OnlyFans. Her eyes get big... "Really?!?" She gets really curious about this, and I eventually ask her if she would ever consider doing OnlyFans. "No... in Denmark, where I'm from, the culture is more conservative and judgmental. I wouldn't want to be out there like that." At this point, an idea pops into my head. I vaguely remember the theme of @Teevster 's "Secret House" routine (as well as some ASD thing that RSD Tyler talks about in The Blueprint), which inspires me to ask: "Okay, well, what about this: imagine a world where you could do OnlyFans or shoot porn... where it was GUARANTEED that no-one would ever find out that you were doing it. You could even run for president one day, and no one would ever find out about all of the videos you had shot. Plus, off the money that you make, you could quit your job and travel the world and do what you love. Would you do it then?" She thought about it for a while, and then said that, yeah, in that case, she'd do it.

At this point, we've been talking for 15-20 minutes. The group of friends that she was with have all slowly drifted off to the first floor, but we're still standing there talking. I want to move this girl somewhere so that we can sit down and talk, but the logistics of this bar are tough: I see a couple of tables nearby, but people are already sitting down on them. And downstairs, there's just a bunch of a people dancing with really loud music. Still, I want better positioning and to test compliance a bit. I remember a piece of advice from Teevster (and something that Gun has mentioned before, as well), about subtly adjusting my standing position. So, as I'm talking with the girl, I move to the side a couple of feet, so that my back is against a nearby wall. She has to move with me a few steps to accommodate, but now the positioning is much better: it's as if she's the one talking to me. Plus, I see that I have the basic compliance of her moving her position to adjust to mine.

We keep talking for a while, and then one of her friends walks over. The girl tells me that a couple of her friends are leaving, so she's going to see them off to their Uber, but that she'll come back. Ofc girls often say this without meaning it, but I get the feeling that she does want to keep talking and legit just has to see her friends off. My two friends are downstairs as well, so I tell her that I'm going to walk down as well to meet up with them, and that we'll find each other later.

I meet up with my two friends outside of the bar, where there's a couple of tables and a smoking area. Seems like the perfect place to eventually sit down with the girl and talk when we re-engage. I shoot the shit with my friends for a while, and then eventually one of the girl's guy friends comes up to me. He says that the girl wants to talk with me... and he leads me over to her. We end up sitting down at one of the tables outside and talking more. Eventually, she says that she's going to leave soon. One of her friends (this time, a girl) come over and they start talking in Danish. It seems like they're talking about me, and it seems like the friend is encouraging the girl to stay with me. (I love this girl's friends, lol -- they're the complete opposite of cockblocks). The girl turns to me and asks, "We're about to leave... but do you want to come with us?" I give her a thumbs up.

"Are you sure you want to come?"

"Yep... as long as you guys don't kidnap me :sneaky:... let's bounce"

We grab an Uber and go back to the AirBnB that she's staying at with her friends. All of her friends have already gone to their bedrooms, and the girl leads me into hers... and we immediately get to it.

The funny thing was, after we hooked up, the girl kept asking me about my OnlyFans. "What kind of stuff do you do on there? Is it really extreme? ... Why can't you tell me?!?"

"If you wanna find out... just download the app. I even have a sale going on now, you'll get a discount ;)"

Just kept deflecting and playing with her like this, which just got her more and more curious lol. I guess for the rest of her life, she'll always think that she hooked up with some OnlyFans pornstar in Brasil :)


Takeaways from the first set:

+ I went out this particular night with the outcome of just having fun and enjoying conversations. The night before, I had gone out for nightlife and just felt a lot of internal pressure to approach. Was in a pretty disassociated state and wasn't enjoying the night much. Going out with no outcome took the pressure off and I ended up having a lot more fun. It's important for me to remember this as I start doing nightlife more consistently.

+ My inner game is interesting. It's happened quite a few times now that I assume a girl isn't into me or that the interaction isn't going very well, when in fact the opposite is true. It's like I tend to interpret neutral reactions as disinterest. This is something for me to work on... I want to come from a place of "assuming the sale," regardless of whether I'm getting clear IOIs or not... because sometimes, girls will either not show them, or they might just need a little more time to express their interest.

+ Nightlife def is more chaotic than day game. This turned out to be pretty messy logistically since I had promised this wing that I'd meet up with him. It's a good challenge though -- learning how to navigate these types of logistical obstacles comes with the territory and will ultimately make me a better seducer.

+ I'm noticing that my off-hand verbals are getting more immersive. I'm using more emotionally descriptive language when I talk, using reality pacers more organically, etc. This feels really good! An insecurity of mine over the years (an insecurity which began in high school/college) is that I feel like my conversations (depending on the person), can feel boring and linear. I've learned various emotional stimulators over the years and have seen how powerful emotionally descriptive language can be... but I haven't "naturally" talked in those types of ways. When I have, it's almost always been via memorized routines. But, I feel like I'm slowly beginning to talk that way organically. This is also really cool on the level of identity: as I'm beginning to learn this "language" that's more immersive to women... I'm feeling more confident to express my own inner thoughts... because I know that I can express those inner thoughts in ways that can suck people in. In the past, I've sometimes been reserved with what I express, because I've felt like it'll be too analytical. But I'm beginning to feel that being analytical can be a social super-power... when it's channeled to talk in ways and about things that are interesting to women ("chick crack.")

+ When I was talking with this girl, our convo felt immersive. But, I remember wishing that I could lead it into more sexual directions! I know that it's possible, and a lot of Teevster's materials accomplish that. I'm excited to begin working some of his stuff into my verbal game... to be able to consistently create those sexual frames and feelings with my words.

+ When we were dancing in the final bar, I felt self-conscious. This happens a lot when I dance... something I just want to note for now as something to eventually work through. I've found that I can break this pattern of self-consciousness, sometimes, when I get into a sexual state by dancing with the girl. But then I'll just go back and forth between feeling self-conscious and being in sexual state.

Takeaways from the second set:

+ I'm getting back into nightlife (having mainly focused on daygame), and I'm mainly using situational openers. One thing that's essential, of course, for these types of openers is an externally-directed focus... so this is also something that I'm consciously cultivating when I'm out. I'm trying to pay as much attention as I can to the things around me. I really like this in and of itself, because in nightlife, I've often felt self-conscious and inwardly-focused. With this particular girl, being outwardly focused led to a smoother opener in a couple of ways. First, I noticed one of the girls in the group giving me eye contact, which led to my opening being smoother when I started talking with her. Second, it allowed me to come in with the observation of how 1 or 2 blonde people in Rio is possible, but not 6 all dancing in a circle together! Which led smoothly into asking where they're from.

+ I'm using more curiosity bait (e.g., "I just noticed something about you...") and keeping the focus on the girl more during the hook (making observations / cold reads about her). I'm also getting more investment via more stimulating/immersive questions, and by making her guess where I'm from or what I do. One note about this -- I'm noticing that it's good to have girls guess only once there's a bit of a hook already in place. When I do that too early or when they're not enough of a hook, it doesn't help.

+ The OnlyFans gambit seems to work really well. I've used it a lot now... and girls often get curious about it. It's great, too, because it often leads the conversation into sexual and stimulating territory right off the bat. I'd like to develop it more, in terms of having things to stack on to it. For now, asking girls if THEY would do OnlyFans or work in porn... if they had the possibility of no-one ever finding out about it... is something that I'll experiment with. I'm going to think about what other sexual gambits, maybe from Teevster's gambits, I can transition into off of this.

+ It was good to work on some of the body-positioning. Simply moving a couple of feet in either direction, and ideally positioning oneself so that one's back is against the wall and so that the girl is talking with you... is a good, simple way of testing compliance and getting more investment.

+ One other interesting thing: as we were waiting for the Uber, I mention to the girl that I love journaling in the morning. I see a slight shift in her demeanor... like it sparks her interest for some reason. I've seen this reaction a lot in girls when I mention that I journal. I think it's a social frame thing... kinda curious what's behind it.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

Good report! you clearly know how to write proper lay reports.

The dynamic is interesting. I'm into one of the girls (the one who speaks English), and although she's nice and conversational, she doesn't seem to be giving me any IOIs. And then the other girl (the one who speaks only Portuguese) seems to be into me, but I'm not attracted to her at all. I tell my wing that we should bounce after we grab the drink with these girls, to find a two-set that we're both into, and he's on the same page.
I used to do this with a friend of mine. We number closed warm up sets with the pretext that we would invite them to an after party later. And if we met new girls, we would still text them and tell why the after party is canceled.... (some random excuse). This would make them excited for next week's afterparty. Keep doing this and you have "back ups" each time you had out.

Eventually, the wing who came through says that he's gonna leave. As I'm dancing with my girl again, she tells me that she and her friend are gonna go home.

(Fuuuuck! Lol). I try to persist with her a bit... and suggest that we go to an after party. But she says that they have to go home because they're getting up early or something. Eh. So we just grab their IGs and let them go.

Typical "first set" problem. Nothing to think off really. She either truly had to leave, or she wanted to see what the night would bring. Girls always thinks there are better men out there, and honestly, during the early portion of the night, she is right to do so. I mean there is a high likelyhood of meeting great guys later on, considering the night had just started. However, as the hours go, she starts "satisficing". Men are actually very similar in that regard. This is again a reason for why it is hard to pull prior to prime-time.

The convo goes well. I tell her how I knew they must be visiting because I've never seen such a high concentration of blondeness in South America! We're standing close to each other and talking. There's not an overtly sexual vibe, but she's engaging. I do a couple of cold reads and make some teasing observations about her, mixed in with some curiosity bait: "You know what... I just noticed something about you."


Her facial expressions are funny... she's very expressive, so I tease her about it. Eventually, I also bait her into asking questions about me. I get her to guess where I'm from, slowly giving her hints to keep the game going and to keep her investing. I eventually also ask her some more deep-diving, stimulating questions to get her investing more in the convo: "What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning, checked your bank account, and had 10M in it?" (SMMA).
Perfect hook game. Good stuff.

Eventually, she asks me what I do. I have her try to figure it out again but tease her about it at the same time: "Based on my energy, what would you guess that I do... although I don't think you'll get it, since you can't seem to figure out much about me :sneaky:"

And great follow up. She is investing by asking you questions about you. First good sign that the hook is solidified. I would soon lock-in (and if the vibe gets really good, move her to an isolated location). However, you building up intrigue and teasing her is a good follow up. Nothing to really add.

"No... in Denmark, where I'm from, the culture is more conservative and judgmental. I wouldn't want to be out there like that."

That's.... BS. I lived there for 3 years. Problem with DK is that it is a small country so everybody eventually knows everybody.

I vaguely remember the theme of @Teevster 's "Secret House"

Vaguely remembering is oftentimes enough.

"Okay, well, what about this: imagine a world where you could do OnlyFans or shoot porn... where it was GUARANTEED that no-one would ever find out that you were doing it. You could even run for president one day, and no one would ever find out about all of the videos you had shot. Plus, off the money that you make, you could quit your job and travel the world and do what you love. Would you do it then?" She thought about it for a while, and then said that, yeah, in that case, she'd do it.

Fun gambit which basically applies the same mechanisms as the secret house gambit. Good stuff. Also the "i'd do it" sets a very good sexual frame that is easy to work with once it is set.

I remember a piece of advice from Teevster (and something that Gun has mentioned before, as well), about subtly adjusting my standing position. So, as I'm talking with the girl, I move to the side a couple of feet, so that my back is against a nearby wall. She has to move with me a few steps to accommodate, but now the positioning is much better: it's as if she's the one talking to me. Plus, I see that I have the basic compliance of her moving her position to adjust to mine.

Smart move. It also makes her backward rationalize her perception of you as "the prize" - a man she chases.

It basically frames you as the prize (the positioning the is). I think it accomplishes more than you realize (more than just a slight compliance test).
We keep talking for a while, and then one of her friends walks over. The girl tells me that a couple of her friends are leaving, so she's going to see them off to their Uber, but that she'll come back.

If she comes back, it is game over. She is yours.
"Are you sure you want to come?"

Typical danish.

+ I went out this particular night with the outcome of just having fun and enjoying conversations. The night before, I had gone out for nightlife and just felt a lot of internal pressure to approach. Was in a pretty disassociated state and wasn't enjoying the night much. Going out with no outcome took the pressure off and I ended up having a lot more fun. It's important for me to remember this as I start doing nightlife more consistently.

Smart. I have also done this in the past - to lower the pressure. It works.

+ My inner game is interesting. It's happened quite a few times now that I assume a girl isn't into me or that the interaction isn't going very well, when in fact the opposite is true. It's like I tend to interpret neutral reactions as disinterest. This is something for me to work on... I want to come from a place of "assuming the sale," regardless of whether I'm getting clear IOIs or not... because sometimes, girls will either not show them, or they might just need a little more time to express their interest.
If she stays in set with you, it is generally a good sign.

Usually, in those situations, you can use compliance tests and qualification (qualifying her) to trigger interest out of her.

+ When I was talking with this girl, our convo felt immersive. But, I remember wishing that I could lead it into more sexual directions! I know that it's possible, and a lot of Teevster's materials accomplish that. I'm excited to begin working some of his stuff into my verbal game... to be able to consistently create those sexual frames and feelings with my words.

It is actually a fun thing to work with.

+ I'm getting back into nightlife (having mainly focused on daygame), and I'm mainly using situational openers. One thing that's essential, of course, for these types of openers is an externally-directed focus... so this is also something that I'm consciously cultivating when I'm out. I'm trying to pay as much attention as I can to the things around me. I really like this in and of itself, because in nightlife, I've often felt self-conscious and inwardly-focused. With this particular girl, being outwardly focused led to a smoother opener in a couple of ways. First, I noticed one of the girls in the group giving me eye contact, which led to my opening being smoother when I started talking with her. Second, it allowed me to come in with the observation of how 1 or 2 blonde people in Rio is possible, but not 6 all dancing in a circle together! Which led smoothly into asking where they're from.

The key is to do some warm-ups. Once warmed up, you get this "outward" focus. Usually, just go to a shit venue and force a few openers and once in "mood" switch to your main venue. Why should you get a warm up venue? Because you cant crash and burn too much at your main venue due to the risk of generating negative social proof.

+ I'm using more curiosity bait (e.g., "I just noticed something about you...") and keeping the focus on the girl more during the hook (making observations / cold reads about her). I'm also getting more investment via more stimulating/immersive questions, and by making her guess where I'm from or what I do. One note about this -- I'm noticing that it's good to have girls guess only once there's a bit of a hook already in place. When I do that too early or when they're not enough of a hook, it doesn't help.

Yes this is the way!
+ The OnlyFans gambit seems to work really well. I've used it a lot now... and girls often get curious about it. It's great, too, because it often leads the conversation into sexual and stimulating territory right off the bat. I'd like to develop it more, in terms of having things to stack on to it. For now, asking girls if THEY would do OnlyFans or work in porn... if they had the possibility of no-one ever finding out about it... is something that I'll experiment with. I'm going to think about what other sexual gambits, maybe from Teevster's gambits, I can transition into off of this.

I also like this OF gambit of yours. Totaly something I could see working.

+ It was good to work on some of the body-positioning. Simply moving a couple of feet in either direction, and ideally positioning oneself so that one's back is against the wall and so that the girl is talking with you... is a good, simple way of testing compliance and getting more investment.

Positioning is like footwork in martial arts. It is essential... especially in nightgame. How you position yourself in the club, how you position yourself before, during and after the opening. Just key! So work and experiment on that - but most importantly, keep an LIGHT awareness on your positioning at all times.


Great report! Good job on the lay. Textbook! Good stuff!

Only criticism I can offer is that it should have been a stand-alone report so that more people could read it (journal entries get far less attention).
