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Bombshell Italian Train Girl


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Hmm, something to consider in the future. Don’t tell her my actual age. When I tell girls my actual age, when they’re 2-3 years older than me, they call me “a baby.”

Yesterday I ran into 2 girls who did this, I told them if they kept calling me that, I would call them mommy, so they quickly stopped.

I also tell these girls that I’m a student, so in their heads I should not be that old.
Yeah skip this because you never know which girl will be cool with age gap and which will be not. No point taking an unnecessary risk.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey gymrat,

Good work on cold approaching a bombshell, congrats.

From your summary, your conversation with her on the train sounded formal, like a business interview, which is less than ideal. The frame needs to be that you are the prize. Imagine you were an aristocrat surveying your domain when you chanced across her. Something about her sparked your curiosity, so you deigned to talk to her (cred. Will_V). She needs to impress you. Now, of course, you shouldn't be rude or arrogant. But that is the frame.

You should get her to talk as much as possible, and emotionally stimulate her. She will experience different emotional states with you, and become more invested in getting to know you further. You can talk a bit about what you study or do for work but not in the usual superficial way. The purpose should be to connect with her. Pacing and leading her reality is also good.

Also, remember that, whereas women ARE value, because they give birth, men have to PROVE their value, in this life. This means that a 20-year-old guy is seen as less valuable than a 20 or 24-year-old woman because he still has to prove himself.

So, as empath suggested, either match her age or tell her you are older. Since you're not looking for anything serious, you don't need to tell her your real age.

Lastly, for arousal, I would stick to non-verbals like EC and incidental touch - so good job on the hand clasp and hug.

I don't think things are going anywhere with this girl. But with practice, I'm sure you will get the hang of this. I would download WhatsApp (the primary vehicle to interact with chicks) and use Instagram only as a supplement.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2024
Hey gymrat,

Good work on cold approaching a bombshell, congrats.
Thanks brother!
From your summary, your conversation with her on the train sounded formal, like a business interview, which is less than ideal. The frame needs to be that you are the prize. Imagine you were an aristocrat surveying your domain when you chanced across her. Something about her sparked your curiosity, so you deigned to talk to her (cred. Will_V). She needs to impress you. Now, of course, you shouldn't be rude or arrogant. But that is the frame.
Will try implementing more of that frame, but some of the conversation we had, I would never have in a business interview. Also it was a bit hard to get my point across, because of the language barrier.

Did tease her a few times, so maybe that makes it less of a business interview.
You should get her to talk as much as possible, and emotionally stimulate her. She will experience different emotional states with you, and become more invested in getting to know you further. You can talk a bit about what you study or do for work but not in the usual superficial way. The purpose should be to connect with her. Pacing and leading her reality is also good.
Well, she somehow understood that I wanted to do something more with my life than finance, and did a cold read on me, maybe that shows some investment.

Other than that, yeah I should have tried taking her through more emotions.
Also, remember that, whereas women ARE value, because they give birth, men have to PROVE their value, in this life. This means that a 20-year-old guy is seen as less valuable than a 20 or 24-year-old woman because he still has to prove himself.

So, as empath suggested, either match her age or tell her you are older. Since you're not looking for anything serious, you don't need to tell her your real age.
This is true, I’d prefer not to lie though, but it has come to the point where I’m meeting a lot of girls a couple years older than me. Usually they call me “a baby,” my response is that if you call me that, I will call them mommy, and ask if they want to continue calling me that. They always say no.
Lastly, for arousal, I would stick to non-verbals like EC and incidental touch - so good job on the hand clasp and hug.
Thanks, could have done more incidental though. I’m definitely trying to focus on touching girls more, every time I see a friend who is a girl, I make a point to give her a hug.
I don't think things are going anywhere with this girl. But with practice, I'm sure you will get the hang of this. I would download WhatsApp (the primary vehicle to interact with chicks) and use Instagram only as a supplement.
I have WhatsApp, but don’t really use it. It might be too late for this interaction, but I met a British chick at the gym today, and made it a point to get her instagram and WhatsApp. Texted her on instagram, she hasn’t responded so I will follow up with this one on WhatsApp tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice, I will definitely keep in mind to use WhatsApp more!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2024
Ok shot her another DM in reply to one of her stories talking about “needing nothing attracts everything”

My response: Si, very true Sofia! How has your week been? I’ve been adjusting to Rome very well, very beautiful city. When are you visiting Rome again?

Used one of the girls chase articles to help construct this text, hopefully she actually engages with it, I just sent it so let’s see.

If she doesn’t see this DM, would a call over instagram in a couple days bee to much as a last resort? Because I know I’m never seeing her again otherwise.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2024

She opened my message and unfollowed me, when I saw I unfollowed her after, nothing else to do, a lot of you predicted that tbh.

Thanks for everyone who commented and gave advice on my approach, I will definitely be sure to use this feedback in the future.

Also, this was one of the first local Italian girls I approached, so I think my game should get rapidly better. Also started taking an Italian class as provided by the university. Ik chase mentioned in an article that it might hurt, but I can always calibrate based on what I see in the field.