That is not the same guy in both images. Look at their brows (thicker & forward projecting on the right), eyebrows (tapered in the left guy's; thicker and non-tapered in the right guy's), and their lips (especially the lower lip; left guy's lower lip is much fuller than right guy's much thinner lower lip).
Unless bashing yourself in the face repeatedly makes your eyebrows thicken and your lips grow thinner, these are different men.
Just a friendly reminder that a square jaw is definitely NOT a requirement to get girls.
Does Masculinity Matter? The Contribution of Masculine Face Shape to Male Attractiveness in Humans"
The relationship between masculinity and attractiveness was assessed in two samples of male faces. Most previous research has assessed masculinity either with subjective ratings or with simple anatomical measures. Here, we used geometric morphometric techniques to assess facial masculinity, generating a morphological masculinity measure based on a discriminant function that correctly classified >96% faces as male or female. When assessed using this measure, there was no relationship between morphological masculinity and rated attractiveness. In contrast, skin colour – a fluctuating, condition-dependent cue – was a significant predictor of attractiveness.
Here's another study that finds women prefer both masculine and average faces.
Third study:
However, we also found that masculinity of male faces is unrelated to their attractiveness and that facially masculine men tend to have facially masculine, less-attractive sisters. These findings challenge the idea that facially masculine men provide net genetic benefits to offspring and call into question this popular theoretical framework.
Anecdotally, of the men I have known who have been the most prolific seducers, and the men I've known regularly sleeping with the hottest girls, they have generally not had square jaws -- often oval jaws, in some cases even weak chins (albeit covered up to some degree with facial hair usually).
I have started since slightly more than 2 years, so no "great" results yet, as this process takes time
Just FYI: you could have put two years into the gym and seen a noticeable difference by now -- as the body increases in musculature, so does the face.
Also, one thing I wonder about this stuff... if the goal is really "a more square jaw", why not just get good at pickup, shag a bunch of hot girls, get yourself a really hot girl with a nice square jaw, knock her up, and have a manly son with a big square jaw?
I have a buddy who did this... well, he had really thin shoulders, so he picked a girl with really broad shoulders and knocked her up... he was real excited to have a broad shouldered son, but it turned out they had a daughter... if at first you don't succeed though, am I right?
Anyway... I will just say that one should be aware any kind of obsession with super slow processes for marginal gains in areas of one's appearance that offer questionable benefits with women tend to be compulsions, where men end up dumping a lot of time and hope in but getting very little.
Realistically, you could just go on steroids, and you'd have a huge jawline within a couple of months. Even that does not guarantee you results though... the first guy I knew on steroids, with a HUGE physique and a big square jawline, broke down sobbing in a hotel room to me about how women didn't want him (which was terrifying for skinny 18 y/o me. I thought he was gonna rape me or something).
I knew a guy who told me he'd had surgery for gynecomastia, and that he hadn't gotten into pickup until he had that done, because he just felt too unmanly with his huge man boobs. I asked him if he had any before pictures... it was the first time I'd heard of gynecomastia... well, he showed me his "before" pictures and he barely had any breast tissue; heck, I have "man boobs" bigger than that and I have picked up girls at the beach plenty of times while shirtless. I never even thought about it before.
Anyone who is over-obsessed with looks I recommend read my article on the mouse utopia:
John B. Calhoun’s rat and mouse utopia studies show what happens in abundant-yet-overcrowded conditions. Ominously, his findings echo what we see around us in people today. How much of our modern social ails can be understood by population pressures due to overcrowding? Contents 1. 1947 Rodent...
In particular, I recommend you look for mentions of 'The Beautiful Ones'.
Give some thought about whether that is where you may be heading.
There's a difference between upgrading your fundamentals to be more attractive vs. dumping loads of time and energy into things with little or no effect where even if they did have an effect the effect itself would have little or no impact on your outcomes with women or other people.