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- Jun 16, 2013
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"Who the fuck are you!" she says with big lusty eyes after cumming for the 3rd time in a row. I just raise an eyebrow seductively, pull my dick out of her, throw my condom off, and put my dick in her mouth to where I release a fat load of my cum in her mouth that she happily swallows with a smile and sexy EC.
Okay I lied she wasn't a MILF but she was a super cute 36 year old visiting her mom for Christmas. How did I successfully seduce a woman 17 years older than me from cold approaching and have her moaning in my bed at 2'oclock in the morning? Honestly I'm still scratching my head on this one but here's what happened to what I remember.
I've been having A.A. lately due to laziness and a decrease in my approaching lately due to my trip I just got back from so I'm trying to push myself to up my numbers. Well I didn't do that today but I did get this fun adventure.
Also I liked Ryan's idea of having a voice recorder to remember all my interactions, peep my voice fundamentals, and conversation nuances to learn faster since I don't get the opportunity to mass approach (20 + girls a week), due to the fact that I can't just go outside my house and do approaches. (closest place this time a year to approach women at all besides my local walmart is 45 min away) So thank you Ryan for inspiring me to get the voice recorder!
Anyway I'm in books-a-million and notice a cute older looking dirty blond checking out books in the real crime section. She had a nice ass and a cute face/eyes and I'm assuming she's rather experienced in bed. I couldn't think of much to say so I stuck to Chases indirect direct line of
Me: "Hi there (her face lights up and smiles)... I know this is a bit random but I was wondering if you've seen the equestrian sports section while browsing through here?"
Her: "Uhh, noo I haven't. Sorry!
Me: "Not at all?" Playing with her a little for my own humor
Her: "No, but I found these books I'm looking at by asking one of the guys behind the register..." *said in a hopeful voice tone
Me: "ha, you know what (*touch her upper arm and look at her with a relaxed look/smile) I was really just giving you a hard time... I don't think they have an equestrian sports section" (cheeky smile spreads across my face)
Her: "Oh wow I had no idea!"
Me: "haha did you just think I was completely crazy making that up?"
Her: "No, I was thinking that sounds like such a cool interest" *I didn't notice it at the time but I think she was trying to qualify me here
Me: "For real?..."
Her: "yeah that's really cool!"
Me: "No actually don't like horses, or not today at least... I uhm (note to self: Quit saying uhm and deliver the direct portion with confidence!) was walking by and noticed you were really cute and just wanted to say hi."
Her: "awww, well nice to meet you" *pretty bad reception here I got the "aww that's soo cute" talking to me like I'm a dog response (I'm sure I can correct this by being more confident sounding in my direct statement above)
Me: "its a pleasure, whats your name?" With decent eye contact
Her: "Jenny"
Me: I go on to relate her name and tease her a bit about how she's the girl from forest gump (bad teasing btw but I realize I'm going to make mistakes when not warmed up properly for conversing). She tells me about her interests in true crime and asks me what I read.
The funny part was that the vibe was like me feeling like the convo was doomed (I always assume women over 30 don't want me but are always nice). She seemingly was replying to my comments and questions like I was some cute 12 year old trying to hold a conversation with a woman. A little irritating to say the least lol. That is until I deep dived her and put some pressure on her potential answer. She told me about her love for crime novels and how she likes horror movies for the crazy emotions she feels from them.
Turned out she was actually 36 and she commented on how young I was but never mentioned she was too old for me.
After some more chit chat that too me really just seemed like her being nice to me and not blowing me out. Perhaps she enjoyed the attention and unique circumstance. Also I found out she was on vacation visiting her mom so she didn't have any ties to the small town we were in (a good thing if this were to turn into something at least). Then it got to that point where the escalation window came to move her or bid farewell. I started to bid her farewell since I honestly figured she was just being nice and not blowing me out. But right before I said goodbye completely I threw this at her with about no confidence she would ablige.
Me: "You know you seem pretty interesting, I've never met a woman that takes interest in true crime and whatnot. We should go grab a coffee at the coffee bar over there (I point towards coffee area) and keep chatting for a minute."
Her: "Hmmm, yeah that sounds good. Let me go pay for these books real quick and I'll be right over."
Me: I'm like what the fuck!!! But don't lose my composure. "Cool I'll see you in a second then
I go order a tea and when she comes over I tell her I didn't know what she wanted to drink so she can get something if she wants (semi asshole frame here).
She orders and we go find a table to sit at. We small talk for a minute and then she inquires on my pick up line like "that was a good one!". I just tell her that I couldn't really think of a way to bring up a conversation and thought it would be funny to fuck with her to see her reaction. Soon enough I explained how I don't believe in pickup but more or less don't like the drama of social circle and enjoy going on spontaneous adventures with whomever I run into. She likes this and wishes she could be so bold and adventurous.
I deep dive her and we connect pretty good. I keep a fairly charismatic vibe throughout by telling her my views on certain parts of life we happen to be talking about and even inspire her in a couple ways and get her realizing that she is actually still quite young being 36. Just depends on your perspective.
I actually got her talking about her last relationship and how she dated a guy for 4 years and he was pretty much just treated as a friend the last two years. Later on I found out it had been 2 years since she had had sex of any sort besides fucking herself with her dildo (so rad I wish I could see that! lol). Nonetheless the guy tried to marry her (all while not getting any pussy and treated as a friend), poor sap could use a dose of GC. I got talking about how our culture doesn't promote men to be men anymore and shows up in relationships and how sad it is most men don't get it.
She started talking about how I should teach men to be more like me (don't think I'm at that level yet but thanks for the compliment baby).
We keep talking until the conversation dies a bit and she says she has to go. I change the subject tell her to get up and I'll walk her to her car. On the way out I lead her by the small of her back and use a shitty yes ladder.
Me: "You know this has been really fun getting to know each other, doesn't seem like it should have to end yet don't you think?"
Her: "Yeah this was really nice!"
Me: "We shouldn't let the night burn out just yet, lets go for a quick walk it'll be fun."
Her: "ha ok!"
We go find her car and she gets her jacket after giving me some banter on how I should be able to find her car since I'm young. We get her jacket and start walking where I decide I want to hold her hand. I ask her how cold her hands are and take her hand with are palms touching but without our fingers interlaced. Almost teasing her here I look down and she's literally restraining her hand from interlacing her fingers in mine so she doesn't make chasing too obvious. I soon interlace my hand in hers and continue deep diving and banter as we walk down the street. She brings up how she plays volley ball and I tease her saying that's why she has such a nice ass (idk why but I've always noticed that volleyball players have nice asses ... at least at my school they do). I then quit holding her hand and grab a healthy hunk of her ass cheek in my hand and qualify her on her sexy booty. She then grabs my ass and qualify's me on my ass (didn't know I had one lol).
We continue to walk and talk and on the way back I see a bush clearing that leads from the parking lot were in to the next parking lot that our cars are in. It's only two very tall bushes that form an arch that one must squeeze through but it looked a lot more exciting than walking from one parking lot to other just crossing over the 1 inch cement barrier separating them. I lead her in between the two tight squeezed bushes and once were both secluded from the world I stop, look back, put my arm around her waist bring her close, and gaze into her eyes. We kiss, with her almost kissing me first and I pull back first. She compliments me on my kissing skills.
We get back to our cars and I see what she has going on later in the night (logistics were shitty since she's staying at her moms and I live 50 min. away.. cars are too fucking cramped). She has to go to her moms and eat dinner, so I suggest she come drop by my place when she's done to help me eat my pecan pie. She says that sounds nice and I grab her number and bid her farewell for the moment.
At this point I can't really believe I just pulled that off with a 36 year old cougar, put hale yeah mane! I still have my doubts that she'll even drive an hour to come see me later. But I text her anyway to see how far I can push this interaction. Texting as follows:
Me: Jenny, its Robert. Save my number!
Her: Hey. Just saved your number
. Good to hear from you.
Me: Ahh your just sweet talking me so you can get your hands on a slice of my pie
Her: Would be hard to resist!
Me: Using me to eat my pie, tisk tisk... I knew you were a bad girl all along Jenny
Her: Well its all your fault since you are so sexy
Me: Sure just blame it on me... so are you going to come help me eat this pie or your mom gave you and early curfew?
Her: So I'm still invited
Me: Yes come by for a night cap... this pie isn't going to eat itself
Her: Ok
whats your address
Me: 1234 my address
Her: Got it. Wow.. I must really want to see you to drive so far!
It'll be midnight when I get there. You still be awake?
Me: I'm 20 I'll be up... grab a bottle of wine for me on the way? I need once anyway so I'll buy
Her: Ok - Red or white?
Me: Red like the color of passion and lust... No girly shit missy!
Her: Red it is. I like getting u worked up!
Me: I like getting you worked up... Text me when you pull up n I'll let you in
Her: OMW. Sorry but I won't be there till 1. Told me bro where I was going but had to sneak out so I wouldn't wake my mom. Hilarious! (This girl is 36 and sneaking out too see me like she's in 10th grade... I love it!)
Me: Lol that's awesome... take your time and try not to think about me too much
Her: Got the wine. U r a bad boy making sneak out! I like it.
Me: Left porch light on for ya just come in
The Crib Encounter
So this woman comes over the crib and we keep convo light while we pour each other drinks. After about 2 min. after being at my house she comes and goes for a sort of hug and feels my chest up. I just smile sexily and tell her to be patient. I'm next to the fridge and pull out a can of whipped cream and tell her I've always wanted to do this. Before she knows what has happened I'm licking whipped cream off her next and biting her. She likes it and starts unbuttoning my shirt. I make her lick whipped cream off my chest and then we make out passionately in my kitchen. I get her to take off her shirt revealing just her bra and DAMN does she look sexy with just jeans and a bra on. I lead her into my bedroom and we pick out music to listen to with her sitting on my lap. She's stroking my leg and feeling up my thigh the while checking out music. So with her sitting on my lap back of her neck faced toward me I pull her hair out of the way and lick her neck and breathe warm air over the cool saliva on her neck, which sends shivers down her back. I finally just pick some music, I think T.I. Radio on Pandora (love fucking to gangster music lol), and throw her on the bed.
I make out with her and feel up and all over her body caressing each curve and mound with care and desire. I then go for her the button on her pants and take her pants off with no resistance! She's left with bra and panties. Sexy, red panties. I kiss all over her body whilst feeling her curves and in between her legs and she produces a faint moan of enjoyment. I then smell and breathe where her pussy is in her panties and lick/kiss/feel up her inner thighs just teasing her. I go then go for the panties and to my surprise they fly right off with no care in the world. I take her bra off and lick circles around her nipples while occasionally sucking on one and grazing it lightly with my teeth. After this I lick all around her legs, groin, and pussy but never actually eat her out. This drives her nuts and when she can't stand it I start French kissing her vagina until she's ready to go. With her wet pussy all over my face I grab her face and let her taste herself.
What a dirty girl!
I finger her until she's completely ready to take my dick but hasn't come yet, and before I put a condom on I get this ridiculous dialogue
Her: "Wow I think I'm already satisfied, your good!"
Me: "Baby you ain't seen nothing yet
Over and out, hope you enjoyed gentlemen!
Okay I lied she wasn't a MILF but she was a super cute 36 year old visiting her mom for Christmas. How did I successfully seduce a woman 17 years older than me from cold approaching and have her moaning in my bed at 2'oclock in the morning? Honestly I'm still scratching my head on this one but here's what happened to what I remember.
I've been having A.A. lately due to laziness and a decrease in my approaching lately due to my trip I just got back from so I'm trying to push myself to up my numbers. Well I didn't do that today but I did get this fun adventure.
Also I liked Ryan's idea of having a voice recorder to remember all my interactions, peep my voice fundamentals, and conversation nuances to learn faster since I don't get the opportunity to mass approach (20 + girls a week), due to the fact that I can't just go outside my house and do approaches. (closest place this time a year to approach women at all besides my local walmart is 45 min away) So thank you Ryan for inspiring me to get the voice recorder!
Anyway I'm in books-a-million and notice a cute older looking dirty blond checking out books in the real crime section. She had a nice ass and a cute face/eyes and I'm assuming she's rather experienced in bed. I couldn't think of much to say so I stuck to Chases indirect direct line of
Me: "Hi there (her face lights up and smiles)... I know this is a bit random but I was wondering if you've seen the equestrian sports section while browsing through here?"
Her: "Uhh, noo I haven't. Sorry!
Me: "Not at all?" Playing with her a little for my own humor
Her: "No, but I found these books I'm looking at by asking one of the guys behind the register..." *said in a hopeful voice tone
Me: "ha, you know what (*touch her upper arm and look at her with a relaxed look/smile) I was really just giving you a hard time... I don't think they have an equestrian sports section" (cheeky smile spreads across my face)
Her: "Oh wow I had no idea!"
Me: "haha did you just think I was completely crazy making that up?"
Her: "No, I was thinking that sounds like such a cool interest" *I didn't notice it at the time but I think she was trying to qualify me here
Me: "For real?..."
Her: "yeah that's really cool!"
Me: "No actually don't like horses, or not today at least... I uhm (note to self: Quit saying uhm and deliver the direct portion with confidence!) was walking by and noticed you were really cute and just wanted to say hi."
Her: "awww, well nice to meet you" *pretty bad reception here I got the "aww that's soo cute" talking to me like I'm a dog response (I'm sure I can correct this by being more confident sounding in my direct statement above)
Me: "its a pleasure, whats your name?" With decent eye contact
Her: "Jenny"
Me: I go on to relate her name and tease her a bit about how she's the girl from forest gump (bad teasing btw but I realize I'm going to make mistakes when not warmed up properly for conversing). She tells me about her interests in true crime and asks me what I read.
The funny part was that the vibe was like me feeling like the convo was doomed (I always assume women over 30 don't want me but are always nice). She seemingly was replying to my comments and questions like I was some cute 12 year old trying to hold a conversation with a woman. A little irritating to say the least lol. That is until I deep dived her and put some pressure on her potential answer. She told me about her love for crime novels and how she likes horror movies for the crazy emotions she feels from them.
Turned out she was actually 36 and she commented on how young I was but never mentioned she was too old for me.
After some more chit chat that too me really just seemed like her being nice to me and not blowing me out. Perhaps she enjoyed the attention and unique circumstance. Also I found out she was on vacation visiting her mom so she didn't have any ties to the small town we were in (a good thing if this were to turn into something at least). Then it got to that point where the escalation window came to move her or bid farewell. I started to bid her farewell since I honestly figured she was just being nice and not blowing me out. But right before I said goodbye completely I threw this at her with about no confidence she would ablige.
Me: "You know you seem pretty interesting, I've never met a woman that takes interest in true crime and whatnot. We should go grab a coffee at the coffee bar over there (I point towards coffee area) and keep chatting for a minute."
Her: "Hmmm, yeah that sounds good. Let me go pay for these books real quick and I'll be right over."
Me: I'm like what the fuck!!! But don't lose my composure. "Cool I'll see you in a second then
I go order a tea and when she comes over I tell her I didn't know what she wanted to drink so she can get something if she wants (semi asshole frame here).
She orders and we go find a table to sit at. We small talk for a minute and then she inquires on my pick up line like "that was a good one!". I just tell her that I couldn't really think of a way to bring up a conversation and thought it would be funny to fuck with her to see her reaction. Soon enough I explained how I don't believe in pickup but more or less don't like the drama of social circle and enjoy going on spontaneous adventures with whomever I run into. She likes this and wishes she could be so bold and adventurous.
I deep dive her and we connect pretty good. I keep a fairly charismatic vibe throughout by telling her my views on certain parts of life we happen to be talking about and even inspire her in a couple ways and get her realizing that she is actually still quite young being 36. Just depends on your perspective.
I actually got her talking about her last relationship and how she dated a guy for 4 years and he was pretty much just treated as a friend the last two years. Later on I found out it had been 2 years since she had had sex of any sort besides fucking herself with her dildo (so rad I wish I could see that! lol). Nonetheless the guy tried to marry her (all while not getting any pussy and treated as a friend), poor sap could use a dose of GC. I got talking about how our culture doesn't promote men to be men anymore and shows up in relationships and how sad it is most men don't get it.
She started talking about how I should teach men to be more like me (don't think I'm at that level yet but thanks for the compliment baby).
We keep talking until the conversation dies a bit and she says she has to go. I change the subject tell her to get up and I'll walk her to her car. On the way out I lead her by the small of her back and use a shitty yes ladder.
Me: "You know this has been really fun getting to know each other, doesn't seem like it should have to end yet don't you think?"
Her: "Yeah this was really nice!"
Me: "We shouldn't let the night burn out just yet, lets go for a quick walk it'll be fun."
Her: "ha ok!"
We go find her car and she gets her jacket after giving me some banter on how I should be able to find her car since I'm young. We get her jacket and start walking where I decide I want to hold her hand. I ask her how cold her hands are and take her hand with are palms touching but without our fingers interlaced. Almost teasing her here I look down and she's literally restraining her hand from interlacing her fingers in mine so she doesn't make chasing too obvious. I soon interlace my hand in hers and continue deep diving and banter as we walk down the street. She brings up how she plays volley ball and I tease her saying that's why she has such a nice ass (idk why but I've always noticed that volleyball players have nice asses ... at least at my school they do). I then quit holding her hand and grab a healthy hunk of her ass cheek in my hand and qualify her on her sexy booty. She then grabs my ass and qualify's me on my ass (didn't know I had one lol).
We continue to walk and talk and on the way back I see a bush clearing that leads from the parking lot were in to the next parking lot that our cars are in. It's only two very tall bushes that form an arch that one must squeeze through but it looked a lot more exciting than walking from one parking lot to other just crossing over the 1 inch cement barrier separating them. I lead her in between the two tight squeezed bushes and once were both secluded from the world I stop, look back, put my arm around her waist bring her close, and gaze into her eyes. We kiss, with her almost kissing me first and I pull back first. She compliments me on my kissing skills.
We get back to our cars and I see what she has going on later in the night (logistics were shitty since she's staying at her moms and I live 50 min. away.. cars are too fucking cramped). She has to go to her moms and eat dinner, so I suggest she come drop by my place when she's done to help me eat my pecan pie. She says that sounds nice and I grab her number and bid her farewell for the moment.
At this point I can't really believe I just pulled that off with a 36 year old cougar, put hale yeah mane! I still have my doubts that she'll even drive an hour to come see me later. But I text her anyway to see how far I can push this interaction. Texting as follows:
Me: Jenny, its Robert. Save my number!
Her: Hey. Just saved your number
Me: Ahh your just sweet talking me so you can get your hands on a slice of my pie
Her: Would be hard to resist!
Me: Using me to eat my pie, tisk tisk... I knew you were a bad girl all along Jenny
Her: Well its all your fault since you are so sexy
Me: Sure just blame it on me... so are you going to come help me eat this pie or your mom gave you and early curfew?
Her: So I'm still invited
Me: Yes come by for a night cap... this pie isn't going to eat itself
Her: Ok
Me: 1234 my address
Her: Got it. Wow.. I must really want to see you to drive so far!
Me: I'm 20 I'll be up... grab a bottle of wine for me on the way? I need once anyway so I'll buy
Her: Ok - Red or white?
Me: Red like the color of passion and lust... No girly shit missy!
Her: Red it is. I like getting u worked up!
Me: I like getting you worked up... Text me when you pull up n I'll let you in
Her: OMW. Sorry but I won't be there till 1. Told me bro where I was going but had to sneak out so I wouldn't wake my mom. Hilarious! (This girl is 36 and sneaking out too see me like she's in 10th grade... I love it!)
Me: Lol that's awesome... take your time and try not to think about me too much
Her: Got the wine. U r a bad boy making sneak out! I like it.
Me: Left porch light on for ya just come in
The Crib Encounter
So this woman comes over the crib and we keep convo light while we pour each other drinks. After about 2 min. after being at my house she comes and goes for a sort of hug and feels my chest up. I just smile sexily and tell her to be patient. I'm next to the fridge and pull out a can of whipped cream and tell her I've always wanted to do this. Before she knows what has happened I'm licking whipped cream off her next and biting her. She likes it and starts unbuttoning my shirt. I make her lick whipped cream off my chest and then we make out passionately in my kitchen. I get her to take off her shirt revealing just her bra and DAMN does she look sexy with just jeans and a bra on. I lead her into my bedroom and we pick out music to listen to with her sitting on my lap. She's stroking my leg and feeling up my thigh the while checking out music. So with her sitting on my lap back of her neck faced toward me I pull her hair out of the way and lick her neck and breathe warm air over the cool saliva on her neck, which sends shivers down her back. I finally just pick some music, I think T.I. Radio on Pandora (love fucking to gangster music lol), and throw her on the bed.
I make out with her and feel up and all over her body caressing each curve and mound with care and desire. I then go for her the button on her pants and take her pants off with no resistance! She's left with bra and panties. Sexy, red panties. I kiss all over her body whilst feeling her curves and in between her legs and she produces a faint moan of enjoyment. I then smell and breathe where her pussy is in her panties and lick/kiss/feel up her inner thighs just teasing her. I go then go for the panties and to my surprise they fly right off with no care in the world. I take her bra off and lick circles around her nipples while occasionally sucking on one and grazing it lightly with my teeth. After this I lick all around her legs, groin, and pussy but never actually eat her out. This drives her nuts and when she can't stand it I start French kissing her vagina until she's ready to go. With her wet pussy all over my face I grab her face and let her taste herself.
What a dirty girl!
I finger her until she's completely ready to take my dick but hasn't come yet, and before I put a condom on I get this ridiculous dialogue
Her: "Wow I think I'm already satisfied, your good!"
Me: "Baby you ain't seen nothing yet
Over and out, hope you enjoyed gentlemen!