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Bootcamps - Is it the coaching or is it being forced to do approaches that yields the reported results?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021

So, all these pickup coaches do bootcamps and have testimonials from guys who all got laid on the bootcamp singing the praises of the awesomeness of the coach.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting that there are good coaches out there, and I'm certainly not in a position to criticize anyone else.


is the reason these guys get laid on the bootcamps because the coaching is awesome, or is it more to do with the fact that they've been forced/encouraged to do 100 approaches and they get social momentum, the stuff they've internalised from learning pickup materials kicks in, and they just become confident/get in state after 5 or 10 approaches?

It's cool either way, great that dudes are getting the results they want, but would they get these results anyway if they just did a shitload of approaches?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Feb 3, 2020
I did a bootcamp once and saw results with my AA. Basically the coach would force me to do approaches. Sometimes literally shoving me into sets hahaha.

I managed to get into "state" and saw apparent success in overcoming AA. However, the following weekend I went out and just froze. Zero approaches.

My point is that I saw short-term results by being artificially pushed outside of my comfort zone. However, I wasn't able to replicate the results without the coach pushing me.

I was able to get better results by myself later on. But it was really helpful having an experienced coach observe my behavior and catch bad habits I didn't see so I could fix them. Ex. Standing too far away from women. Being overly nice. Etc. I'd otherwise keep making these mistakes if he didn't catch them. It saved me time and uncertainty in this regard.