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LR  Bootylicious Girl Gets Spanked Until the Morning

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
So yesterday I went out on a date with a catfish... Or rather, I matched with a "girl" on Tinder. Now, this profile has a suspicious name, the photos are all in bikini, some hot girl, probably with breast implants. I did tried to Google search some of those photos, but nothing turned out (Google's IA is probably garbage? Wouldn't surprise me, after I studied some deep learning in a class and saw how silly and full of random try and error and tweeking to get things working it is). Either way, I was almost a 100% sure it was a catfish, because this "chick" liked me first, and answered in like 5 min top every message, being extra nice, but I was curious to see how things would unfold (I once matched a girl that would text me really sexual stuff, like what we would do to each other and stuff, a friend of mine told me it was probably some gay dude lmao, but I never knew if she was even real, eventually she would refuse to meet up and I just unmatched).

Either way, this catfish "accepted" to meet up, I even sent some stuff just to fuck with him/her/it like "you better dress up for our date" and this person was like "yeah baby" (this almost made me disgusted lmao), but of course it never actually showed up (I was legit ready to be like interviewing this person on how much of a loser you have to be to get off on pretending to be someone else to flirt with other people, as if). I actually thought it was someone I know pulling a prank on me, maybe my X friends, just for revenge (for what really?), one of them lives near. Anyway, I went to a local wine bar that serves pizza and stuff like that, that I wanted to get to know, got a drink, and even got some IoIs from some girls with their boyfriends there, gonna use this place for dates, for sure.

I was texting my wing and telling him unless somehow this girl is real and I get lucky, we gonna club, and he was down, Jesus boy came in his motorbike pick me up, right after the "date" (with myself lmao). A friend of ours reached out yesterday, last time we went out was around my birthday and his last year, he's single and likes clubbing as well, but he was travelling, I think, so we never saw him again, until we met him at this bar he said would be our "warm up". This place basically only serves shots and it's supposed to be Mexican inspired somehow (at least the name is a bit). Lots of posh chicks, they were going crazy twerking their asses off to the Brazilian Funk songs that were playing there. It was me, Jesus boy, our other wing, and two of his friends, and we were excited, lots of hot girls, our wing telling the boys "Beck is fast on the trigger, follow his lead" (as to approaching girls), I'm feeling strong ;)

We get some shots already, some "absinthe" with cheap whiskey, tastes like death. There's a guy near us with three girls, he seems to be paying everything for them, hundreds of bottle service visible. He has his hands on one of them, then on the other, but the girls are kinda dancing into us and giving us AIs. One of the friends of our wing says: "How dumb would you have to be to bring your girlfriend to a place like this? lmao", we all laugh. One of the girls trips up over Jesus boy, she starts talking some gibberish, but I can tell Jesus boy is a bit frozen, so I try to help him: "apologize, man! GO apologize! lol", I say out loud, for the girls to hear, he talks to her a bit, but she seems a bit skitish. A bit later she's alone near the bar/us, so I go on her ear and ask "hey, juuust out of curiosity, is this guy with you girls your boyfriend or something?", she tells me he has a "thing" with the other girl... I tell Jesus boy, when this guy lower his guard, go to the bathroom or something, we swoop, blitzkrieg style lmao, he seems excited by the idea (but we never actually get the chance to, he leaves early with them).

There's also a group behind us with the girls that are dancing the craziest, apparently Jesus boy approached the crazier shorter girl and she had a boyfriend. I talk a bit to a tanned brunette with a fat ass, but she doesn't seem too interested in daddy here, go figure... The guy that made the comment of gfs apparently had made out with a girl there the last night, so he goes kiss her again, she's kinda cute, but one of her friends is cuter... But my friends are kinda just dancing around them, not making a move, so I approach some hot blue eyed blonde that eyefucked me earlier. She's sitting down with like 4 friends (all girls) though, looking kinda gloomy, I go and ask if she's fine, why she looks like a dead plant or something, she's like "I'm fine, and I have a boyfriend (I was eyefucking her very hard and starting some kino already), see this?", showing me her ring, I'm like, woooow, it's shiny, kinda making fun of her (as I touch her hand), then I ask her, "where's your boyfriend?", she tells me she doesn't know, I make an expression like I'm gonna shit myself laughing and tell her "you don't knooow where your boyfriend is?", kinda sugesting he's up to no good... Then her friend, the mother hen of the group, starts popping off (probably just jelly), tells me "she has a boyfriend, leave her alone!", and starts gesturing for me to leave, I look at my girl, then look at her again, and tell her "did I ask you anything?", then I return to her, mother hen still going crazy, I tell her something like "I'm talking to your friend, not you", at this point this chick wants to strangle me or something lol, blondie is kinda dead inside still, so I kiss the mother hen goodbye laughing my ass off and leave. I think before mother hen went all crazy, the girls told me all of them had boyfriends. No idea why, but this place seems to have lots and lots of girls with boyfriends and that are no game, my gut is telling me we may have to bounce soon.

We take a sequence of shots in the bar, using those construction helmets, as the bartenders hit us with the shot cups and barrels and what not, there's some fire breathing and shit like that, this bar looks like a circus lol. The bartender that's explaining shit to us and giving us shots is haaawt, and I saw her looking down at me before, so I'm trying to game her, it's not going that bad, until she tells me to get my head down for her to hit it, I tell her "only if you give me your number", she ignores it, as she has a shitton of other people to hit lol. No biggie though, maybe I could have gotten her number later, have I tried (maybe some other night). There's two new hotties with the group that was dancing crazy behind us, I go in and approach one of them (the other is almost sleeping and lost her purse or something), rapport is going great, as she works in the same bank as my sis, so I know the ins and outs of her job, there's some good sexual tension and I think we even dance into each other a bit, but I tell her I want her number to hang out some other day (I was already thinking of leaving), and she shuts off completely. No fucking idea what the deal is, maybe she really just wanted to be flirty there, she also lives in a satellite city that's not so close to me, so fuck it.

I tell the boys "the game is now done", they agree, this girls all have boyfriends, or are weird, just flirty for the sake of it, or too stuck up, so I suggest we get to my favorite club, because today it's playing some good music and I know there's gonna be some hotties there, we all leave I think, other than the friends of our other wing, but he now has a new partner in crime, this guy was waiting for us outside. Me and Jesus boy hop on his bike and jet, other wing (let's call him Mr. P, he might become a recurring character on my journal lol) and his friend get a bit mad, they wanted a ride, but there was no way, they go walking, since it's not that far. We get near the club and notice a bunch of people on some bars around the club, we check it out, but no chicks are visibly easy game, so we go to the club, around 1AM.

On the line, some Asian-ish girl with a nice body starts flirting with us, she asks us our names and everything, at this point I don't know if she wants my D or Jesus boy's more (later he told me he thought she was more into me, but this chick got kinda "married" making out with some random guy there fast), she was with a group with some gay dudes... Actually, now I remember she asked us with we were gay, I think she was more like sharking for some easy food for her friends, no idea (she seemed into us, though). We get in, the dancefloor is packed, there's some hotties, some have boyfriends, but most are in groups and look somehow approacheable. I think we also check out the smoking area and there's not much people there, my redhead promoter friend is there with her bf, they look at me but don't really come greet me, I think I was looking to popular on the dancefloor somehow and they though I wouldn't pay much mind, dunno.

I was dancing like crazy, me and the boys, the girls around us are having a great time as well, I see some Arab-descent chick I made out with on a party years ago, we followed each other on IG and I think she kinda liked me (she's a singer and I told her I would go see her sing, but never got to it). She has a great body, and her face is really sexy, exotic, she has shorter hair, but it's almost on her shoulders, she looks down a bit when she sees me, but I think she's with her bf (some tall stilish black guy).

Now, I'll be real, I was quite a bit drunk, me and the boys got fucking crunk on the other bar, I was drinking a bit of water to recover, Mr. P was in Mars or something (I guess the tequila shot we took at the club didn't help either), he was talking up some girl I think he knew, she seemed into him, but he was really drunk, it was really funny watch her struggle to decide if she would give him a chance lol. Jesus boy approached some girls but nada, dunno if I approached much, can't remember exactly... I remember it was almost 3AM and I was like, dude, I think this place isn't game anymore as well, but I went to the smoking area a bit, for some hail marry.
There, I found some beautiful Asian girl, I have a bit of a fetish with Asians, and I never slept with one, so I'm always on the lookout for those (there are some beautiful mixed Asian chick with killers bodys here, though they mostly know they are rare and tend to be at least a bit conservative because of the Asian heritage). I approach her and the guys around her, ask what their deal is, what they do with their lives, she seems attracted, but eventually she tells me she has a boyfriend. I can tell by her face and body language she wouldn't stray, so I say something "Oh too bad, I can tell you like your bf", she's like, "ofc I like my boyfriend!", kinda laughing, but I think she knows what I mean. I tell her I found her beautiful and it was a pleasure meeting her, and go join the boys in the dancefloor.

Then I was there in the dancefloor, almost leaving, and one of the guys that was with Asian chick is with another girl, short with a great ass (and tits). He leaves momentarily, I get close to her and ask if he's her bf, she tells me nope :), then we just start making out hard, I grab her ass and tights, she resists a bit but I can tell she wants that D, I'm feeling like PUUUULLL TIME, my instincts tell me to close asap, I tell her we should leave, she gets a bit hesitant, I kiss her more and grab her ass, she tells me "ok, but I gotta tell my friend", she grabs her phone and texts the Asian girl friend, she asks for permission to leave with me lmao, he grants it, so I'm like, hell yeah, my first pull from a night club in eras.

I get us an Uber, we get on my appartment, we makeout a bit on the sofa, it's 4AM already, she tells me something and goes to my room, then just starts taking off her clothes, I take mine off as well and close the curtains to the balcony (I swear those girls see the other buildings from the balcony and start getting naked asap lmao, it's like they want people to watch them being fucked by an alpha like me). I tell her to wait a bit, I drink some water, as I was a bit drunk still, I was afraid I wouldn't get hard, but I was almost getting hard there on the club making out with her (I think I told her something like your ass is so delicious I'm getting hard, even though I'm super drunk lol), so it didn't take long for me to get hard again.

I spanked her a lot with one of my belts, it's made of some hard cloth (I like it because it's great for chocking as well), so I can go really hard with it, like full swing of my arm, she's laying down with her ass up, I sit on her side and slash her ass with my belt, like 4 times (2 each cheek? lol) very hard each time, then she just turns around, looking almost possessed by horniness, grabs my cock, and shoves into her pussy, she's not even wet, I ask her if it's fine, she just keeps putting my D in, it hurts, but it's dope. I fuck her, she's really tight, as she wasn't even wet, she moans like a little slut, I love it. I'm going hard on that adapt missio, but she only really cums I think when I grab her tits super hard, like I'm gonna rip them off, I was squeezing her nipple like crazy, then I start shoving harder and faster, she melts, then she says something like "that was sooooo goood".

At first she wanted me to use a condom, she tells me she doesn't want a kid, I tell her I'm good at pulling lol, she lets me go raw, but I think I should have used a condom, this girl destroyed my dick. She kept wanking me really hard, and it was a bit painful, her blowy was also a bit hurtful, for some reason, maybe my D was hurt already for penetrating her forcefully so many times (I think we fucked 3 or 4 times in a row). But her tight pussy hurting my cock felt amazing in a way. I tell her she's a submissive little hoe, she tells me she's not submissive, then I fuck her hard, with my hand on her tits, crossed, with my arms shocking her neck, she cums super hard, I'm like, you like being completely dominated like that, but you're not submissive? lol

I asked her if I was the best D she's ever had, and she agreed at night, but the next day she was like, "I don't know if the best, but the most violent, for sure. And I looove violence ;)", I woke up the next morning surprised to have a girl in my bed somehow, for like a second, then in less than 10 I was hard again, because of her fat ass there almost in my face, I get behind her, kissing her neck and smacking her ass until she wakes up, she's barely awoke and already puts my D in her mouth lmao, this girl is funny. I fuck her while she laying down with her belly down, she cums hard, then I keep on thrusting after she came really rabidly, I don't even give a fuck anymore, I'm gonna cum. I have no condom on, that was a bit of a mistake, because as I had to pull out, I lost a bit of the pleasure of the orgasm, but still it was quite a fucking load on her back lol, my cock hurts a lot (still hurting a bit), but i was so worth it.
I asked her if she liked being tied up, and if she have had anal before, she seemed interested in both, but told me she never had anal, I'm like, I'm gonna desecrate your fat ass then my little slut, she tells me it's gotta be special or something... She asks me for my Instagram before leaving, I tell her I deleted it, she says "low profile, huh?" (same thing my promoter friend said the other day, apparently, not having an IG makes you cooler if you're a hot guy), I tell her she can have my number, I type it, she hasn't messaged me yet though, she's clearly didn't read the GC texting guides!

Night game is not dead boys, I'm telling you, it ain't dead, not here in Braziland, anyway, finally got a real "efficient" night game pull (though I spent the whole night drinking, I could have showed up at 3AM with the right "attitude", mostly just horniness and dominance lol, and be 4AM with a bootylicious little slut at my place), got two lays this month, which was my goal/minimum for this month, so gotta try to push this momentum to get even more pussy now liil,

Feeling like a boss, once again.

Yours truly,
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I don't think she will text back. Feels like she is releasing Covid+exams+life stress. Haha!

Also, she didn't feel validated by you rejecting her 'FREE Dick Call Funnel from Instagram'.

But if she did, i sense thst her crazy night might be something she tries not to associate herself with. Not so much you but her worries.

Anyway, just my speculation and theories.

Anyway, YEAY. HAHA!

My post looks like I'm hating. Damn it. Tsk.
Actually I like the determinism throughout that whole night.

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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I asked her if she liked being tied up, and if she have had anal before, she seemed interested in both, but told me she never had anal, I'm like, I'm gonna desecrate your fat ass then my little slut, she tells me it's gotta be special or something... She asks me for my Instagram before leaving, I tell her I deleted it, she says "low profile, huh?" (same thing my promoter friend said the other day, apparently, not having an IG makes you cooler if you're a hot guy), I tell her she can have my number, I type it, she hasn't messaged me yet though, she's clearly didn't read the GC texting guides!
But if she did, i sense thst her crazy night might be something she tries not to associate herself with. Not so much you but her worries.
She could experience sub drop, ego upset, self preservation due to your wild night. Not to say you did anything wrong, but from what I've read rough, kink, dominant sex early, while it may rock her world, can nuke most guys retention.

There's some psychology behind that I'm not sure about and won't speak on. @Lofty , @Chase , @Skills are the dudes off top who have written about this, so hopefully they can give you more perspective on the importance of this in what your % of retention looks like and ways to maneuver in the future when you might want more than one night of wild fun ;) (Supposedly Hector had this problem too. Great and wild sex, but women would be hesitant of returning)

And who knows...maybe despite those factors she gives you a call due to that dicking in awhile :)

I'm pretty happy to see this wasn't an Online Lay Report though man. I can't much relate to those reports.

Congrats on 2 lays this month!

Retention might be sketchy, but you're picking em up nicely my dude and that's awesome.

Cheers man!

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
But if she did, i sense thst her crazy night might be something she tries not to associate herself with.
And who knows...maybe despite those factors she gives you a call due to that dicking in awhile
She actually just responded (more like sent the first message lol) she sent me something like "Marks all over my butt, check". I did made sure she was confortable, she said she had to go to a friend's around midday, so I told her we could have breakfast together if she wanted to, I mean, we came back to mine so late I wasn't going to show her the door lol, she just slept with me, I think this cemmented us as a thing in her head (she also told me she didn't had sex for quite a while, she was very excited, I also talked about plans for our next sesh and if she was down).

I'm pretty happy to see this wasn't an Online Lay Report though man. I can't much relate to those reports.

Congrats on 2 lays this month!

Retention might be sketchy, but you're picking em up nicely my dude and that's awesome.
Thanks, I don't dig online as much as well, choosing girls in the flesh just feels better, but I try to use online to feel some gaps (though it's results for me still terrible, other than my X, that was more of a lucky shot than anything)