Yeah, you'll have stretches like that, especially when getting into the swing of things or shaking off a lot of rust.
Anything that feels like a 'win' at something real world will help -- thus why tidying up, lifting heavier, giving good vibes, etc., works.
Other things along those lines that help:
- Doing creative work that gives a feeling of succeeding: making a small clay sculpture, writing a short story, painting a small painting
- Attending a class and really trying hard & learning in it: tennis, archery, martial arts, surfing, snowboarding, bartending school, etc.
- Taking on a new project at work and kicking its butt
- Find social circle activities where you can be around good-looking women socially and have positive social interactions with them. Could be a friend group dinner with good-looking female friends in attendance... could be a class with hot girls in it (acting and modeling classes are great for this; others that can be good: dance classes, tennis class... often Spanish class for whatever reason)
- Going out to socialize and talking to lots of people, NOT focused on picking up girls, just building tons of momentum (and maybe get the spill-over effect going for you). Also see Alek's series on fixing & using low momentum
Things to avoid: anything digital (movies, TV shows, video games, social media), as that gets you out of action-taking in the real world and sucks you farther away. Books are okay though for a recharge; they just won't build up
the winner effect like the other things do.
Mainly you are looking for things to trigger that little confidence boost the winner effect produces. As you build up wins, your hormone levels adjust, confidence rises, and suddenly you start feeling excellent and ready to take on the world again.
It can seem a little slow when you want to be amped up
right now, but after a week or two of building positive/victorious experiences you can frequently turn around momentum if you're deliberate about it.