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FR  Boxing Day


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
Taken from my journal:

December 26

Did some boxing day game today! Here are the most memorable approaches:


I read Chase's article on approaching girls while shopping. Figured I needed to go indirect direct in these places, and so that's what I did.
Me: "quick question"
Her: *turns to her side to look at me*
Me: *holding up a girl's clothing item - short, slutty shirt* "Do you think this would look good on me?" *smile*
Her: *smiles, and starts playing along lol* "ummmm... yeesss :) that would really compliment the colour of your eyes" (I really found this funny that she responded this way - I love a girl with a sarcastic sense of humour hahaha)
Me: "thanks!"
Her: "no problem!"
Me: "I was just kidding by the way... i thought you were cute and wanted to say hi"
Her: "oh :) hi."
Me: "i'm darren"
Introductions, take her hand and shake it till she lets go, all the meanwhile, staring into her eyes.
Me: "so, just shopping on your own hey?"
Her: *replies*
Me: "gotta look good for the guys after all :)"
Her: "yes, and doing a good job if I'm being approached! :)"
Me: *smile, and look away*
Me: "so, what do you do here in the city?"
Her: "oh I work at urban fair, wbu?"
Me: "*thoughtful look* "Oh... I just do a bit of writing, and a bit of reading here and there..."
Her: "cool."
Me: "you must be a very fashionable person... I mean working at a clothing store."
Her: "haha, I don't work at a clothing store, urban fair is a grocery store."
Me: "ohhh what?" I must be going crazy *does crazy sign with finger* (instead should've said something here along the lines of: "you must be making me lose my mind")
Me: "I must've been thinking about urban planet"
Her: "haha. yeah."
Me: "so you must be a health nut then."
Her: *agrees"
Me: "that's interesting... because you know what? They say that people who eat veggies and nuts all day have a sense of discipline. I'm guessing your like that?"
Her: "yes" :)
Me: "except some of the time... ;)" *raise my eyebrows and close mouth smile* (I think a better response would be then: "so you must never have any fun then" OR "so you must be a goody two shoe then" - try to get her to prove me wrong lol)
Her: *laughs*
I tried to close here but she gives me the boyfriend objection.
I persist a couple of times, saying that it'll be our secret, giving her a nudge on the upper arm and such. But she declines, so I gratefully exit.

Good, light, sexual vibe in this conversation. I emitted the chill vibe, which is the kind of person I am (thus the kind of vibe I'm trying to master): relaxed and calm.


Blonde girl walking down the street.
I jog up in a few feet in front of her, raise my hands and say: "hey, stop for a minute" *smile*
She stops, and takes off her earphones.
Me: *direct opener with nose wrinkle and slow spreading smile* - complimented her pants (they were blue leggings with stars on them) - "they look nice... and paint a really nice image to you..." (hahaha, totally fumbled this compliment, had no idea what I was going to say to her until I approached her)
Introductions - take her hand and hold it for a long time, staring into her eyes, till she lets go, but not before a sort of awkward smile lol. Sexual tension?
Ask her what she's up to and such.
She says she's going to her friend's apartment to drop off her stuff.
Me: "hmm. nice friend :)"
Ask her what she does in this city.
She says she's from Russia.
Me: "ahhhh, from Russia with lovee" :)
She doesn't get this, or doesn't really hear me, and so asks me again.
So I have to repeat it.
She sort of gets it now I guess, and fake laughs.
Me: "so what made you come all the way from Russia to here?" *points to the ground*
Her: "why I'm here?"
Me: "uh huh."
She starts talking about how she came here to get better at English and hopefully go to college.
Me: "oh cool, what do you want to study in college?"
Her: "interior design."
Me: "so you must like all these buildings around us." *points around*
Her: "no... not really..."
Me: "haha, you're like, 'the buildings in Russia are waaayyy nicer'"
Her: "yeah :)"
Me: "so why interior design, why not psychology? or fashion?"
Her: "why?"
Me: "yes."
Her: "because my mother is in it"
Me: "aaahhhh, following the family footsteps...smart girl :)"
Her: "yep."
Try to number close here.
She says she's leaving tomorrow to go back to Russia for a bit.
"No worries," I tell her, just add your number to my phone.
So we exchange numbers.
Me: "so you must be excited to be visiting your friends and family."
Her: *agrees*
Maybe should've deep dove about her family here but instead i said: "so what's the difference between Russia and here?" *point to ground*
Her: "everything."
Me: "everything, huh?"
Her: "yep."
Me: "I've never been to Russia before... I should go."
Her: "then go!"
Me: "alright let's go!" (should've taken her hand here and stated walking lol, but wasn't feeling the vibe... never done anything like this before actually... not sure how she would've responded... should've tried though now that I think about it)

Instead I walked away, and realized I should've pushed harder there. So I texted her an hour later: "Hey Kate, let's grab that coffee tonight before you go. Let me know how that sounds!"

No response.

Didn't seem like she was that into me anyways.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake