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FR  Breaking out of my comfort zone and making my first move


Nov 14, 2013
Hello everyone. This will be my first and definitely not my last post since finding Girls Chase.

I'm a freshman at my community college(In other words im still at home)and new to a lot of the methods taught on the site. Ive already done hours and hours of reading and im trying to implement certain things in my game. I have found that i use some of the methods already in my game and im happy that I have made some progress without the help of the site.

The Girl

At first i didn't have this girl on my radar. She was cute and all but i was looking for the most beautiful women to use my GC skills on. So about a month goes by that i dont really talk to her. After that month i started to give her hugs and flirt a little bit. She responds well and i get her number and hit her up with a text asking her how her weekend was going and my name. She says shes working most of the weekend and asks me about mine. I say that im chillen most of the weekend and she texts me that shes off work and its time to party! I take the opportunity to ask her who she partying with, and that i better be invited. She says that she doesn't know what she doing and is kinda tired. I respond with saying

Me: "Tell you what, why dont we chill this weekend so we can turn up(have fun) together? :)"

Her:" Lol do you turn uppp ??

Me:" Pshh, your asking me that question? Excuse me miss, do you know who your talking to? Lol

Her:" Obvioussslyyy not"

Me: "So when are you free?"

Her:"Good question"

Me:" Yes, a VERY good question that only YOU know the answer to. :p"

Her:"I work all weekend so idkk" (She has three jobs)

Me:"Hmm alright, dont worry about it then."


After that I kept our contact strictly to before during and after class time for two weeks. We would see each other around and flirt a little bit every time. Now i felt like it was time to make a move. My problem with girls has mainly been moving fast so i decided to get out of my comfort zone and take a risk. So after the two weeks i was in class flirting with other girls and making people laugh in my group while her group worked on the other side of class. I sent a text to her saying

Me:"Imma walk you to your car after class"

Her:"Lol ok"

Her:" I'm leaving a lil early though"

So towards the end of class i see her get up and walk out of class with her bag. I have no worries cause i knew i was gonna see her sometime if not that day. Class ends and people from class form a circle to talk and joke till we go our separate ways. I see my girl come from around the corner of the hallway and she joins the circle.
Knowing her i have realized the she does this to catch my attention before she walks out to her car. I don't let that behavior dictate what I do so I don't talk to her and let her leave occasionally. But this time I was determined to break out of my comfort zone. So she steps from the group and stands alone looking at her phone. After about 10 seconds of contemplating what i should do i finally just walk to the door past her and hold it open and say "Lets go to your car." we have some small talk along the way and she calls her friend because she is driving her friend home. She is gonna meet her friend at the parking lot so i have a narrow window of time. We reach the parking lot and she teases me on being cold cause i was only wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and it was cold and windy as f*ck. So we have a very short banter and things get quiet. I tell her im going to head back to my next class and she says bye. I dont move. Instead i cross my arms and stand in front of her looking at her. She is looking away at this point. I take her chin with my index finger and pull it up to go for the kiss. Im moving very slowly and i get two inches away from her lips and she turns away and takes a step away from me. I stay in the same position and chuckle. She says smiling "That was a a nice try." I give her a sexy smile while walking away and say "Yeah, ill see you." Its at this point i remember the topics about persistence and i stop walking and turn around. While walking back to her

I say "You know what i think?"

She says "What?"

I say " I think one try is not enough." and i go for it again.

This time she grabs my arm and says while giggling and smiling "One time is enough." I give her another sexy smile and start walking away. She says again with a smile "It was a good try though." I say still with the sexy smile "Yeah, it usually works... Ill see you on Friday. " and i walk away and dont look back.

Whats going through my mind now is that: Why didnt she let me kiss her?
-Is cause her friend was on her way?
-Is it cause shes not comfortable enough with me yet?
-Or is she playing hard to get?

My plan was to act like it never happened(unless she brings it up) and to continue to flirt with her and deep dive her when i can. I will try for the first kiss at a later date. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

sociably genY

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2013
I love the approach. My take is that she "could" have been seen by someone else which is all it really takes. Unless she's 100% attracted to you, she is just guarding her status I think.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
killaken5 said:
My plan was to act like it never happened(unless she brings it up) and to continue to flirt with her and deep dive her when i can. I will try for the first kiss at a later date. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

I think you did good man. Going for that kiss was not what I would of done, but taking such a huge risk like that will make you stronger. Is she single? have you asked her? boyfriends make girls difficult to get imo. single girls are better.

I like your plan, talk and flirt with more girls too (if she sees you do this that's a plus lol) and also pretend like nothing ever happened and keep talking with her.


Nov 14, 2013
ocantu1987 said:
I think you did good man. Going for that kiss was not what I would of done, but taking such a huge risk like that will make you stronger. Is she single? have you asked her? boyfriends make girls difficult to get imo. single girls are better.
Thank you man. Im wondering, what would you have done differently?

And im not sure if she has a boyfriend. She is a social butterfly with people in class and especially me and one other boy who is not really into her so i kinda just assumed she was single.
sociably genY said:
I love the approach. My take is that she "could" have been seen by someone else which is all it really takes. Unless she's 100% attracted to you, she is just guarding her status I think.
Thank you too bro. Yeah im thinking she didnt want her friend to see us. I mean i dont even know if she has a boyfriend, what if i deep dive her some more and find out that girl who she was waiting for is her girlfriend! hahaha


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Yeah, ask her if she is single preferably on high point in the middle of a conversation. Make sure you smile when you ask, also good eye contact that way she doesn't react negative.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers