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Breaking Social Circle


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
I understand the whole post on breaking social circle and not bowing down to social pressure, but what about when it comes to school and people all seem to want to get a convo in even when one is taking place? Is it okay to break social circle in places like high-school for example? I've noticed that I may be having a conversation with a person and a friend or colleague will randomly intervene leaving the other person hanging. I do have a position that is considered something of high status (Not that I let it get to my head I treat everyone as if they are on the same level as me the position is Vice prez) I was wondering is it acceptable to break social circle while holding a high status knowing many people would want to speak to you, or is it better to let the social pressure build on the person i'm conversating with to acknowledge the intruder and decide how they will deal with them? Any advice would be great thank you ~ Novacane.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
If you are talking to an attractive woman who you want to escalte with DO NOT BREAK CIRCLE!!! DO NOT!!! if you are there to make friends and do not want anything sexual then go ahead and break the circle. Its as simple as this :)

An example, your chattin up a cutie and a bro comes in and starts talking to you, continue your convo with the girl and give him a "1 minute finger" or if hes a good friend just completely ignore him and go about your business with her.

Cheers, The Tool


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Thanks Tool, so give the 1 minute finger when I want to advance with someone I am talking to and if it is just to make friends break it whenever? Does breaking the circle constantly show I don't manage my time? I started to wonder this after reading Chase's latest post "Being A Challenge to Women" (https://www.girlschase.com/content/being ... rning-them) any further insights would be helpful :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Breaking Circle makes you appear to be a person without focus and easily distracted.

The fact that you are high in status and people know this, (which is the reason why they want to talk to you) - gives you the reason to appear busy.

What I mean is this:
If you came up to me, knowing I'm an important person, and everyone else wants to speak to me, you know that you are expected to wait!
But you also know that once you get to talk to me, I will give you my full attention, which is exactly what you want!

Can you see the difference in power here?

People actually appreciate you more, and they appreciate your time if you don't break circle.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
I agree with light.

Does breaking the circle constantly show I don't manage my time?
it doesnt show that you dont manage time forsay it just makes you appear as light said
Breaking Circle makes you appear to be a person without focus and easily distracted.
. So I would say to only break social circle when your arround friends who can join into the discussion.

Thanks Tool, so give the 1 minute finger when I want to advance with someone I am talking to and if it is just to make friends break it whenever?
Yes the 1 minute finger is very powerful it shows you know they are there but that you are engaged in something important and that they should not be interuppting you. Makes you look extremely powerful and important.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Breaking circle is unacceptable in my opinion. It displays that you lack higher value and it shows your failure to maintain frame. I've had several friends try and intrude on me when I am talking to a girl but I just ignore them and the girl does the same because she is pulled into my frame. By breaking circle, you display that you are a needy, low-status male on a subconscious level. If someone yells your name, give them the "one moment" finger. This way, you automatically demonstrate higher value and the girl knows you mean business.