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Breaking the Date - GirlsChase Technique


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey there fox,

I generally agree here with Chase that "moderately available" is the best way to be, but the thing to understand here is that you should actually try to maintain your life in a way that ACTUALLY makes you moderately available.

What I mean by this is, I don't really use this technique of "cancelling" just to try to create investment. If things don't work out, you're just going to blame the technique and wished you had gone on the original date with her. Likewise, if the technique works this time, you're going to be scratching your head the next time you use it and the girl stops talking to you (which could happen because she found another guy of more interest during the downtime period or for other personal reasons).

The best way to become "moderately available" is to have an abundance of women you are talking to as well as a busy, self-indulged life style. That way, you are not cancelling on her because you read somewhere that it creates investment. Instead, you are cancelling on her because you are genuinely busy.

So to answer question (3), I would just go on dates when you are legitimately free that day and cancel on them if you are not. You'll find that when you start double-booking dates (or have hoards of women contacting you all the time) that you will naturally have to cancel because you just won't have the time.

For question (1), it's always best to give a reason, but be very vague. I usually send a girl a text template like the following: "Hey Taylor, I'm sorry but I have to cancel on getting together tonight. Something came up that I need to do. Let's try to reschedule for sometime next week?"

For question (2), the answer to your text will most likely be something short like, "Sure!" -- I usually don't respond to this... I wait a few days (or until I'm free), and then text her again asking her what her week looks like. And there is no need to bring up why you cancelled. If she brings it up, again, you can just be vague and say "work caught up with me."

This is how I usually go about it. Hope this helps!

- Franco

EDIT: This topic has been moved from the "General" board to the "Tactics & Techniques" board.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

In general, the girl is either interested in you or she isn't after your first encounter. Cancelling and re-scheduling usually won't have much of an effect on that (assuming you do it in a sincere way).

There MIGHT be a slight factor of "higher risk, higher reward" with breaking the date, but overall, it's just one of those things you can't put an evaluation on. This is why it is best to really make a good impression when you are in person with her and then minimize the amount of texting necessary to getting her out.

I wouldn't worry about it too much -- if you're busy, then go ahead and cancel on her and let her know you'd like to reschedule. I wouldn't put too much thought into this technique... it is by no means a deal-breaker in the overall scheme of the seduction.

- Franco