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LR  bright eyes


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 1, 2013
TL;DR: got oral on the first date, girl was very excited about me, managed to add her to the fold (she accepts an open relationship, knows I am seeing other women). Also, never count on second chances! I nearly missed her, and blew severl escalation windows. Now I am seeing three women simultaneously.

Also met this girl on campus, through class. Very classy-looking dame, I had the perfect opening to get her number the second-to-last class period, but I whiffed it. I thought "well, it's fine, she'll be here next week and I'll get it then." Well, half the class, including her, doesn't show up on the last day. I was pretty mopey, I'd been excited about her. She finally showed up, 1/2hr late, and I was all smiles! We did a small group activity, and I got paired up with her randomly, we had to take turns blindfolding the other, and leading each other around. We were both palpably nervous; it was a real-life version of a cheesy romantic movie scene! I impressed her by pretending to read some raised text with my fingers while blind, but I actually peeked. She was fake-angry with me when I admitted to cheating, lol! I took her in a dark room too, and I was soooo close to kissing her, but I thought I had better wait till after class. (I think I balled this up, shoulda just gone for it!)

Anyway, we swapped numbers after class, and aranged for a date for the following weekend. We met at a bar near my apartment, and I gave her a hug when we met. I built some kino as we chatted & drank. We were both really excited, and we had many things in common (so many that at one point, I playfully accused her of lying just to go along with me, and she of course pretended to be horrified that I'd suggest it!) She actually grabbed my hand and twined our fingers together, and kept stroking my arm. I'd never gotten this much reciprocation on a first date, and it actually made me a bit nervous, I thought we were setting too much of a relationshippy vibe by holding hands so long and so early. I bounced with her to another bar, also nearby my place. She was grabbing my shirt and pawing at my chest at this point, I really shoulda gone for a kiss and a pull at this point, but I was curious to see what would happen! We kept up a very intimate vibe, kino-wise, and there was one point where we locked eyes about 6 inches apart, and you could have cut the tension with a knife. I kept the conversation light, though, the whole time, but toward the end it got a bit serious. She looking into my eyes with this peircing, intense stare while I was rambling, and I just stopped, the words caught in my throat and I lost my train of thought. Nobody has EVER done that to me before. I told her she couldn't do that often, it's dangerous. She loved that.

Finally, we left the bar with no plans, and I just grab her and manhandle kiss. She loves it! Right as we come to my house, I said "hey, this is my place, you wanna see some pictures of my vacation?" Of course she did. Straight to my room, giving her a few minutes to check out my posessions, finding the pictures. Well, doesn't take long to start making out, and then I push her onto the bed & climb on top. Eventually I go for her belt, but she stops me. We keep making out and writhing, and I try putting her hand on my cock (outside my pants). She liked, and started rubbing it, and I was getting very stiff. She unbuckles my belt and reaches in for my cock, keeps rubbing. Finally, she tells me she wants to wait (but not too long! she promised) and then she asked shyly if she can take care of me another way, so I tell her "of course!" and I get head from her. We fooled around some more, but she still didn't let me get any further with her clothes. I invited her to spend the night, but she decided to cab it home.

Second date was essentially the same, although I got a little closer with her, and she blew me twice. I could sense that she was insecure about her body. It explained her conservative wardrobe (which I actually liked, btw). Finally, on the third date, I got her really wet while making out and rubbing her outside her clothes, and she was handling my tool, and then I went for her pants and she let me. She actually jammed me in without a condom, which took me by surprise, and I went with it (I was tested clean recently, just FYI). It was awesome. She vocalizes alot, saying my name over and over, which really got me going. We were looking into each other's eyes when we came simultaneously.

My other recent LR- occured between the 2nd and 3rd date here. After the 4th date, she (current girl) finally told me the reason for her insecurity (boobs not great, going to have surgery soon). I took the opportunity to say that I have been seeing other women (we had the conversation over text). I expected her to be upset, but she gamely accepted it, and we agreed to continue seeing each other. I should have told her sooner that I was seeing others, she said she wants me to use a condom with her from now on (and it's a good idea).

So, now I am seeing three women simultaneously! I was sexting with her and this girl this afternoon, setting up a date with each this weekend. Better go do some exercises so I have enough stamina for this weekend!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake