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Bringing the mood down


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 4, 2013
A couple of months ago, my ex and I split, I have since started listening to country music. Country music has a lot of common themes such as whiskey/booz, cheating, break ups, hooking up, and new loves. What you want to tap into is the optimism and new love, not the break ups and cheating.

If you are having a problem moving your conversations from friendly to intimate, this tool may help. I have spent some time thinking about over the past week and just tried out last night and it worked beautifully. A prerequisite would be that you need to have your `sexy` voice down and maybe do a small bit of research/listening to country music. My sexy voice is pretty well tuned. Anytime I see my ex and she tries a bro tone with me, I can just flip in on and she melts. So it was a good skill to pick up.

The scenario is that you have been talking one on one with this girl for a little while you want to transition from friendly conversation to something that will actually get you somewhere in life. You ask, "How do you feel about country music?" Weather they like it or not doesn't actually matter. Then you bring your tone down and tell them the story of a song. From what I have observed, all country music songs tell stories. Not really any abstract crap in the genre and no red hot chili peppers crap where they are just making noises.

The song I chose was Good Directions by Billy Currington. I chose it b/c it is short, simple, has some humor, and most importantly is an optimistic, new-love song. It took our conversation from talking about databases and programming languages(we are both engineers) to something a bit more intimate and she pretty much melted.

Here is how the conversation goes...

Me: How do you feel about country music?
Her: I don't like it at all, haha.

Me: You know, for the longest time, I thought it was all about people's dogs getting run over by old tractors, but I thought I would give a go a few weeks ago. Some of the songs are actually kinda fun and relate-able.
Her: Oh yeah?

Me: (bring tone down to something sexier) Yeah, so theres this one song where this guy is just out on some dusty highway selling some turnips out of the back of his truck. I don't think I actually even know what a turnip is..
Her: You know what? I don't think I do either. (weather they do or not, don't spend the rest of the night talking about turnips)

Me: Yeah some sort of root or something, anyway. Then this smoking hot girl from Hollywood drives up and says, (use a southern belle voice for this) "Excuse me sir, do you know where the"... (back to sexy voice) oh you know what, she's from Hollywood, she isn't going to have a southern bell voice, I'm always doing that. (then you both laugh together for a second).

Me: (back to sexy voice) Anyway, she wants directions to the interstate. This guy is right in the middle of eating a pork rind and he's thinking that she thinks he is a total redneck. But he says, "yeah just drive down that way and stop at that store on the left and ask Ms. Bell some of her sweet tea. Then a left takes you to the interstate and right brings you back to me." Then it turns out that Ms. Bell was actually his mother. She gave her some sweet tea and sent her right back to him.
Her: Aww. :)

Some things to consider...
- Make sure you give her some opportunities to get involved. Don't tell a really long winded story.
- Turn you sexy on and do some flirting. Smiling and eye contact should be happening.
- I have always gotten good reactions from using the southern belle voice for female parts of stories.
- One of the key aspects of this is that you have been trying something new, so the fact that you may not know squat about country music is no problem.
- You should probably listen to whatever song you use at least a couple times.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers