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Bryant's Newbie Assignment


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Hey Guy

I'm Bryant. I saw this newbie assignment and it felt similar to a varsity exercise (currently in varsity). I live in Cape Town, South Africa. One day a friend asked about dating experiences and then I realised I have very little compared everyone else. It's really depressing knowing everyone's got +10 years more experience than me but I didn't know what to do about it. So when I found this sight a few years back, Chase posted something like dating as a skill. My response was complete doubt. I started doing other things but when I got to varsity, that's when I decided to seriously start improving.

So here I am beginning the assignment. I hope to complete it before my midterm exams start but I will see how far I get. Would like to get responses to the daily activities for advice.
And thanks to everyone who made this site possible. I hope to learn much and finally improve this lacking area in my life.

Its actually morning now, so I decided to go out and complete day 1. Read and re-read all the articles for this part so I know which places to go to. I just hope I can visit of all of them today.

Will be back with the first report.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Okay Day 1

The observation part was cool and I learnt a lot about which venues are better in terms of traffic. Unfortunately I couldn't visit all the venues (only 3/4, campus would've been the perfect venue but due to student riots classes are suspended.So need to find one more.)
First venue I visited was a taxi rank ( a drop-off point for public transport plus there's a market so its really busy. Only women during the day though and not also the kind I am looking for. But I guess beginners can't be choosers). This place would be perfect for street approach style.
Second venue's a mall next to the rank. People usually come from the rank to the mall. Its got decent traffic but only during day.
Third venue is my favourite cause the gym is close by. Its also a mall but girls are much more attractive. This place has got decent traffic, mainly daytime but there's a cinema so it has got some at night. Need to check this out though cause I haven't been the cinema in ages. There are also bars nearby which are frequently mentioned on the site as good spots but I personally don't drink so nighttime game is not on my to-do list at the moment. I will check it out in the future for experience sake.

So those were the three venues. I will begin day 2 tomorrow cause I have a few things to do today.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Hey Guys
After reading a few other assignments I realised that I should put more detail into the journal to go over details and troubleshoot the lacking areas (in my case, everything).

Day 1
I decided to change my venues due to lack of attractive girls. My new venues are:
Grocery shop (Checkers): This place has a lot of older women (I’d say 30+) but I have spotted a few cute girls.
Mall Walking Area: This is like the jackpot of girls. I never knew there were so many. Sometimes it’s a problem when you see two or three girls and have to choose. I wonder if that’s also a skill.
Taxi Rank: The girls you find here use public transport. So whether I spot a cutie depends on the time. I find that the morning and noon peak hours are the best. During the day there are more varsity students but that varies a lot.
Mall Near Taxi Rank: High traffic during the day, any other time literally dead.

I have decided to investigate a few nightspots in case I get to busy, but for now I will focus on these venues.

Day 2 & 3
Took me some time to get a hold on the new posture but finally decided to test it out. Felt it would be quicker to kill this with the day’s 3 assignment.

I saw many guys with okay posture but they mess it up in the neck area (back straight but crooked neck), then realised I was doing the same. Chase’s tip about the chest hook really helps to solve this problem.
The guys with bad posture usually don’t any recognition from any strangers, only friends. I made a mental note to avoid this. Its weird seeing guys who seem more attractive than me with okay or worse posture get overlooked by girls. What I learnt was posture is a really important factor in getting noticed.
Honestly can’t remember seeing anyone with good posture. (My time to shine heh).

Eye Contact:
To get this down I held with about 15 people, not counting attractive girls.
It was not as difficult as I thought. Although I did break eye contact with some girls looking down, it’s easy to get down with more exposure. What I found was that people break quicker when you got good posture (had one girl look at me for a while then break, that was a bit weird).
Also something I did after a girl did it to me, hold eye contact while smile (slight grin like you know a secret). Girls usually smile (slightly) back and I think it would make opening easier.
An achievement would be that I broke more using the neutral way than looking down. Will continue working on this to get it completely down (the skill not break).
Didn’t see anyone break my eye contact dismissively. Would like to try this with some girls on off day.

I don’t know if I can post this here also but a cute girl at the till tease me about not being able to pay with a card on certain days. I was a bit surprised to hear this but I asked if she can make an exception with me (Just wanted to get the errand done). She just laughed and said she’s playing. I only realised afterward that she could’ve been flirting with me. If anyone has experience with this please give some insight because I got zero.

What I also found weird was that I got a lot of looks from older women while walking around (four smiled at me). I don’t know if I look old or what but it really creeped me out. Wish I could exchange them with younger girls. Anyone got this kind of unwanted attention? Please help, I think it’s my fashion game but got no idea.

Kind of excited for tomorrow’s assignment because I read many reports and guys say it’s tough. I totally agree and I haven’t even tried it yet but I’m determined to get through it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Day 4
Say Hi to 6 attractive females:
After a walking around for 3 hours and changing venues twice, I could only manage 1 proper greeting.

Girl 1: Walking in the opposite direction as me on the street, with no-one around. At about two steps away I looked her straight in the eyes and said an audible “Hi”. She responded back with a smile, only to ask me for five bucks (SA currency is Rand). I didn’t expect that and told her I didn’t have then turned around to walk on. I felt a bit excited after this; I mean it was my first “Hi”, even though two hours passed already. I thought by using this energy I could complete my goal. WRONG!!

What followed was complete stage fright. I could not manage a single greeting. Girls walked past me and I didn’t say a thing, which frustrated me further. As time progressed I started feeling depressed and kind of useless, I mean it’s just a simple word. Three hours in I decided to give up and hit the gym, only to find the place crawling with chicks. It was a surprise as the place is usually dead (I workout at noon). This, instead of making me happy, just made me feel worse. I was completely closed up at this point.

The outing was a big stuff up. I realised that it’s harder than it sounds and if you don’t start immediately you just lose confidence with every missed opportunity. I was too focused on giving a strong manly greeting but that resulted in building up this enormous amount of pressure inside which leads to nothing.

Today’s assignment really opened my eyes and exposed my fear of rejection. Learning seduction is difficult. My problem was that I really did not want to be ignored by any girl, I’m sure nobody wants that. That however is bound to happen because I’m not at the level where I can instantly get a girls attention. So going forward I need to handle the constant Approach Anxiety and straight up rejection. Tomorrow I’m going to try again and this time my focus will be on saying Hi, regardless of whether the girl acknowledges me or not. I think after doing this I will get used to greeting, and either being ignored or not.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Day 4 - Redo
At the moment I’m feeling ecstatic because I actually completed the tasks for the day. Part of the my great feeling comes from the fact that majority of the newbie assignments either stop at Day 4 or start to die down (I know, I’m a terrible person). I just hope those dudes carried on with their assignments but stopped posting, because after today I really want to learn how to pick up chicks and I think that many guys will too. Enough about me, here are the observations of the “Hi” and low points.

After I arrived at the first venue I entered the mall and walked towards the grocery store. I thought starting here would be easier. Unfortunately the place lacked females (probably the time). So I carried on walking towards the exit.

Girl 1: After I arrived at the first venue I entered the mall and walked towards the grocery store. I thought starting here would be easier. Unfortunately the place lacked females (probably the time). So I carried on walking towards the exit. Just before I left the place I spotted a girl looking at me. Since I had her attention it felt easier to say “Hi”, which I did. Her response was a smile and head nod (she had earphones on).

After this I entered a store and had a conversation with a saleswoman but left shortly after. I felt good, only 15 minutes in and I got a greeting done. I left the mall and walked on the street towards the area to get a taxi (the mall was rather quiet). What followed was a big stuff up. Two girls, one after the other, past me while smiling at me. Yeah they were not my quality but I felt like an idiot for not even greeting them. I boarded the taxi on route to my favourite venue and kept my fingers crossed. Realised that I could’ve made small talk with the lady next to me (taxis here are minibuses in which many people ride together and get off along the route).

When I arrived at the venue I walked past 4 girls and a hot looking older woman without saying anything. The previous feelings had completely died and it felt like I was starting from scratch. After 5 minutes of walking and not greeting I spotted a short cute girl walking with no one around.

Girl 2: I changed my direction and headed towards her, still keeping her on my side and not making eye contact. Two steps away I looked in her direction and said “Hi”. It was like she was waiting for me to say it. She smiled and greeted back. I carried on walking while fist pumping the air (inside my head obviously).

I then decided to leave the mall and walked another venue (shopping centre with big grocery store). En route some guy tried to sell me taser. WTF? I entered the centre and after turning the corner towards the grocery store’s entrance I was greeted by a girl trying to promote something.

Interrupter girl: “Wow. Mr man (said with a smile).” “How are you doing?” I responded with “I’m good and yourself.” She just said cool and that was apparently the end of the conversation. She didn’t talk about her pamphlet or whatever it was. I made a surprised, confused look then just walked on. I wanted to know if this was her way of getting my attention. Was this a potential interaction that could’ve been progressed? I don’t really know how I could’ve continued the interaction.

I just walked on and entered the grocery store. The place had two really cute girls who were shopping together, but I really don’t know how to open pairs. I definitely would like to learn this. Other than that the place was dead so I left and with only two greetings was about to give up and head home. I realised that didn’t really have anything to lose at this point, besides time, so I decided to continue on the street. As I exited the centre towards the street, I had my third greeting.

Girl 3: I walked towards the street and spotted a hired gun in uniform. She was attractive and not currently at work so I think she does count. I didn’t make eye contact until two steps away and then turned to say hi. She was tall and that nearly threw me off but she smiled when I looked at her, which set me at ease. So I greeted and she responded. Again the triumphant feeling.

I then wandered the street and found girls 4 and 5.

Girl 4: I entered a medium sized clothing store on the street hoping for attractive. Sadly not but two entered as I was leaving. I said hi to my first pair but got no response which was bad.

Girl 5: After roaming the streets and entering a few shops and missing opportunities I went back to my favourite mall and as I entered the toilet a girl was leaving. I greeted her and she responded in the most neutral voice I’ve ever heard. I realised that my voice was actually neutral which explained her voice tone. That was an interesting lesson. Some girls mirror your actions.

Girl 6: After missing more opportunities I saw a girl waiting in line at a store. I entered the store and stood behind her. I said hi followed the dumbest question ever: “Are you waiting in line?” She said no she’s actually just waiting for someone. I said okay. She then left the store. I also left then went home.

Those were my 6 greetings.

What I learnt:
The only way to beat approach anxiety is to approach.
It’s easier to hi if you’re going say something else after that.
I think this is because of my rejection fear but when the area is relatively empty approaching becomes much easier.
When girls are not looking at you it’s much harder to say hi.

Things to work on: Approach anxiety, voice tone and spotting girls (some attractive girls walked past without me noticing)

At the moment I’m still deciding whether I should take tomorrow off or not. Today was tough and I feel drained. Will see how I feel in the morning.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 8, 2016
Hex Bryant,

keep doing what you are doing, i can tell within 1 year of completely doing this ...you'r gonna be a change man. You'll become a seducer, you'll get Laid man.

Looks like you'r getting attention from girls, so far so good. You said older women are giving you more looks.....like how old? 50s, 60s, 70s or something. Try to talk to them, these older ladies are gonna be the best teacher you'll ever have man. They'll be easy on you, they don't play games anyway.

You seem intelligent by the way. So you'll be great.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Day off – Approach 1 girl and get three rejections

Although I didn’t get rejected three times, I did approach three girls to give some compliments. All these I did on the street in the city centre. It’s not part of my 4 venues but I felt like a change of scenery. The city streets are better than any of my venues in terms of traffic and quality of girls. Travelling takes a while, by taxi however I will come more often in the future. Here are the approaches.

Girl 1: I spotted her because she was wearing a bright green dress which hugged her body. Very sexy. She was walking in the same direction I was but on the other side of the street and ahead of me by about 30 meters. My mistake was making eye contact with her at the beginning. While checking her out she caught my eye. She stopped walking shortly after to sit on the poles that block cars. I carried on walking then crossed the street (I know it was totally obvious but what could I do). When I reached her, I walked past by one step then opened.
Me: Hi
Her: Hi
Me: I saw you sitting here and decided to tell you that you look really stylish in that dress.
Her: (laughs a bit) Thanks
Me: So how’s your day going?
Her: It’s okay
Me: Cool, anyway I gotta go but enjoy the rest of your day.
I carried on walking before turning in the nearest corner.

Girl 2: She was at a corner store, so I stood to get airtime (need this to call if you don’t have a cell phone contract). I spoke to storekeeper and while waiting I opened.
Me: Hi
Her: (looking at her phone, then turned to face me) Hi
Me: I really like your hairstyle, it really stands out.
Her: Thanks (with a smile)
At this point the store gave the airtime (he was smiling at me almost as if he knew I didn’t really care about it). It was really windy today so the slip nearly blew away but she ran after and got it. I thanked her then she walked away.

Girl 3: Different venue but still the street. She was walking towards me while ignoring a bunch of guy’s calling her. About two steps away I opened.
Me: Hi
Her: (broke into a smile, which threw me off, but didn’t stop walking. I think she intimidated by the dudes)
Me: I really like your scarf
Her: (still smiles) Thanks.
She continued walking away.

Those were my three approaches. I also spoke to some hired guns but I just teased them.

What I learnt:
Complimenting girls, as scary as it sounds, is really fun. Their reactions (the smiles) make it worthwhile. It’s definitely something I will be working on regularly.
I’m still shit scared of approaching in areas with many people (all the above happened with little people around). I realised my brain works this way: see attractive to compliment – check area around her for lots of people – either approach or don’t depending on the amount of people. Again this comes to fear of rejection.
Nobody else does street approaches even when beauties are right in front of them (I’m one of them). I thought being in the city I will see one guy approach but nothing. I would like improve in this area because it’s actually simple to approach on the street, if you plan what you’re going to say.

What I need to work on:
Sticking to what I planned to say initially.
Approach before I have time to reason to kill the fear of rejection and approach anxiety.
This would be fundamentals, but the delivery of the compliment is also important. This however I can improve by repetition.

My next task will be to get rejected (by saying ridiculous things) five times to get used to the feeling. After that I will continue with day 5 & 7 together.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Kent said:
Hex Bryant,

keep doing what you are doing, i can tell within 1 year of completely doing this ...you'r gonna be a change man. You'll become a seducer, you'll get Laid man.

Looks like you'r getting attention from girls, so far so good. You said older women are giving you more looks.....like how old? 50s, 60s, 70s or something. Try to talk to them, these older ladies are gonna be the best teacher you'll ever have man. They'll be easy on you, they don't play games anyway.

You seem intelligent by the way. So you'll be great.


Hey Kent

Thanks for the encouragement. Within one year I really want to consistently get laid but that all starts by putting the rough work now.

About the older women, I'd say mostly 50's. It will be great to meet a smoking cougar but all the older are overweight and that's just not my cup of tea.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Today I went to a church service with friends and family

I failed to open a girl due because I discouraged myself (overthinking again). I had about 5 opportunities but I thought I shouldn't because well its a holy place right. Despite that there 3 times when girls were sort of wondering around us, for no reason. Thinking back those were definite approach signals. I could've easily opened but I was just out of it.

I've decided to change my current goals. For now I will focus on approaching girls. Its going to be useless to improve other aspects of my game if I don't get comfortable approaching. I don't know how many girls it's going to take but I want the approaches to look and feel effortless. To start I will approach 3 girls whenever I go out. Depending on the venue I will either use the direct or indirect-direct opener that Chase recommends. If after 2 weeks I still feel no change in my comfort level I will increase the amount of girls per outing.

The main goal of this is to eliminate the hesitation and regret that I feel. This exercise I will do with the newbie assignment.

So tomorrow I will complete the rejection and approach exercise.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Its been 2 days and nothing worth reporting. Every outing feels a step backwards. Approach Anxiety is like a terrifying monster, one day its on a leash and the next it controls you.

Today's outing was a total bust. After missing simple approach opportunities I felt totally out of it. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I couldn't even make simple conversations with people like I usually do. Before I left the venue a girl even approached me but I couldn't even recognize it. A simple response would've sufficed. I was aloof and ignored her ( I should know better).

At the moment I don't know what to do about this. All I can think of is just going out and trying again but I really want to throw in the towel.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 10, 2016
Every outing feels a step backwards.

Today's outing was a total bust. After missing simple approach opportunities I felt totally out of it. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I couldn't even make simple conversations with people like I usually do.

All I can think of is just going out and trying again but I really want to throw in the towel.

Every day you go out to meet women is a victory at this point, regardless of how those outings go. It's hard to get out of your head and I wish I had some helpful advice for you - all the advice I've gotten from other people hasn't really helped me personally. One thing I can tell you, though, is the moment you decide it's a waste of time and stop going out is the moment you really start backstepping. All the tiny little progresses and reference points you learn vanish in the span of days to weeks from lack of enforcement. As hard and scary as it is, it's much better to keep going out and trying.

Think about it like this: you were approached by a girl (dunno how attractive she was but doesn't matter), and you recognized those signs. How likely was that to happen before you started approaching? That's progress. You're doing well, it's just hard to see because you've got such astronomical goals.

So maybe try scaling those goals down a bit. If approaching anyone or making conversation is hard for you right now, start it off by a tiny goal. Just approach one girl, or have a conversation with a stranger. When that happens, fackin' reward yourself for being a bad-ass. It's super important to reinforce your successes or else you'll only obsess about the progress you're not making. Be patient; this stuff takes time, and if you burn out it will take longer.

Hope I'm not stepping out of line on your journal here, it just seemed like you needed some encouragement. Hope this helps.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Inbocca said:
Every outing feels a step backwards.

Today's outing was a total bust. After missing simple approach opportunities I felt totally out of it. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I couldn't even make simple conversations with people like I usually do.

All I can think of is just going out and trying again but I really want to throw in the towel.

Every day you go out to meet women is a victory at this point, regardless of how those outings go. It's hard to get out of your head and I wish I had some helpful advice for you - all the advice I've gotten from other people hasn't really helped me personally. One thing I can tell you, though, is the moment you decide it's a waste of time and stop going out is the moment you really start backstepping. All the tiny little progresses and reference points you learn vanish in the span of days to weeks from lack of enforcement. As hard and scary as it is, it's much better to keep going out and trying.

Think about it like this: you were approached by a girl (dunno how attractive she was but doesn't matter), and you recognized those signs. How likely was that to happen before you started approaching? That's progress. You're doing well, it's just hard to see because you've got such astronomical goals.

So maybe try scaling those goals down a bit. If approaching anyone or making conversation is hard for you right now, start it off by a tiny goal. Just approach one girl, or have a conversation with a stranger. When that happens, fackin' reward yourself for being a bad-ass. It's super important to reinforce your successes or else you'll only obsess about the progress you're not making. Be patient; this stuff takes time, and if you burn out it will take longer.

Hope I'm not stepping out of line on your journal here, it just seemed like you needed some encouragement. Hope this helps.

Hey Inbocca

You're right about the goal setting . I'm trying to skip large steps to make up for lost time but it doesn't help the learning process. I will definitely scale my goals down a bit and get used to being in new social situations before attempting anything above my level.

I should just take it slow and enjoy the progress because everything adds up eventually.
Thanks bro.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Been quite a long time since I posted an entry. For the past few days I have been for exams and working on my fundamentals.

I realise now why they are so important. Strong fundamentals really gets attention, regardless of your social skills.

Fashion: I bought a few smaller sized jeans and t-shirts. By focusing on outfits instead of clothes (Thanks Darius!), shopping becomes much easier. Anyway I'm still experimenting with this but the spike in attention is quite noticeable. From something as simple as clothes. In a way its kind of unfair that people base their judgement on such things. Its just clothes! But if that's the way it works I should make do.

Walk and Movement: This is actually to do. Just walk slower in fact do everything slower, almost like a slow-mo movie scene. The result is you feel really powerful and if you focus, you make less mistakes with simple things. But this is easier said than done. It takes conscious effort to pull off and may times I forget to move slower. Will be working on this for a while till it feels natural.

Speech: For my voice I'm just trying to speak slower for now and actually think before saying sh*t. I speak really fast, especially when I'm nervous (lessons from a few conversations) and it feels easier to slow down my speech when I'm also trying to slow down my movements. That said I would like to start working on voice tone as soon as I got this down. When listening to friends and strangers speak you realise that some have okay and others annoying voices (like something is messing with your ears). But if you vary your voice tone regularly (whether you sound cool or like the joker) it becomes really easier to listen (even if you taking crap). Compared to myself I almost never vary my tone and it sound boring, almost robotic. So this is something I would like to learn too.

Social: This is my biggest problem. I downloaded the demo of Chase's e-book (it explains fundamentals). My social fundamentals are bad, no I mean crap, or whatever word means the lowest of low.
For now though I will just take it one step at a time and focus on the 'leaning in' bit. "When someone is hard to hear, social noobs lean in to get what they saying." I'm just making an effort to not do this and instead make a confused face or point to my ears.
Also I learnt the power of warming up social muscles. THIS IS INCREDIBLE! Like all you do is have a few conversations with strangers before an outing (I started making this part of the outing) and the approaches become much easier. Walking up a stairs is much easier than rock climbing. It feels like this. They don't even have to be long conversations, what I find is that bantering with strangers helps also. Of course not too much.

So for this week I will continue the newbie assignment while improving the fundamentals.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Day 5 & 7
Thought it would be easier doing both at once (direct opener and hows your day). I felt the sting of rejection. It was bad. The whole outing was a bust because I walked around with those words in my head. Here's the interaction.

Spot her walking from behind so I thought it would be easier since we heading in same direction. I reached her then tapped her arm when I was at her side . She looked at me then I opened.
Me: I saw you walking and just wanted to say you look nice (yes I know its lame)
Girl 1: What
Me (had to increase volume): I said I saw you walking and wanted to say you look really stylish (what follows was huge mistake) today...(I thought by saying stylish she would appreciate it more, since she never heard me the first time).
I then heard the harshest words in my whole life.
Girl 1: Uhh.. Do I know you? (with a confused look)
The way she said it was bad. (that cracking noise you heard was my ego shattering)
Me: No
Girl 1: Oh cause you said TODAY(will never ever use this word in an opener again)
Me: (was totally stumped at this point) I didn't mean it like that. I just meant in general. (when I get nervous I talk sh*t)
Girl 1: Uhh okay?
I couldn't wait to eject.
Me: Anyway I gotta go
Girl 1: Yeah
Then she decided cross the road with me, like WTF let me recover already. I just turned around, when I walked towards the corner a bunch of dudes were laughing like crazy at me.

Never approached again and failed to complete Day 7. Everytime I tried to, I heard those words in my head. After walking around I just left. I really didn't expect to get rejected, like its just a compliment. I think I wrote that learning seduction is hard cause of AA but today I encountered another enemy. REJECTION. I know I'm probably just ranting but its my first time. How will I handle it in the future, I don't know. For now I feel like running away in the opposite direction.

Things I learnt:
Rejection hurts more than the regret of AA
Building social momentum helps to get started

Things to do:
Speak Louder and Slower (is really a big problem for me)
Get used to rejection because along with AA, we going to spend a great amount of time together
Set time limits for outings

Almost forgot to add this but before my downfall, while I was walking around and missing great opportunities, I spotted this older looking woman (should've complimented her). She was dressed really well with a short haircut but much taller than me (I'm 162cm or 5"3). That was kind of intimidating, I cant deal with tall chicks.
When I saw her she was looking at me. But the way she was looking at me I cant really describe. She had this super sexy eye contact with a even sexier smile. Like the very definition of sexy, it was something I had never seen before. After holding eye contact for about 3 secs, I broke looking to side cause it was too intense for me (thanks to the assignment I usually never break eye contact). Then what happened after was even more surprising (for me).
When I escaped her eyes and gathered my thoughts, I discovered that I had a boner. Like in broad daylight. WTF!!! This was an out this world event, felt like the return of puberty. Had a few moments of trying to adjust my pants and trying to figure out how it happened.
That look is definitely something I want to learn. Like imagine looking at a girl and turning her on. That's probably what the masters can do. Its obviously above me at this point in the game but just felt like writing it so I don't forget the experience.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 9, 2016
Man, bad luck there. Sounds painful, though you of the future might find this funny at some point too.

Truth is that's really as bad as a rejection gets. My very first direct approach was almost as awkward as yours and the girl turned me down. A guy nearby also saw the whole thing and gave me the weird looks.

At the end I felt embarrassed, but I also felt like a had huge balls.

Eventually the victories get bigger than anything; hot girls trying to grind with you, impressing people without trying to, girls touching you all the time, etc., etc.

Keep it up!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 22, 2016
Ergon said:
Man, bad luck there. Sounds painful, though you of the future might find this funny at some point too.

Truth is that's really as bad as a rejection gets. My very first direct approach was almost as awkward as yours and the girl turned me down. A guy nearby also saw the whole thing and gave me the weird looks.

At the end I felt embarrassed, but I also felt like a had huge balls.

Eventually the victories get bigger than anything; hot girls trying to grind with you, impressing people without trying to, girls touching you all the time, etc., etc.

Keep it up!

Hey Ergon

Thanks for the advice man. I think I'm taking the whole results thing to seriously, which has me feeling negative whenever I want to approach. I don't approach as a result because I kind of push girls above my level. Its been affecting me for a few weeks now and I need to get over it by getting used to rejection and handling it.